【期刊名称】《中华小儿外科杂志》 【年(卷),期】1990(011)005
【摘要】In order to explore the etiology of congenital biliary dilatation,the effects of stricture of common bile duct and the free pancreatico-biliary communication were studied and imitative animal models were made.The experimental mongrel puppies were divided into 4 groups.In group 1,stricture of choledochal duct was made by ligation at its distal end on 5 puppies.In group 2,direct anastomosis was made between the dorsal pancreatic duct and the choledochal duct on 7 puppies.In group 3,ligation of the distal choledochal duct was performed to form a stricture on 3 puppies of group 2 one month after the initial dorsal pancreatico-choledocostomy.Five puppies in group 4 were selected as a control.Fifteen to ninety days later,the experimental puppies were killed and the activation of pancreatic enzymes in ile was studied.In all the puppies,a fusiform dilatation of the choledochal duct was found.The proteclytic enzyme and trypsin were proved to be active in group 2 and 3.In group 3,the bile duct became more dilated and showed more extensive destruction of the muccsa and elastic fibers under microscope than those in the other groups.The above results may prove that both the stricture and the pancreatic reflux,especially their
combination,can be the etiological factors of the dilatation of the choledochal duct.%选用20只体重2.5~6Kg幼犬,借助显微外科技术,设计并制作成功胆总管末端狭窄,胰胆管异常合流及两者合并存在的三组实验模型,并设立正常对照.对扩张胆管的形态、胆汁酶学及胆管和胰腺组织病理学进行观察.认为胰胆管异常合流及胆总管末端狭窄均可引起胆总管扩张,而两者综合因素的作用更为显著.
【总页数】4页(257-259,后插1) 【关键词】
【作者单位】上海医科大学儿科医院小儿外科;上海医科大学儿科医院小儿外科 【正文语种】中文 【中图分类】 【文献来源】
https://www.zhangqiaokeyan.com/academic-journal-cn_chinese-journal-pediatric-surgery_thesis/0201236157173.html 【相关文献】
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