May I ask who you are? I'm from Canada.
Who's calling, please? *只用于打电话 I'm come from Canada. Who are you? /What's your name? I was born in Canada. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine. Hi, Joe. I'd like you to meet a friend of mine.
He's a nice guy. --He sure is. I'm glad to meet you. --So am I. It's an honor for me to meet you. Please call me...
Don't I know you from somewhere? No, I don't think so.
Haven't we met somewhere before? Haven't we met somewhere before? You look familiar. 你看上去很面熟。 Do you know that man? He's my father.
Remember? /Do you remember? Don't you remember? 你不记得了? Oh, yeah, you’re Mr. Smith.. Oh, yeah, I do know you.
I know you, but I forgot your name. I'm not sure. Maybe. --It's possible.
Chicago is my hometown. How do you like Japan?
Do you know his background? I know very little about him. I work for a computer company.
What do u think about Japan? --I like I'm a government employee. it. I'm self-employed. It's a good place. I work for ABC Company.
Where have you been in Japan? 去过Which department do u work for?
Where do you live now? -I live in How long have you been doing that Tokyo. job?
Are you here on vacation? *on For 10 years.
business是“因公”,on vacation是“度Where is your company? --In 假”。 Shinjuku. Are you vacationing? Where is your company located? Are you here for a vacation? Is this a pleasure trip? pleasure?
I'm here on business. My trip is business related. I'm on a business trip.
How long does it take you to commute? *commute “上班,上学” It takes about one hour. /About an hour. How do you get to work?
I ride the subway. /I take the subway. I'm changing jobs. /I'm job hunting now.
I'm looking for work now.
Are u here on business or for About one hour. /Around one hour.
What's your name again? 你叫什么来How long have you been in Japan? 着? I just arrived last week. No, I don't think so. /No, I'm afraid not. About three years. No, I don't believe so. Have you two met?
No, this is the first time we have met. We've never met before.
Are you used to life in Japan? *be I'm retiring next year. used to “习惯”,注意“d”不发音。--No, not I'm out of work now. yet.
Have you gotten used to life in
I don't have a job now. I'm not working right now.
Is Bob an old friend of yours? Japan? I'm unemployed. Yes, I met him 20 years ago in Have you grown accustomed to
America. Japan?
I can't remember his name.-Neither How long will you be in Japan? Are you a student? can I.
I can't recall his name. His name escapes me. I leave it entirely to ur kind consideratior. 这事全拜托你了
How long do you plan to stay? Until December. /Until next month. Do you speak Japanese?
Unfortunately, no. 很遗憾,我不会。 Can you speak Japanese? Are you a Japanese speaker? A little. /Just a little. /Some.
No, I've already finished school. Do you go to school? 你还在上学吗? I'm a college student.
I'm a junior college student.大专生 I go to a vocational school. 职业学校 I go to a cram school. 补习学校 I'm studying English.
I'll leave it up to you. 全靠你了
Please consider it. I can't speak Japanese at all. * I went to Meiji University. 我毕业于.. I'd appreciate it if you could consider all Where did you go to college? 你上的
是.. it. I know everyday conversational I'm John Sheehan.
My name is John Sheehan. My name's John Sheehan. ●和初次见面的人交谈
My country has a lot of mountains... Oh, yeah? Where are you from?
Where did u learn Japanese? --At school.
I learned it on my own. I learned it by myself.
When's your birthday? --It's May 24th. I went to Harvard University. 我上的是..
What\\Which school do you go to? I go to *elementary school “小学”,junior high school “中学”,high school “高中”。
What year are you in?问高中和大学的年
I have two boys. /I have two sons. What's your weight?
What grade are you in? 问小学生 I have one daughter in elementary About seventy-five kilograms. I'm a freshman. *在高中和大学1年级是school. I weigh a-hundred-sixty-four pounds.
freshman, 2年级是sophomore,3年级是junior,4年级是senior。在小学用I'm in first grade.表示1年级,I'm in second grade.表示2年级
I don't have any children. ●有关兴趣和爱好
I weigh 164 Ibs. *Ibs.读为pounds。
How tall are you? /What's your
I'll graduate next year.
I'm graduating next year.
What's your major? /What do u major
What are your hobbies? --I play golf. About one-hundred-eighty Do you have any hobbies? centimeters. What do you do when u have free I'm five feet three inches tall. time?
I'm 5′3″ tall.
I'm five three. *口语中常用省略说法。 ●有关天气
It's very hot today, isn't it?
Isn't it hot today?
Today's a scorcher.太阳火辣辣的天气 It's blistering hot. /It's extremely hot. It's a fine day today. /It's beautiful today.
in? Nothing much. 不干什么。 What are you studying? I like to watch movies.
I'm an English major. /I major in I enjoy watching movies. English. What kind of movies do you like? What club are you in?
