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三年级上册Unit 1单元测试卷

Class______ Name_________ Mark________


一 听音,在正确的图下的字母上打对号。(15 分) 1

A B 2

A B 3

A B 4

A B 5

A B 二 听录音,判断对错。(15 分) 1 2 3 4 5

三 听录音,给下列五幅图标序号,用数字表示。(15 分) 四 听音,画画。(15 分)

1 2 3 4 5 五 听音,连线。(15 分)

Sarah Mike Zoom Wu Yifan John

六 听音,给下面一段话标出正确的顺序,用字母A-E表示。(15 分)


七 请将正确的图与英文单词连线。(5 分)

crayon pen pencil ruler eraser 八 请把正确的图与英文句子连线。(5 分)


Hello, my name is Book. Hello, I am Eraser. Show me your pen. Show me your ruler.

三年级上册Unit 1单元测试卷

第 1 页


一 听音,在正确的图下的字母上打对号。(15 分) 1. Hello, my name is Mike. 2. I have a schoolbag. 3. Show me your ruler. 4. Goodbye.

5 This is a pencil.

二 听录音,判断对错。(15 分) 1. Hi, I am Mr Black. 2. Show me a ruler. 3. Go to school.

4. Hello, my name is Amy. 5. Hi , I am Mike.

三 听录音,给下列五幅图标序号,用数字表示。(15 分) 1 Open your pencil-case. 2 Carry your schoolbag. 3 Close your book.

4 Show me your sharpener. 5 Show me your eraser.

四 听音,画画。(15 分) 1. Draw an eraser. 2. Draw a pen. 3. Draw a pencil. 4. Draw a crayon. 5. Draw a ruler 五 听音,连线。(15 分) 1 Sarah, show me your crayon. 2 Mike, show me your eraser. 3 Zoom, show me your pen.

4 Wu Yifan, show me your sharpener. 5 John, show me your book.

六 听音,给下面一段话标出正确的顺序,用字母A-E表示。(15 分) Zoom: Hello, I am Zoom. What’s your name? Zip: My name is Zip.

Zoom: Look! I have a pen. Zip: I have a book.

Zoom: Open your book, please. Let’s read it. Zip: OK.

三年级上册Unit 1单元测试卷答案

一 听音,在正确的图下的字母上打对号。(15 分)

第 2 页

1 B 2 A 3 B 4 B 5 A 二 听录音,判断对错。(15 分) 1. X 2. X 3. √ 4.X 5. X

三 听录音,给下列五幅图标序号,用数字表示。(15 分) 31524

四 听音,画画。(15 分)略 五 听音,连线。(15 分)

Sarah Mike Zoom Wu Yifan John

六 听音,给下面一段话标出正确的顺序,用字母A-E表示。(15 分) DACEB

七 请将正确的图与英文单词连线。(5 分) crayon pen pencil ruler eraser 八 请把正确的图与英文句子连线。(5 分)


Hello, my name is Book. Hello, I am Eraser. Show me your pen. Show me your ruler.


班级_______________ 姓名______________ 分数_____________


一. 听录音, 圈出所听到的图片的序号. (10分)

1. 2.

A B A B 3. 4.


二. 听录音, 判断图片的对错, 用“√”或“×”表示. (10分)

1. 2. 3. 4. 5.

三. 听录音, 填上所缺的单词或数字. (20分) 1. A: Look! I have a new __________. B: It’s very nice.

第 3 页

2. A: How many ___________ can you see? B: I can see _________.

3. A: What’s in your ___________? B: There are 4 ___________. 4. A: What color is your __________? B: It’s yellow.

5. A: What’s in your ____________?

B: ______ crayons, _______ erasers and _________ picture books. 四. 听录音, 选择最佳的答语. (10分)

( ) 1. A. It’s blue and white. B. The door is green.

C. It’s under the desk.

( ) 2. A. Thank you. B. Sure. Here you are. C. Great!

( ) 3. A. I can see 28 desks. B. I can see 5 pens. C. I have 30 chairs.

( ) 4. A. My pen is very long. B. My seat is near the door. C. My pen is on the chair.

( ) 5. A. My schoolbag is under the chair.

B. My schoolbag is blue.

C. Look! 1 English book and many notebooks. 五. 听录音, 用阿拉伯数字完成下面的表格. (10分)

第 4 页

book name Zhang Peng Sarah Chen Jie English Chinese math book book book note- book story- book picture- book 笔试部分

六. 根据图片, 填上所缺的字母. (10分)

1. __acket 2. __oke 3. __ouse 4. , __abbit 5. __eep 6. __ock 7. s__uirrel 8. __ice 9. __amp 10. __oodles

七. 将下列单词填入空格, 把对话补充完整. (10分)

Sarah: Mike, we have a new __________. have green eleven wall classroom

Mike: Really? Let’s go and _______ a look. big nice too near like Sarah: OK.

Mike: Wow! It’s so ______! Sarah: We have ______ lights.

Mike: Look! The ______ is white. The floor is _______. Sarah: Look at the picture.

Mike: It’s very _______. Where is my seat? Sarah: It’s ______ the door. Mike: I ______ our new classroom. Sarah: Me ______.

八. 选句补充对话,将正确的句子的编号填在横线上. (10分) A. How many picture books do you have?

第 5 页

PEP人教版小学三年级英语上册全套单元测试题-最新学习文档 - 图文


