8.2.1 Fixed Output Voltage Version
8.2 Typical Applications
+VIN Feedback
LM2576HV- Fixed Output 1 4 Output 2 5 L1 VOUT UNREGULATED VIN
+ 100 …F 100 μH DC INPUT
GND 3 + CIN ON/OFF COUT D1 1000 μF
MBR360 L O A D
CIN — 100-μF, 75-V, Aluminum Electrolytic COUT — 1000-μF, 25-V, Aluminum Electrolytic
D1 — Schottky, MBR360
L1 — 100 μH, Pulse Eng. PE-92108 R1 — 2 k, 0.1% R2 — 6.12 k, 0.1%
Figure 26. Fixed Output Voltage Versions Design Requirements
Table 1 lists the design parameters of this example.
Table 1. Design Parameters
DESIGN PARAMETER Regulated Output Voltage (3.3 V, 5 V, 12 V, or 15 V), VOUT Maximum Input Voltage, VIN(Max) Maximum Load Current, ILOAD(Max) EXAMPLE VALUE 5 V 15 V 3 A Detailed Design Procedure Custom Design with WEBENCH Tools
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3.WEBENCH Power Designer为您提供了定制的原理图以及具有实时定价和组件可用性的材料清单。 4.在大多数情况下,您还可以:
–进行电气仿真,以查看重要的波形和电路性能, –运行热仿真以了解您的板的热性能,
–将自定义的原理图和布局导出为流行的CAD格式, –打印设计的PDF报告,并与同事共享您的设计。 Inductor Selection (L1)
1 从图27,图28,图29或图30中选择正确的电感值选择指南。(输出
电压分别为3.3 V,5 V,12 V或15 V)。 有关其他输出电压,请参见可调版本的设计程序。 使用图28中所示的
2. 从电感值选择指南中,确定与VIN(Max)和ILOAD(Max)相交的电感区域,并记下该区域的电感代码。 根
3. 从电感代码中确定电感值,然后从图27所示的表中选择合适的电感。列出了三个电感制造商的部件号。 所选
电感必须在LM2576开关频率(52 kHz)下工作,并且额定电流为1.15×ILOAD。 有关其他电感器的信息,请参见“电感器选择”部分。 根据图27中的表格,所需的电感值为100μH。选择AIE 415-0930,Pulse Engineering PE92108或Renco RL2444。 Output Capacitor Selection (COUT)
1. 1,输出电容和电感的值决定了开关稳压器环路的主导极对。 为了获得稳定的工作和可接受的输出纹波电压
(大约为输出电压的1%),TI建议在100 F至470 F之间的一个值。 选择COUT = 680-F至2000-F的标准铝电解。
2. 2.电容器的额定电压必须至少大于输出电压的1.5倍。 对于5 V稳压器,额定值至少为8 V是合适的,建议使
用10 V或15 V额定值。 电容器额定电压= 20V。较高电压的电解电容器通常具有较低的ESR值,因此,可能有必要选择额定电压比通常需要更高的电容器。 Catch Diode Selection (D1)
1. 捕获二极管的额定电流必须至少大于最大负载电流的1.2倍。 同样,如果电源设计必须承受连续的输出短路,
则二极管的额定电流必须等于LM2576的最大电流限制。 该二极管最紧张的条件是过载或输出短路。 对于此示例,3 A额定电流就足够了。
2. 二极管的反向额定电压必须至少为最大输入电压的1.25倍。 使用20V 1N5823或SR302肖特基二极管,或表
3中所示的任何建议的快速恢复二极管。 Input Capacitor (CIN)
为了稳定运行,需要在调节器附近放置一个铝或钽电解旁路电容器。 位于输入和接地引脚附近的100μF,25V铝电解电容器可提供足够的旁路。
8.2.2 Application Curves
Figure 27. LM2576(HV)-3.3 Figure 28. LM2576(HV)-5.0
8.2.3 Adjusted Output Voltage Version
Figure 29. LM2576(HV)-12 Figure 30. LM2576(HV)-15 Figure 31. LM2576(HV)-ADJ
+VIN Feedback
1 LM2576HV- ADJ 4 Output L1 VOUT 5 V UNREGULATED 7 V ± 60 V + 100 …F 2 5 100 μH DC INPUT
D1 MBR360 1000 μF O R1 D A
VREF = 1.23 V, R1 between 1 k and 5 k
Figure 32. Adjustable Output Voltage Version Design Requirements
Table 2 lists the design parameters of this example.
