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B项\我希望如此\;C项\听起来不错\;D项\难怪\;A项\不,不见得,不是这样\;根据句子\think it's just right,actually\可知,说话者认为这个苹果饼甜度刚刚好,所以答语中表示不同意,因此A项符合语境,故选A.

4.(1.5分)(2014?山东)Susan made______ clear to me that she wished to make a new life for herself.( ) A.that B.this C.it


【分析】Susan向我表明她希望能过上新的生活. 【解答】答案C.


5.(1.5分)(2014?山东)They made up their mind that they______ a new house once Larry changed jobs.( )

A.bought B.would buy C.have bought D.had bought 【分析】他们决定只要Larry换了工作他们就买新房子. 【解答】答案B.


6.(1.5分)(2014?山东)There is a note pinned to the door______ when the shop will open again.( )

A.saying B.says C.said D.having said

【分析】门上钉着张纸条,写着这家商店什么时候再营业. 【解答】答案;A.

在这个句子中note和say是主动关系,所以要用saying.此处saying引导的句子做伴随状语.故答案选A.pinned to the door为过去分词短语作后置定语修饰 a

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7.(1.5分)(2014?山东)It is difficult for us to imagine_____ life was like for slaves in the ancient world.( ) A.where B.what



【分析】很难想象古代奴隶的生活是什么样子的. 【解答】答案B.

imagine后面接了一个宾语从句,从句中\介词like(像…)缺少宾语,再由语境可推断句意:很难想象古代奴隶的生活是什么样子的.结合what 在宾语从句中可以作主语,宾语,或者表语.翻译为\什么\或者\所…的\,故选B.

8.(1.5分)(2014?山东)﹣Is Anne coming tomorrow?

﹣_____.If she were to come,she would have called me.( ) A.Go ahead


C.That's right D.I don't think so 【分析】﹣Anne明天来吗?

﹣我想她不会来.如果她想来就会给我打电话了. 【解答】答案D.

A项\继续,可以\;B项\当然\;C项\好吧\;D项\我不这样认为\;由答语中的\,she would have called me.\可知,Anne没有给说话者打电话,是对过去情况的虚拟,由此可推知,说话者认为Anne明天不会来.故选D.

9.(1.5分)(2014?山东)It's standard practice for a company like this one______ a security officer.( ) A.employed C.to employ

B.being employed D.employs

【分析】对于这样的一家公司,雇佣保安(时),这是一种标准(考核)流程. 【解答】答案:C


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形容词/名词+for sb to do sth.故选C.

10.(1.5分)(2014?山东)A company ______profits from home markets are declining may seek opportunities abroad.( ) A.which

B.whose C.who D.why

【分析】在国内市场利润减少的公司可能会寻求国外发展的机会. 【解答】答案B.

这是一个定语从句,a company 是先行词,profit和 a company是所属关系(作profit的定语),所以要用关系代词whose.句意为:在国内市场利润减少的公司可能会寻求国外发展的机会.故答案选B.


11.(10分)(2014?山东)There was a pet store and the owner had a parrot.One day a (11) C walked in and the parrot said to the man,\,\?\,\(12) A is really ugly.\(13) D and went to the store owner and said,\(14) C my wife.It said she was ugly.\

The owner stormed over,(15) B the bird,took it into the\,\it a bit,(16) C out a few feathers,and said,\,ever say anything to (17) D my customers again.You got that!!!\

With that(18) A he took the bird and put it back into its cage.The old bird shook out its (19) B and relaxed in its cage.A couple of weeks (20) D and in walked this guy and his wife again.The parrot said,\,\?\,\.\

11.A.group 12.A.wife 13.A.curious

B.team B.sister B.nervous

C.couple C.mother C.guilty

D.crowd D.daughter D.angry

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14.A.greeted 15.A.hugged 16.A.sent 17.A.touch 18.A.warning 19.A.eyes 20.A.lasted

B.puzzled B.seized B.handed B.amuse B.comment B.feathers B.arrived

C.offended C.trained C.pulled C.cheat C.suggestion C.fur C.appeared

D.scared D.rescued D.dug D.embarrass D.request D.skin D.passed.

