Unit 7 It’s raining! Section B(2a-3c)
平邑赛博中学 刘海国 联系电话: 15864801912
知识 目标 1 学习并掌握一下单词或短语: visit, Canada, summer, sit, juice, soon, vacation, on (a) vacation, hard, Europe, mountain, country, shake, snowy, winter, Russion, snowman, rainy 2 掌握并运用下列重要句型: I’m having a great time visiting my aunt in Canada. She is working here and I’m going to summer school. I’m also visiting some of my old friends. I’m so happy to see them again. How’s your summer vacation going ? My family and I are on a vacation in the mountains. The weather here is cool and cloudy ,just right for walking . 通过听说读写训练,学会叙述在不同的天气背景下能做什么。 教 学 目 标 能力 目标 情感 目标 培养学生学会放松,享受生活,学会快乐,热爱大自然。 教学重点 教学难点 教学方法 知识目标中出现的单词,短语以及句子。 复述3a。 交际功能法,任务型教学法和合作学习。 二、【教学流程】
Ⅰ.复习 1.突出本课重点,检查生词预习 热身 1)正音:找个成绩好的同学朗读本课单词,教师视情况给以褒奖。若有错音,纠正并领读,易读错的,难读的放录音多次领读,领读完毕后再找几名学生朗读了解发音情况。 2)以游戏形式教师说汉语让学生抢答,说出英语,初步检查单词。 3)听写:让学生快速在练习本上听写,了解学生单词掌握情况,比一比,看谁记得好。 2. 复习热身,给出例句,让学生模仿。强调表达天气 的词汇。 T: Look at the sun, it’s sunny today! Ss: Look at the rain, it’s rainy/raining today! Ss: Look at the cloud, it’s cloudy today! Ss: Look at the snow , it’s snowy/snowing today! Ss: Look at the wind,it’s windy today! T: Is it hot today? Boys: Yes. It’s hot today. Girls: No. It isn’t hot today. T: Is it cold today? Boys: Yes. It’s cold today. Girls: No.It isn’t cold today. T: Is it humid today? Boys: Yes. It’s humid today. Girls: No. It isn’t humid today. 3. Ask students some questions: T: Hi , How’s the weather today ? S: It’s sunny . T: How’s it going? S: Great. T: What are you doing ? S1: I’m …… T: What is he /she doing? S2: He/She is …… 4. 2a Talk about the pictures below with a partner like this(a) : A: How is the weather ? B: It’s suuny . A: What is the girl doing? B: She is drinking juice. Keys: b--cloudy ,climbing the mountain ; c---windy ,doing homework Ⅱ.感知 在阅读中感受知识2b 体验 1. Read the two postcards quickly and match them with the correct pictures in 2a 2.Read the postcards ,underline the things that people are doing. Circle the words that describe the weather.Ask students to take turns reading aloud. 3 Play the tape and ask students to read after the tape. 4 Ask students to solve the difficulties in group, then help them to explain.The students take notes. (1) on vocation 在度假;在假期中 eg;We are in Beijing on vocation now. 我们现在在北京度假。 (2) have a good time = have a good time /have a great time /enjoy oneself/ have fun. 玩的高兴;过的愉快。 eg: He is having a good time in the zoo.他们在动物园里玩的高兴。 5. Fill in the chart in 2c with the information from the postcards in 2b. 6. 读后情景对话,让学生设想自己是Su Lin 或Dave ,正要打电话给国内自己的好友或亲戚,根据2b课文内容编一个对话。如: Su Lin : Hi, Mary ! This is Su Lin . Mary : Hi , Su Lin .Where are you ? Su Lin : I am in Canada. Mary : Canada? What are you doing there? Ⅲ.强化 巩固 1. Ask students to read the passage aloud and retell the passage according to the chart in 同步学习 2. 学生看着3b的图片,描述人们正在做什么。 (drinking in the restaurant, singing in the park, playing soccer and taking photos of Eiffel Tower)师生交际: T: It’s cold. It’s winter in France.. Is it cold in France? S: Yes, it is. T: How’s the weather? S: …… T: What’re they wearing? S: …… T: The people are having a good time. What’re they doing? S: …… Ask students to look at pictures of France , then fill in the blacks . Answers: windy, cold, coats, eating /drinking/meeting, park ,singing/playing the guitar, are playing soccer ,taking photo 3. Ask students to read the passage in 3b aloud . Ⅳ. 实1 Writing (3a) 践 让学生阅读3a语篇并完成填词练习。然后请一个学生应用 朗读语篇。全班核对答案。 Keys : snowing , windy, buying, playing, skating, taking 2.完成同步学习巩固本节知识点。 3.熟悉明信片内容,创设语境,让学生两人一组就3b的问题写出自己的答案并进行问答,请几组学生示范对话。 4.要求每个学生准备一张白纸,学生自制明信片,并根据3a和3b所提供的要点完成1c写作任务,最好请学生朗读典范,可在课后挑选优秀作品并张贴在班内宣传栏里。 Ⅴ.总结 1 词汇 齐读知识目标(1)。2 句子 齐读知识目标(2)。 反馈 3 让学生试说本节知识点。 Ⅵ.作业 1 单词写3遍并识记本课知识目标。2 背诵2b小组内布置 相互检查。 3 完成同步学习和配套学习Section B 部分。 三、【板书设计】
Unit 7 It’s raining! Section B(2a-3c) 四、【教后反思】