What club do you belong to?
Any kind.
You're a good pianist.
I'm in the ski club. You play the piano well.
Do you have a part-time job? *full-time What kind of sports do you like? Yes, I'm a tutor. I work 3 times a How long have you been skiing? week.
Do you work part-time? I work at a bookstore as a cashier once a week. I haven't decided yet.
What are u going to do after u graduate? ●有关家庭 I have a large family.
Do you play baseball? It's nice today.
No, I just like to watch. /I only watch. What's the forecast for tomorrow? I'm a baseball fan. /I'm a fan of baseball. Have you ever done aerobics? No way. 怎么可能!
Have you done aerobics before? What are your interests? I'm interested in art.
What are your interested in?
It's going to be cold. 会冷吧。
What will the weather be like tomorrow?
What's the weather going to be tomorrow?
What's tomorrow's forecast?
How's the weather today? --It's hot. Is it going to rain today? I doubt it.我想不会
What are your plans after graduation? I like to play golf.
How many people are in your family? What kind of things are u interested We're expecting some rain. Four people. in? It's going to rain. /It's supposed to My parents and my younger sister. What do you like? rain. Any brothers or sisters? --No, none. I've never done that. Rain is expected. Do you have any brothers or sisters?
I've never done that before.
I heard it might rain.
It's raining.
It's going to rain today. /It will rain today.
It's hot today.
It's warm today. /It's a warm day. It's cold today. --It sure is. 就是。 It's chilly today. / It's cool today. It's nippy today. 冷的刺骨 It's windy today.
It's humid. /It's really humid today. 闷热 Yeah, my body is sweaty. It's dry.
It's wet today. /It's rainy today. It's stormy.
There is going to be a storm today.
Any siblings? “兄弟姐妹”。 That was the first time for me. Just one brother. /I just have one Have you ever traveled abroad? brother. Yes, twice. Do you live with your parents? Have you been overseas? I live alone.
I live in an apartment. Are you married?
No, not yet. /Yes, I'm married. I have a fiancé. *fiancé未婚夫,fiancée
Where have you been?
I've been to the U.S. and Germany. Where do you want to go next? No place particular. ●有关年龄、身高和体重 How old are you? --I'm forty-eight. I'm not old enough to drive. I can't drink alcohol yet. May I ask how old you are? May I ask your age? How much do you weigh?
I'm going to get married next year. I'm married. /I'm single /I'm engaged. Any children? /Do u have any children?
No, not yet. /Nope. /Neah. 哪有啊。 I have one of each. 男孩女孩各一个
It's snowing. --Yeah! Let's go skiing. It's gloomy. /It's cloudy. 阴天
It looks like we are going to have a thunder shower.
Why are you taping your windows? A typhoon is coming. A typhoon is on its way.
It's foggy. 雾 /It's freezing. 结冰 It's very cold today.
We're going to have a blizzard.要下暴风
You know what I'm talking about. 询问 You know what I mean. Don't play stupid.
I said that, didn't I? 我是那样说的吧? That's okay.
Yeah, someone told me.
Yes, I've been told. /Yeah, I know. I hear you. 我听着呢/我知道了 We have to work harder. I hear you.
Did I repeat myself? Yes, I understand. Do u know that? /Do u know about So, do you get it? that? I'm following you. 理解了。 Tom, do u happen to know Mary's I'm with you. phone number? 说不定你知道..?
---Yes, I do.
I'm not following you.
He got fired because he was lazy.
Makes sense. *有道理,可以理解
That makes sense. /Makes sense to me. You're making sense.
That doesn't make sense. 这也太奇怪
It's pleasant. /It's comfortable. 这天真I can't tell the difference. /I can't tell.辨舒服 别 It's mild today. /It's a nice day. It's misty. 雾蒙蒙的
Let's go sunbathing.日光浴 But, it's overcast today. 阴天 It's cloudy today. /It's gloomy. It's miserable. 糟糕的天气
It's a terrible day. /It's an awful day. I'm sensitive to heat. 我怕热 It's breezy today. 今天风和日丽 It's a breezy day. It's uncomfortable today. It's unpleasant today. The heat is killing me.
Can you hear me? Loud and clear. Did you hear me? ●同意 I can't go today.
I understand. /I don't understand. See? /Do you see? /Do you
understand? /Do you get it? --I get it.
I understand very well. I think I understand. I see what you mean.
●不明白、不知道 I can't tell you.
I don't understand. 我不知道 I'm not following. /I don't get it. I'm confused. I get it. /I understand. I don't really understand. I don't understand very well. So, was he the thief?
That's not clear. 那不太清楚。
We should do this first.
I can't see your point. 我不明白你在说什
It's raining cats and dogs! *瓢泼大雨 I understand what you mean.
It's frosty today. / It's a frosty day. 下霜That makes sense. /I get the point. 了 I know that too well.