【分析】本文讲述的是发生在宠物店里的小幽默故事.当一对夫妻来到一家宠物店时,店里的一只鹦鹉冒犯了妻子,说她很难看.丈夫很生气,便告诉了店老板,老板惩罚并警告鹦鹉让它记住不能再说让顾客尴尬的话,并且反问它:\你懂的了哈?!\结果几周后,夫妻俩又来到店里,鹦鹉对丈夫说,\你懂的.\ 【解答】答案:

11 C 名词词义辨析 根据下文提到的\以及\可知,这里指的应是一对夫妻来到了这家宠物店;故选C

12 A 名词词义辨析 根据下文\ wife.It said she was ugly我的妻子,它说她很丑\可知,这里鹦鹉说的应是\你的妻子真地很丑\;故选A

13 D 形容词词义辨析 根据上文鹦鹉说了他的妻子真地很丑可以猜出,这个人应该很生气;故选D

14 C 动词词义辨析 结合上文可知,鹦鹉评论他的妻子很丑,这应是对他妻子的冒犯; C.offended 得罪,冒犯; D.scared 使害怕;故选C

15 B 动词词义辨析 根据上文店老板听到顾客告状,于是冲了过来以及下文took it into the\:把它关进\黑屋子\可知,此处应该是店老板抓住了鹦鹉;A.拥抱; B.抓住;C.训练;D.营救;故选B

16 C 动词词义辨析 根据上文店老板抓住鹦鹉并使劲晃它可知,此处应表示鹦鹉被拔掉几根羽毛;A.派送;B.分发;C.拔掉,抽出;D.挖出;故选C 17 D 动词词义辨析 根据上文那位顾客对店老板说的话\bird just (14)offended my wife.It said she was ugly.你的鸟刚刚冒犯了我的妻子,它说她真地很丑\可知,当时那两位顾客一定会很尴尬;故此处应是老板警告鹦鹉以后绝对不能再说使顾客尴尬的话了;故选D

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18 A 名词词义辨析 根据上文作老板对鹦鹉训斥话可知,此处应指老板一边警告着鹦鹉一边把它放回笼子里; A.警告;B.评价,评论;C.建议;D.要求; 选A

19 B 名词词义辨析 根据上文提到(\15)seized the bird…shook it a bit,(16)pulled out a few feathers\店老板抓住鸟…使劲晃它,拔掉了几根羽毛,可知这里指他把鸟放回笼子,鸟抖了抖羽毛;故选B

20 D 动词词义辨析 根据下文可知,此处应表示几个星期过去了,那对夫妻又来到了这家店里;故选D.

12.(30分)(2014?山东)Charlotte Whitehead was born in England in 1843,and moved to Montreal,Canada at the age five with her family.While (21) C her ill elder sister throughout the years,Charlotte discovered she had a(an)(22) B in medicine.At 18she married and (23) D a family.Several years later,Charlotte said she wanted to be a (24) A .Her husband supported her decision. (25) B ,Canadian medical schools did not(26) D women students at the time.Therefore,Charlotte went to the United States to study (27) C at the Women's Medical College in Philadelphia.It took her five years to (28) D her medical degree.Upon graduation,Charlotte (29) A to Montreal and set up a private (30) C .Three years later,she moved to Winnipeg,Manitoba,and there she was once again a (31) A doctor.Many of her patients were from the nearby timber and railway camps.Charlotte(32) B herself operating on damaged limbs and setting(33) C bones,in addition to delivering all the babies in the area.

But Charlotte had been practicing without a license.She had (34) D a doctor's license in both Montreal and Winnipeg,but was (35) B .The Manitoba College of Physicians and Surgeons,an all﹣male board,wanted her to (36) D her studies at a Canadian medical college!Charlotte refused to (37) A her patients to spend time studying what she already knew.So in 1887,she appeared to the Manitoba Legislature to(38) C a license to her but they,too,

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