配对题属于较为特殊的选择类题型,这一种题型有三大题型特点: ① 题目本身包括题干及匹配选项的内容;
② 考生在听的过程中需要对题干、选项匹配内容和录音三组信息进行理解和对应,这也是这一种题型其难点所在; ③ 定位较容易
考试中,配对题有三种常见形式:① 选项多余空 ② 选项等于空 ③ 选项少于空。其中,② 选项等于空:即一对一匹配,除了选项利用率上与①不同之外,其余的出题特征和做题思路极为相近 我们先来看选项多于空的配对题:
What change has been made to each part of the theatre? Choose SIX answers from the box and write the correct letter, A-G, next to questions 11-16。 RIVENDEN CITY THEATRE A doubled in number B given separate entrance
C reduced in number D increased in size E replaced F strengthened G temporarily closed Part of the theatre
11 box office …………… 12 shop …………… 13 ordinary seats …………… 14 seats for wheelchair users …………… 15 lifts …………… 16 dressing rooms …………… (Cambridge 6 Test 1 Section 2)
范例分析: 选项多余空的配对题,题目是对于theatre的变化部分进行描述,然后将每一个部分的具体变化进行匹配
范例原文: Lynne: The first thing people will see when they go in is the foyer has been repainted in the original green and gold. Then the box office has been reoriented with its own access from the side of the building instead of through the foyer, which means it can be open longer hours, and has more space, too。
范例分析: foyer在题干中没有给出,属干扰;这里的then是非常好的递进关系承接词,提醒注意box office的出现。接下来,the box office has been reoriented with its own access from the side of the building中,reoriented, its own access和B选项given separate entrance相对应
{温馨提示}: foyer大厅 reoriented重新确定位置
with its own access有自己的入口
范例原文: The shop is the one part of the redevelopment which isn’t yet complete. We hope to reopen the shop in the next few months。
范例分析: 在定位词shop出现后,isn’t yet complete、 to reopen the shop in the next few months均能够帮助确定答案G选