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三年级下册英语试题-期末模拟测试卷(有答案) 沪教牛津版

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学校:___________姓名:___________班级:___________ 注意事项:

1.答题前填写好自己的学校. 姓名. 班级等信息 2.请将答案正确填写在答题卡上 Part 1 Listening (听力部分) 60% 一.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。10%

( ) 1. A. black B. bike C. ice cream ( ) 2. A. tiger B. kite C. water ( ) 3. A. paint B. cake C. sheep ( ) 4. A. body B. photo C. house ( ) 5. A. afraid B. make C. bad 听录音,勾出正确的图片。8%

三. 听录音,连线。8%

四. 听录音,选出你所听到的句子。10%

( ) 1. A. I can hear a car.B. Let’s mix write and red. C. It’s sweet.

( ) 2. A. I like monkeys. B. I like toy bear. C. We have some water.

( ) 3. A. I like sleeping B. Let’s cut the cake. C. Don’t open the gate.

( ) 4. A. I have a big head. B. My legs are long. C. I love you, Mum!

( ) 5. A. This is my house. B. My house is strong. C. What about you?

五. 听录音,用1-6给下列图片排顺序。12%

六. 听问句,选出正确的答句。8%

( ) 1. A. It’s green and blue. B. It’s sweet. C. I can hear a ship.

( ) 2. A. I like elephants. B. It’s sweet. C. They’re strong.

( ) 3. A. Yes, I do. B. Yes, I am. C. No, it isn’t.

( ) 4. A. I have some biscuits. B. I like balls. C. They’re cool. 七. 听录音,填空。4%

1. We have some and noodles for breakfast. 2. Hi, I’m Alice. I like reading. I like too. 3. Happy birthday, Kitty. Here’s a for you. 4. Hello, I’m John. I have a big head and a big . Part 2 Writing (书写阅读部分) 40%

一. 读一读单词,注意划线部分的发音,把它们写在相应的横线上。


[b] [d] [h] [v] [z] [r] 二.看图读一读,填空。6%

five red hand zebra big read hen book very bed run zoo

--- What can you hear? --- I can hear a .

--- What do you like? --- I like . They’re super. --- What do you have? --- I have some and . Look! These are my and . They are strong. 三.读一读,选出正确的答案。10%

( ) 1. Who’s afraid the big bad wolf? A. of B. for C. at

( ) 2. Here some flowers you, Mum. A. is; for B. are; for C. is; of

( ) 3. I have two long and I have two big . A. leg; foot B. arm; hands C. legs; feet ( ) 4. --- Don’t stones. --- I’m sorry.

A. throws B. throw C. litter

( ) 5. --- Happy birthday, Alice! Here’s a card for you. ---

A. Thank you. B. I’m sorry. C. Don’t worry. 四.看图读一读,补全对话。8% A. Here are some noodles for you, Amy. B. Here’s a cake for you, Amy. C. How old are you, Amy? D. Let’s sing “Happy birthday” together. Peter: Happy birthday, Amy! (1) Amy: Thank you. It’s a nice cake. I like it. Peter: (2) Amy: I am eight. Peter: (3)

(Peter and Amy sing the song.)

Peter: Make a wish, blow the candles and cut the cake, Amy. Amy: OK. Let’s cut the cake together. Peter: (4)

Amy: Thank you, Peter. I like noodles. 五.读一读,判断句子正“√”误“×”。10%

Hello, I’m John. I’m eight. I’m short. I have a big head

三年级下册英语试题-期末模拟测试卷(有答案) 沪教牛津版


