Unit 7
Hoping for the better
Understanding and Learning Overview
This unit discusses the issue of ethics and etiquette, and the seriousness of
the issue. Seemingly, newspapers and TV news are telling us that some virtues are vanishing, honesty is going out of style, especially in the academic community, and people are ruder and more insensitive to others in many aspects. Is honesty really out of date? What rude behavior do people have? What forms of dishonesty exist on campus? Is the phenomenon on the rise? What other ethical and etiquette problems are there on and off campus?
Text A shows how honesty is not valued as much as before across all layers of society. There are also different kinds of dishonest behaviors in school, for example, cheating and plagiarism. Students should realize those acts are totally wrong and unethical and they should not do so.
Text B discusses various forms of poor etiquette and the reasons behind them. It also calls on us to practice kindness and strive for a better, brighter world for us all.
Class activities can be designed to make students review cheating and rude
behaviors on and off campus. The teacher may ask students to reflect on whether they have ever engaged in cheating or rude behaviors. Class discussion about bad behaviors and role-playing are recommended.
Before reading Text A, ask students to list dishonest phenomena on campus, and comment on the causes and consequences of each phenomenon. Second, ask students to explore the reasons why cheating is common at college. Third, ask students to discuss some well-known scandals in academia. Finally, let them think about what teachers and students can do respectively to improve the situation.
Before reading Text B, students can enumerate the rude deeds that they have observed. Then they may discuss possible causes and severe consequences for such deeds. Finally, students should try to provide solutions to today's etiquette problems. As suggested in the Unit project, ask students to write short plays about rude behaviors and do a role-play.
Section A
When honesty disappears
Background information
1. Abraham Lincoln
1861 from United States president of the the Abraham Lincoln (1809-1865) was 16to 1865.
He led the country through the American Civil War, preserving the Union,
ending slavery, and promoting economic and financial development.mostly Lincoln was
a farm in Kentucky, a Brought up in poor family on
practice skills and formal education, his speaking self-educated. Though without a in debates won him national recognition. He was elected the US president in 1860. withdraw to Southern the states declared Civil War began in April 1861when The 《解放宣from the Union. In 1863, Lincoln issued the Emancipation Proclamation (
Amendment to the US Constitution that declared all slaves free 言》) and the 13 men. In 1864, Lincoln was re-elected president for a second term.
killed shot and in Washington, ., Lincoln was at On April 14, 1865 Ford's Theatre by John Wilkes Booth, who was a stage actor and strongly opposed the abolition of slavery in the United States.fellow his a unique appeal for Among American heroes, Lincoln continues to have
regarded has been consistently for also people of other lands. Lincoln countrymen and as one of the greatest US presidents. The Lincoln Memorial in Washington, ., was dedicated to him on May 30, 1922.Detailed study of the text
1. As numerous accounts of cheating, lying, and fraud crowd our newspaper pages and TV news, it seems that honesty is a rapidly vanishing value.
Meaning: From our newspapers and TV news, we read countless reports about people disappearing
be to seems merit valuable a as Honesty deceiving. and lying, cheating, quickly.
★fraud: n. [C, U] the crime of deceiving people in order to gain sth. such as money or goods 欺诈;诈骗
They said that it was the temptation of money that led them to commit the fraud. 他们说正是受到金钱的诱惑他们才去行骗的。
★crowd: vt. If people or things crowd a place, there are a lot of them there 挤满;塞满
Thanksgiving shoppers crowded the department store. 那家百货大楼里挤满了感恩节的购物者。
2. And the reports indicate that, around the globe, corruption and dishonesty are so widespread that the health and well-being of society are at risk.
Meaning: And the reports show that immoral and dishonest behaviors are so common worldwide that the world may become less healthy and less comfortable to live in. ★corruption: n. [U] dishonest, illegal, or immoral behavior, esp. from sb. with power (尤指有权势者的) 贪污,贿赂,受贿,腐败
We think all governments should serve their people and seek to end corruption. 我们认为所有的政府都应该服务于人民,并且力求消除腐败。
★well-being: n. [U] a feeling of being comfortable, healthy, and happy 舒适;健康;幸福
Being fully employed can do wonders for your sense of well-being. 整日忙忙碌碌能神奇地让你有一种幸福感。
3. Those reports include stories such as the students who faced criminal charges for selling in advance copies of a university final exam, a student who was expelled when he turned in a term paper with the purchase receipt for it still inside the pages, and a clerk who ran his own Christmas cards through the office postage meter
and was found out when he sent one of the cards to the company treasurer! (Para. 1)
Meaning: These reports contain the following stories: the students were accused because they sold copies of a university final exam paper before the final exam; paper
term a bought he because permanently university leave to forced was student a and submitted it with the purchase receipt still left inside the pages; and a clerk used the office postage meter to mail his own Christmas cards, and his cheating behavior was discovered when he sent one of the Christmas cards to the company treasurer!