I think we need to expand. 扩展
(9) 随意的谈话 If you change this, it will work. I see your point.
I get it. /I don't get it.
Do you understand? --I understand. You see? You have to improve. Understood?
I got it. /I see.
Understood. 明白了! I know that much! 这点事儿我还是知道的 Is that clear? 清楚了吗? --It's clear. I left because I didn't feel well. Get the picture? /Do you get the That solves it. 原来是这样啊! picture? *这里picture指“状态”、“情况”、Well, that solves that. “事态” That's that. *比较随意的说法。 Did you grasp the overall situation? You have to change your attitude. Do you know what I mean? --I think All right, all right. I understand. so. L.A. is in California. Are you listening to me? /You know what I mean? /Are u following me? /Do u get my drift? / Are u paying attention?
It's a great deal. 这可是笔大买卖。
I know.
I know that. /I know it. /I didn't know. I know that person.
I'm acquainted with that person. Do you know that man?
I don't see where you're coming from.
I don't see your point.
I can't understand what you mean. I can't see what you mean.
I don't understand what you're trying to say.
I don't get your drift.
That's how you do it. 所以应该这样做呀
I'm not sure what you mean. I'm not sure I understand. I'm not sure I see what you mean. I don't know if I understand what you're trying to say.
I don't know what's what.
I don't have any idea what's going on.
I don't know anything any more. so, that's the way to use computers.
Are you blind? 你不知道吗? No, but I know him by sight. 见过 Can't u see? /What's the matter with Jeff got married. u?
Yeah, I heard about it.
It's over my head. 太难了,我弄不懂 It's beyond me.
Your guess is as good as mine.
Excuse me? What did you say? me! /What?
Did you say anything?
We had melon for lunch at school.哈蜜瓜
How many people live in this town? I'm sorry, what did you say? Was it good? 好吃吗? Your guess is as good as mine. 你要So what? 那又怎么样?(语气轻蔑、冷淡) After school, we played soccer.
The more I think about it, the less I understand it. 越想越糊涂
I don't know what he is driving at.打算
What of it? Did you have fun?
What does it mean? /What do you How do you like this suit? mean? It looks great on you. 很配你呀! Please explain what you mean. I think it's nice. What are you trying to say? What do you mean by that?
Are you saying that...? *你是说…吗? Are you saying that it's a bad idea? That's right. 是的
Do you mean...?
Are you trying to say that...? Then what? 后来怎么样了?
And then? /What happened then? What's he driving at? 他想干吗?
How did u like it? --I liked it very much. What did you think of it?
Did you like it? /Did you enjoy it? What do you think of our new boss? I think she's very friendly. What do you think about it? ●询问、叙述情况
How'd things turn out? 结果是… They turned out to be miserable. How was it? /How did it go?
How did it turn out? /How did it end
I don't know what he intends. I don't know what he is getting at. I don't know what he is trying to do. It's not clear. /That's unclear. That's clear.
What's she after? 她到底想干什么? I'm not sure.
What's her game? I have no idea.
Do you know where my pen is? Would you repeat that, please? I have no idea. /I have no clue. /No Could you repeat that, please? idea.
It's all Greek to me. /I didn't know that.
John got married last week.
I didn't know that. /That's news to me.
I wasn't aware of that. /I don't know. Do you know where she's from? I don't know. /I have no idea.
Could you say that again, please? up?
Please say it again. /Please repeat To make a long story short,... 简要地说 that.
You're speaking too quickly. You're talking too fast. Please say it more slowly. Please speak more slowly.
Just tell me the story in a nutshell. Give it to me in a nutshell. 简要地说 Let me know the situation. How was the test?
Let me know the circumstances. 情况
More slowly, pls. /Please speak A piece of cake. 简直轻而易举。 slower. It was a piece of cake.
It was very easy. /It was a snap.
It was no problem at all. It was as easy as 1,2,3. It was as easy as A,B,C. How's your cooking going?
Do you know the way to my house? Please don't speak so quickly. I don't know for sure. “确切地” Would you slow down, please? I don't know for certain. I can't keep up. I'm not absolutely sure. Please speak a little louder. No one knows for sure.
Is he married? --How should I know? What is the meaning of life?什么是人生?
Who knows? --Nobody knows. No way of knowing.
There's no way of knowing. It's impossible to find out. ●反问
Excuse me... --Yes? 有事吗? I bought this beautiful pen. What for? 为何?
Is there a post office near here?
Could you speak up?
A little louder, please? So far, so good. 到现在为止还好。 Speak up, please? /Please speak Up till now, no problems. up. How's school? --So-so. 马马虎虎。 Please speak louder. That's about it. 就是这样 I can't hear you.
I can't hear a word you're saying. I can't hear you at all. I can't hear you well.
