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Eighth grade English summer vacation life guidance answers (Shandong
教师:风老师 风顺第二中学
原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 八年级英语暑假生活指导答案(山东版)
教材说明:本资料适用于初中八年级英语科目 ,主要用途为培养学生的学习兴趣,提高逻辑思维、形象思维、口语交际及表达能力,进而促进全面发展和提高。内容已根据教材主题进行配套式编写,可直接修改调整或者打印成为纸质版本进行教学使用。 暑假已经过去一半了,下面是整理的关于八年级英语暑假生活指导答案(山东),欢迎借鉴!
第①课:暑假计划。(根据实际情况回答即可。) 第②课:生活英语
A.生活常用标志:停车场Parking lot。麦当劳Madonalds。小心碰头Watch your head。油漆未干Wet paite。
B.广告语:雪碧Obey you thirst。百事可乐Ask for more。飘柔洗发水Start ahead。耐克运动鞋Just do it。示例:雀巢咖啡The taste is great。
D.公共英语标志:Careful slip、Don't hand off the flowers and trees、Visitors please tegister、Don't keep off thearass、Please shout the door after you、No littering。示例:①No smoking禁止吸烟②Safe exit安全出口③Quiet please禁止
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design 喧哗。
E.壮丽山河:1、泰山,青天河,伊犁河谷(答案不唯一)2、Mount Tianzi表达方式:描写。3、I want to go to Tibet,I hope that feel purn,beautiful,holy in there.
F.美丽家乡:My hometown although in the countryside, but that didn't the noise and the fast pace of life. Said the Spring Festival, we will think of adopting, previously, we in the garden of a pond, have a rockery, false the mountains have a clump of grass, we have the Spring Festival when often false the mountains to throw cannon, sometimes we will make practical joke, put the peng bacillus subtilis, light, the light of fire unto the midst of heaven, others will think and caught on fire!
We have to climb the mountain, sometimes may also went around to the other mountain, we look for half a day to find the way home, in the way we pick some green peas, the blue green peas in your mouth bite and a share of refreshing aroma flow into core, let a person remember off the beans out and the skin on her mouth blow can light! 第③课:探究乐园
A.英语谚语:不入虎穴,焉得虎子。事难两全。1.if 条件状语 主将从现,主过从过。2.If you give him an inch he'll take a mile.If a man goes to bed and to rise early,he'll be
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design healthy,wealthy and wise.If you help yourselves,god'll help you.If a man who doesn't act,heaven'll never help him.If there're no pains,there'll be no gains.3.示例:If tou love me,you should love me dog.爱屋及乌。
1、时间 until while。2、地点 他们是好人。走到哪儿都受到热烈的欢迎。 你应该把书放回原处。 You should put the key where nobody can found it.3、because 4、so that in order that 5、so…that so so so so such so such so so。6、句型转换:It's rain they're still working in the field. He's very old he still works very hard。请根据文章提供语境用恰当的引导词填空:because when As such so that so when。
B.动词:took ran to have made are crying was hanged 1、 用take短语完成下列短文:took down took alone;take photos;took train; took on;took over control。
take2、示例:be make from;make(to)do sth.;look after;look out for;come from;come;on。3、示例:run:He runs(跑)fast.He runs(管理)a factory.
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原创教学设计 Excellent Teaching Design doing作宾语的:enjoy;finish;practise;keep。Doing和to do皆的:like;love;start;continue;hate;begin;forget;remember;try;stop;go on.等
示例:forget;remember;try;stop;go on.
C.用英语影视剧练习口语:a.1、What’s up?What’s the matter?And you?Don’t be silly!2、I’m with you.Why don’t we give this a try?3、You’d better do…或I think that+从句以及You should do…和How/What about?b.1、no matter what life thows on my life.示例:No matter who you’re,you must obey the rules.No matter he works,he finds it difficult to make ends meet.示例:有。No matter what happends,don’t look back. ―《拇指姑娘》。2、 that you won’t give up.that ①He told me (that )he would go to college the next year. ②I don’t know if there will be a bus any more.③Nobody knew whether he could pass the exam.④Do you know who has won Battlefield3 game?⑤The book will show you what the best CEO should know. ⑥He didn’t tell me when we should meet again. ⑦Could you please tell me how you use the new computer? ⑧None of us knows where these new parts can be bought⑨Do you know which film they are talking about? ⑩I ask him why his hot dogs are so popular .宾语从句使用规则:从句用陈述语序、时态只根据从句语境变化、引导词搭配要合理。
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