Table 2. Design Parameters
DESIGN PARAMETER Regulated Output Voltage, VOUT Maximum Input Voltage, VIN(Max) Maximum Load Current, ILOAD(Max) Switching Frequency, F Detailed Design Procedure Programming Output Voltage
Select R1 and R2, as shown in Figure 32. Use Equation 5 to select the appropriate resistor values.
EXAMPLE VALUE 10 V 25 V 3 A Fixed at 52 kHz
R1 can be between 1 k and 5 k. (For best temperature coefficient and stability with time, use 1% metal film resistors)
R2 = 1 k (8.13 ? 1) = 7.13 k, closest 1% value is 7.15 k Inductor Selection (L1)
1. Calculate the inductor Volt ? microsecond constant, E × T (V × μs), from Equation 8:
V u V
2. Calculate E × T (V × μs):
E u T 25 10 u 10 u 1000 115 V u V
25 (9) 52
3. Use the E ? T value from the previous formula and match it with the E × T number on the vertical axis of the
inductor value selection guide shown in Figure 31. E ×(10) T = 115 V × μs
4. On the horizontal axis, select the maximum load current.
ILOAD(Max) = 3 A (11)
5. Identify the inductance region intersected by the E × T value and the maximum load current value. Note the
inductor code for that region. Inductance Region = H150
6. Identify the inductor value from the inductor code, and select an appropriate inductor from the table shown in
Table 4. Part numbers are listed for three inductor manufacturers. The inductor chosen must be rated for operation at the LM2576 switching frequency (52 kHz) and for a current rating of 1.15 × ILOAD. For additional inductor information, see the Inductor Selection section. Inductor Value = 150 μH. Choose from AIE part #415-0936, Pulse Engineering part #PE-531115, or Renco part #RL2445. Output Capacitor Selection (COUT)
1. The value of the output capacitor together with the inductor defines the dominate pole-pair of the switching
regulator loop. For stable operation, the capacitor must satisfy :
C OUT t 13,300 )
V OUT uL +
yields capacitor values between 10 μF and 2200 μF that satisfies the loop requirements for stable operation.
To achieve an acceptable output ripple voltage, (approximately 1% of the output voltage) and transient response, the output capacitor may need to be several times larger than yields.
COUT t 13,300 22.2 )
10 u 150
However, for acceptable output ripple voltage select: COUT ≥ 680 μF
COUT = 680-μF electrolytic capacitor
2. The voltage rating of the capacitor must be at last 1.5 times greater than the output voltage. For a 10-V
regulator, a rating of at least 15 V or more is recommended. Higher voltage electrolytic capacitors generally have lower ESR numbers, and for this reason, it can be necessary to select a capacitor rate for a higher voltage than would normally be needed. Catch Diode Selection (D1)
1. The catch-diode current rating must be at least 1.2 times greater than the maximum load current. Also, if the
power supply design must withstand a continuous output short, the diode must have a current rating equal to the maximum current limit of the LM2576. The most stressful condition for this diode is an overload or shorted output. See Table 3. For this example, a 3.3-A current rating is adequate.
2. The reverse voltage rating of the diode must be at least 1.25 times the maximum input voltage. Use a 30-V
31DQ03 Schottky diode, or any of the suggested fast-recovery diodes in Table 3. Input Capacitor (CIN)
An aluminum or tantalum electrolytic bypass capacitor located close to the regulator is needed for stable operation. A 100-μF aluminum electrolytic capacitor located near the input and ground pins provides sufficient bypassing.
Table 3. Diode Selection Guide VR 20 V 3 A 1N5820 MBR320P SR302 1N5821 MBR330 31DQ03 SR303 1N5822 SCHOTTKY 4 A to 6 A 3 A FAST RECOVERY 4 A to 6 A 1N5823 30 V 50WQ03 1N5824 40 V MBR340 31DQ04 SR304 MBR350 31DQ05 SR305 MBR360 DQ06 SR306 MBR340 50WQ04 1N5825 The following diodes are all rated to 100-V 31DF1 HER302 The following diodes are all rated to 100-V 50WF10 MUR410HER602 50 V 50WQ05 60 V 50WR06 50SQ060
LM2576HVS LM2576HVT系列TI高压三端稳压器 - 图文