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第18次课 朗少巩固级 Unit 5-Unit 6 复习 教师:

四会词: Season:spring summer fall winter Weather:cloudy rainy snowy sunny windy cold cool hot warm Clothes: sandals gloves sneakers raincoat scarf boots umbrella sunglasses shorts T-shirt coat hat jeans Actions:sense see hear smell taste feel Body Parts:eyes ears nose tongue fingers 形容词:good /nice—bad happy—sad loud—low hard—soft sour sweet bitter hot salty delicious great Words 感官动词:look sound smell taste feel 时间类:today yesterday tomorrow 其他:sunshine sky gray 三会词: sun cloud wind snow rain snow flake raindrop stocking blouse slippers high heel storm thunder lightning only tropical bush think onion bunny candy cactus drum lemon popcorn clown lemonade vinegar sugar tea beer salt band voice noise carnival music fun ticket glad neighbor kiss princess magician wand sick something wrong even for Phrases from…to… from now on make a sound make (her) (laugh) start to do is—was are—were go—went see—saw Grammar laugh—laughed do—did touch—touched say—said can—could come—came look—looked have—had sing—sang make—made sound—sounded cry—cried 1.What’s the weather like today? It’s (sunny). 2.What was the weather like yesterday? It was (snowy). Sentences 3.What was the weather like on (Monday morning)? It was (windy). 4.What do you wear in (winter)? I wear (coat, scarf and gloves). 5.What is she wearing? She is wearing shorts and a T-shirt. 6.The weather today is (rainy). You need (an umbrella). 7.What do you usually do in the (spring)? I usually fly a kite in the spring. 8.I’m happy when…….(it is sunny and warm.)/(I’m eating pizza.) 9.We (see) with our (eyes). 10.It (feels) (hard). 11.They (look) (sad). 12.Yesterday we went to the (park). 13.The weather was (rainy). 14.We were (sad). Songs Chant Stories 1. 2.

第19次课Unit 9 TV and Movies (电视和电影)(1)

教师: 日期: 年 月 日

四会词: nature show 自然节目 cartoon 卡通片 comedy 喜剧 Words game show 娱乐节目 sports 运动,体育(节目) news 新闻 movie 电影 TV show 电视节目 type 类型 三会词: camera 摄影机 movie star 电影明星 movie ticket 电影票 TV guide 电视指南 video cassette 录像带 popcorn 爆米花 1.What type is the TV show? 这个电视节目是什么类型的? Sentences It’s a cartoon. 它是卡通片。 2.What kinds of TV shows do you like? 你喜欢哪种电视节目? I like (cartoons). 我喜欢卡通片。 1 Listen, read and say: (要求:每天15分钟) Homework Student Book: P83; 2 抄写四会词,每天两遍,不写汉语意思; 3 WB:P70-2 Teacher’s suggestion 亲爱的孩子们,今天我们学习了好多类型的电视节目和一些与电影电视相关的事物。你喜欢看那种电视节目呢?为什么喜欢呢?它们都在什么时间哪个频道上映呢?每个人要想好两个以上的电视节目哦,下次我们来讨论!