I couldn't catch what you said.听见、明白 I didn't catch that. What are you talking about? What did you say?
Wow! How'd you do that? It was nothing. 这没什么。 It was no big deal. There's nothing to it. Can you help me E-mail? Sure, there's nothing to it.
Nothing complicated about it. And if you plug this in...
It worked! 啊,行了! / It did the job! What about the new computer system?
Pardon me? /Pardon? /I beg your
pardon? How about now?
John is very smart. --Yeah, just like It needs work. 还需改进。
It needs more work. It needs some work. Almost! 就差那么一点儿。
I thought it was a home run. 本垒打 How's married life?
You bet.当然行
No problem. /Sure. /Certainly. ●一时语塞
Well... /Umm... /Hmm... 嗯…、哎呀、什么?、那么…、可是…、后来…
We had small talk. 闲聊 How was the movie? I really enjoyed it. Did you enjoy the play? No, it was dull. 真没劲。 Let's talk about it later. I want to talk about it now. I need to tell you something. Shoot! 请说吧 /Go ahead. What's on your mind.
Let's talk in English. /Let's speak in Eng.
Let's have a chat.
To the point, please. 抓重点的说 Stop beating around the bush.*常用短
Going from bad to worse. 越来越糟 Getting increasingly worse. May I take your order? 您点什么菜? Getting worse and worse all the time. Well, let me see... 考虑、想 He made it big. 取得成功 Let me check. 让我查查。 He became very successful. He is a big success. They just fixed the car.
We're set. 准备好了、问题解决了 Let's get going.
Our problem's solved.
We're ready. /We're okay. ●随声附和
That's why I was late. --I see. Uh-huh. 嗯 ①I've been to Chicago.去过 →You have? 是吗? ②He's from Chicago →He is? ③He went to Chicago.去..了→He did? ④He is tall. →He is? ⑤He's cooking now. →He is? Is that right? 是那样吗?、这样对吗?
I'll find out for you. 我找找
May I ask who you are?
I'm a friend of John's... I mean, Mr. Shan.
It's on the tip of my tongue. What should I say... How should I put this...
How should I put it...
I don't know quite how to put this.
Get to the point, please. How was ur day? Exhausting. 精疲力尽了 ●转换话题
Let's change the subject.
Okay, okay, I'll pay u back next week...
Let's talk about something else. Let's talk about something different. I'd rather talk about something else. Let's get back to the subject. 言归正传。
You said you wanted to talk to me... Well, I don't know quite how to put
I don't know how to say this. I'm not sure how to put this. What's the population of Narita? Beats me. 这可让你问着了、怎么说呢 I can't answer that.
Is that so? /Is that true? /Is that What do you call it? 叫什么来着?怎么
说? correct?
That's right. /Exactly! /That's it exactly.
That's exactly it.
Oh, yeah? 是吗? /Is that so? /Really? Oh, do you? /Oh, you do? Oh, you like it? It's nice, isn't it? And? 然后呢?
Me, too. /So am I. /So do I. /So did I. Neither do I. 我也不 I'll pay for dinner. Don't be silly. 别说傻话
Don't be foolish.
I've lost my wallet. --That's too bad.
What would you call it? 你管它叫什么? Yes, let's.
Who's the prime minister of Canada? Let's get back to the point. You've got me. 让你问住了。 ●催促别人说话 Say something.
I'm speechless. 我连话都说不出来了。 A penny for your thoughts. *这是惯用表达方式,“请告诉我你在想什么”
Let's get back on track.
I don't want to talk about it now. I'd prefer not to talk about it.
We're playing golf this Sunday, right? Let's talk about it later.
To change the subject...
I can't believe it. 真让人难以相信。
Tell me more about it. To change the subject... I want to know more about it in detail. Ha, ha, that's a good one! I'd like to know more details.
How was your trip? --It was terrible.
Well, all joking aside, let's get to work. 好了,玩笑就到此…,快去干活儿吧 Well, seriously,...
By the way,...It was really fun. By the way, how is John? You were saying? 你刚才说什么来着? Continue. /Carry on. /Please go on. The party gonna be great!
Oh, that reminds me. I can't go.我想起来
Are you sure? I'm all ears. *“聚精会神地听”。 What a shame! 真是太过分了!、太遗憾了! How was the meeting? Good! /Great! *答应、满足的语气。 What a surprise! 真叫人吃惊 I hope not. /I hope so.
See? My dog can sing. 你知道吗?…. Unbelievable! /Incredible. 难以置信! No kidding! /You're kidding! / You're joking! /That can't be! 开玩笑吧! May I borrow your pen?
We didn't accomplish much. 没什么结果
I'm listening. * 请继续说、我听着呢 Keep talking.
Did you hear about my trip? Not yet. I'd like to hear the story. I'd like to know the story. I'd like to hear about it.
Let's stop talking. I'm tired of talking.
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