摘 要
酒精浓度传感器 单片机 数模转换 硬件设计 数码管显示
This paper studies has been designed for public inspection and overrun alarm function with the alcohol concentration intelligent tester. Its design scheme based on 89C51, MQ3 alcohol concentration sensor. System will sensor output signal through the A/D circuit recuperation, data processing by MCU, finally by LCD display alcohol chroma value. So let the people know what oneself should drive in what circumstances can drive, this is a very practical in modern life.
After a great deal of verification, based on SCM alcohol concentration monitor detector than traditional mechanical detector or alcohol plans, monitoring high precision, sensitivity, good dependability, precise convenient extended simple, control powerful functions. Beyond the value of acousto-optic alarm, intuitive accurate. So based on SCM alcohol concentration monitor research has certain value.
Alcohol concentration sensor microcontroller digital-to-analog
Hardware design Digital pipe display
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