龙源期刊网 http://www.qikan.com.cn
作者:黄华花 王明军 秦泽慧
[中图分类号] R642; ; ; ; ; [文献标识码] A; ; ; ; ; [文章编号] 1674-4721(2020)1(c)-0193-03
[Abstract] In response to the overall goal of education \work throughout the entire process of education and teaching, realizing the whole process of educating people and educating people in all directions\, which was proposed at the National College Ideological and Political Work Conference, taking the core course for traditional Chinese pharmacology specialty \(pharmaceutics of TCM) as an example, this study analyzes the necessity of integrating specialized courses combining ideological and political education into the teaching of pharmaceutics of TCM from specialty and course, and discusses several integration points. This attempt really makes the specialized courses become the base of students' ideological and political education. At the same time students receive traditional Chinese medicine culture education, moral education, professional quality education and innovation cooperation education while learning their specialized courses.
[Key words] Specialized courses combining ideological and political education; Traditional Chinese pharmacology specialty; Pharmaceutics of traditional Chinese medicine; Teaching 2016年,習近平总书记在全国高校思想政治工作会议上强调“要坚持把立德树人作为中心环节,把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程,实现全程育人、全方位育人,努力开创我国高等教育事业发展新局面”[1]。而目前很多高校的专业人才培养方案中思想政治理论课设置在第一、二学年,第三、四学年学生则主要进行专业课的学习[2-3],很明显,这种人培方案的思想政治教育太过集中,效果不能令人满足,也不能实现“把思想政治工作贯穿教育教学全过程,实现全程育人、全方位育人”的教育总体目标。因此需要以专业课程作为教育载体,充分挖掘专业课堂和专业知识中蕴含的思政元素,将思想政治教育、思想品德教育、专业思想教育等与专业课教学有机结合,使思想政治工作渗透、贯穿到整个教学过程,即“课程思政”[4]。