AV5.6 AM上描述
网秦手机杀毒已获得英国西海岸实验室(West Coast Labs)的 Checkmark 认证。
我们屡获殊荣的双引擎技术(云 +客户端)保护您的Android设备免受病毒,恶意软件和间谍软件侵害,同时帮您管理应用和监控上网流量,保持您的系统运行在最佳的速度。此软件还包括联系人备份和防盗,以帮助您找到您丢失或被盗的手机。
现在下载网秦安全可获得以下功能: 安全
?免费更新病毒库,全面保护您的手机不被侵扰 ?安全浏览:实时拦截恶意网址,安全上网
?安全消息:在点击URL之前消息中标识恶意网址 ?实时扫描下载的应用程序中 ?应用程序在安装后的安全排名 ?提供的恶意应用程序强制卸除 隐私
?监视和控制未经您许可会访问您私人数据的程序 ?匿名呼叫,通话时向对方隐藏您的手机号码 优化
?一键式系统优化,释放内存,加快手机运行速度 ?管理正在运行程序,一键关闭。 ?软件管理,管理手机安装的软件 上网
?统计最近30天流量使用状况和趋势 ?统计本月软件使用流量排行 ?监控软件每天流量使用详情
?通过关闭后台在您不知道情况下自己运行的程序来提高手机运行效率 联系 BACK - UP
?备份和恢复联系人在多个设备上运行多个操作系统,包括IOS,Android,黑莓和Symbian ?管理您的备份数据网上免费帐户 NQ空间(i.netqin.com) 防盗
?接收文本消息,当手机的SIM卡改变 ★★升级特色功能★★ 防盗失
?远程锁定装置 ?远程声音报警 ?远程删除私人数据
?通过在线账户 NQ空间
?病毒数据库自动更新 ?防盗 Pro功能 ?反窃听保护 ?金融安全保护 友情提示:
网秦安全或许会与以下软件不兼容:Norton, Lookout, AVG, ALYac, Dr.Web, Antivirus Free, Trend Micro, Mcafee, Kaspersky, F-secure, 360手机卫士,QQ手机管家。
关于网秦手机公司(NYSE:NQ): 成立于 2005年,网秦手机公司是一家全球领先的移动安全服务,提供成熟的移动安全解决方案,超过 85万用户在100多个国家和地区。网秦已获得多个行业奖项和荣誉,包括2011年世界经济论坛的技术先锋与被时代周刊命名的“十个将改变你生活的创业公司”之一 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.netqin.com
Protect your phone with NetQin Security & Antivirus
Mobile Security, Remove Malware, Spyware & Viruses and Stay Away from Phone Hacking. Download for FREE now!
As one of the best Android app, NetQin Mobile Security & Antivirus is running on Android phones with Android 2.0/2.1 (Eclair), Android 2.2 (Froyo), Android 2.3+ (Ginger Bread) and Android 3.0 (Honeycomb) ======================
Protect your android phone with West Coast Labs certified NetQin Mobile Security & Antivirus from viruses, malware, spyware, trojans and phone hacking. Download NetQin Mobile Security for FREE Antivirus, privacy protection, phone locator, data backup, safe browsing, traffic monitoring and many other security protections for your Samsung Galaxy, HTC Desire, HTC Evo, LG Optimus, Motorola Droid, Milestone, Huawei etc. FREE FEATURES
?Antivirus: blocks viruses, malware, spyware and trojans, and uninstalls malicious apps to protect you from phone hacking
?Safe browsing: protects you from phishing, fraud sites and malware while browsing the Internet
?Safe download: real–time scans apps during download
?FREE virus database update ensures you’re always protected from the latest threats ☆ NETWORK MANAGER☆
?Traffic monitoring: provides real-time updates on data usage to ensure you don’t go over your plan’s limits
?Traffic usage trends and statistics over the past 30 days ?Traffic consumption ranking of the applications
?Monitor the details of the traffic usage of your applications ☆ PRIVACY PROTECTION ☆
?Privacy protection: monitors apps that access your private data without your permission ☆ SYSTEM OPTIMIZATION ☆
?One-touch device optimization: ensures your Android phone running at top speed by closing apps that run in the background without your knowledge ☆ BACKUP & RESTORE ☆
?Backup & restore: allows you easily backup and retrieve contacts and messages on
mobile phones running on different operating systems, including iOS, Android, BlackBerry or Nokia phone and manages your backup data from web with a free account at NQ Space (i.netqin.com)
?Remotely locate your lost phone
Upgrade to NETQIN PRO MEMBERS for premium protections and privileges:
?Automatic virus database update
?Premium Anti-lost features allow you access your lost phone to lock, sound a loud alarm and wipe your personal data remotely on your lost phone
?Anti-eavesdropping protection: scan and alarm you if spyware is installed on your phone ?Safe online banking: protects mobile payment and transactions on your phone
For more news about free apps & mobile security updates, please visit NetQin's Blog,http://blog.netqin.com/en/
Follow NetQin on Twitter & Facebook to get instant updates on mobile security & productivity news.
Other apps from NetQin include: Android Booster, Call Blocker, Super Task Killer & Android Contact Delete.
This app may be incompatible with the following apps: Norton, Lookout, AVG, ALYac, Dr.Web, Antivirus Free, Trend Micro, Mcafee, Kaspersky, F-secure.
To search apps from NetQin, you may try with Key Words: Security, Mobile Security,
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