(完整)典范英语Good English L10
(完整)典范英语Good English L10
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(完整)典范英语Good English L10
Lesson 10 Gran’s New Glasses
1. Listen to the story and then read it with lots of expression.
2. Tick the right box。 (选择
(1) What was Gran painting?
She was painting the √ window。
She was painting the wall.
(2) Where did Gran get the paint on?
She got the paint on
the floor.
She got the paint on the glass and the wall.
(3) Why did the pot slide off shelf?
Because Gran knocked over the pot。
Because the shelf was not level。
(4) Why did the pizza have no topping?
(完整)典范英语Good English L10
Because Gran put the pizza upside down.
Because Floppy had eaten it。
(5) Why did Gran make so many mistakes?
Because Gran couldn’t see well. Because Gran was careless.
(6) What did Gran need?
New glasses. Another Pizza.