★expel: vt. Officially force sb. To leave a place or organization because of their bad behavior 强迫(某人)离开;驱逐;开除
Two senior students have been expelled for cheating on the final exam. 两名大四学生因为在期末考试时作弊而被学校开除。
★turn in: (BrE hand in) give a piece of work you have done to a teacher, your employer, etc. 上交
I can't go to movies with you. I have an assignment to turn in tomorrow. 我不能和你去看电影。我明天还有作业要交呢。
★purchase: n. [C, U] (fml.) sth. you buy, or the act of buying it 购买(的东西) Advertisers need to learn what will motivate people to make a purchase. 广告商需要了解什么会刺激人们买东西。 vt. (fml.) buy sth. 购买
The museum is trying to raise enough money to purchase a painting by van Gogh. 这家博物馆正在努力筹集资金去购买梵·高的一幅画。
★treasurer: n. [C] sb. who is officially responsible for the money for an organization, club, political party, etc. 财务主管;司库
4. We have all read or heard accounts such as these, not to mention the stories of dishonesty amongst all layers of society as exemplified by consumers who steal and politicians who demand bribes. (Para. 1)
Meaning: We have all read or heard stories like these, not even to talk about more disgraceful stories of dishonesty at every level of society, for example, customers stealing things and politicians illegally asking for money or gifts.
★not to mention sth.: used to introduce an additional thing that makes a situation even more difficult, surprising, interesting, etc. 更不用说某事了。
He owns a lot of property in New York, not to mention several luxurious cars. 他 在纽约有很多财产,更不必说拥有好几辆豪车了。. ★layer: n. [C]
1) a level or rank within an organization or system (组织或体系中的)层,级别,阶层 There are too many layers of management in the company to make a quick decision. 公司有太多的管理层,无法迅速做出决定。
2) an amount or piece of a material or substance that covers a surface or that is between two other things 表层;层
The boys began to dig and were surprised when they discovered a layer of stones. 男孩子们开始挖掘,而且惊讶地发现了一层石块。
★exemplify: vt.
1) be a typical example of sth. 作为…的范例;当做…的典型
-century life in s novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer exemplifies 19Mark Twain' 世
纪美国的生活。马克·吐温的小说《汤姆·索亚历险记》体现了19the United States. 举例说明2) give an example of sth.
我将用一个故事来说明我的观点。I will exemplify my point with a story.
n. [C] money or a gift that you illegally give sb. to persuade them to do ★bribe: sth. for you 贿赂据说他在执政It was said that he always refused to take bribes while in office.
时一直拒绝受贿。persuade to gift in order a esp. public official, money or a illegally vt. give sb.
贿赂;收买them to do sth. for you
他company. to his company another information bribed He was into giving secret of 被收买而把公司的机密泄露给了另一家公司。 so many towels last year that it cost a major hotel chain ripped off5. Travelers
$3 million to replace them. Especially troubling are the reports that dishonesty is increasing amongst student populations around the world. rip:★ 撕掉;扯掉vt. remove sth. quickly by pulling hard
吉利从玛 notebook to take notes. Gilly ripped out a sheet of paper from Mary's 丽的笔记本上撕下一页纸记笔记。.
v. teat sth. or be torn quickly and violently 撕;扯;被撕裂;被扯开
I ripped my jeans on the fence when I tried jumping over it. 当我试着要跳过栅栏时,我的牛仔裤被撕破了。 rip off: (infml.) 1) steal sth. 盗窃
He walked into the store and ripped off a pair of gloves. 他走进商店,偷了一副手套。 2) charge sb. too much money for sth. 敲…竹杠
Tourists are worried they'll get ripped off. 游客们担心被敲竹杠。
Note: In the sentence chain refers to a number of shops, hotels, cinemas, etc. owned or managed by the same company or person. For example: a chain of restaurants/a restaurant chain 连锁饭店 Note Usage
Especially, specially
1. especially是副词,表示“尤其;特别;格外”,通常用来表示强调或者对前面的陈述作进一步的补充说明,可以用在名词、形容词、介词短语或者从句等的前面。例如:
He was kind to his staff, especially those who were sick or in trouble.他对员非常好,尤其是对那些生病的或者遇到麻烦的员工
Feedback is especially important in learning skills.反馈意见在学习技能的过程尤其重要 This is a very common word, especially in spoken English.这是一个很常用的词其是在英语口语中
Noise is unpleasant, especially when you are trying to sleep.噪音使人不舒服,其是当你想要入睡时
He loves fruit. He especially likes kiwi. (Not: Especially he like他爱吃水果尤其喜欢猕猴桃
她特地回家乡看望母亲She returned to her hometown specially to see her mother. 6. But are these reports truly accurate or do they exaggerate the situation? Meaning: But are these reports correct and exact or do they make the situation look worse than it really is?
★accurate: a. correct and true in every detail 正确的;准确的
Accurate records about this accident must be kept for further investigation. 必须准确记录这次事故,以便以后进行进一步调查。
★exaggerate: v. make sth. seem better, larger, worse, etc. than it really is 夸大;夸张;言过其实
Shelly admitted that she did sometimes exaggerate the difficulty of her job. 谢莉承认,她有时候确实夸大了自己的工作难度。
7. Should we be alarmed by these accounts of falling standards of principles and morality? (Para. 2)
Meaning: Should we feel worried when hearing these reports that the standards of moral beliefs and ideas are declining? not usu. before noun) frightened or worried that sth. (★alarmed: a. unpleasant or
dangerous might happen 惊恐的;忧虑的;担心的
Many people were alarmed by the news reports about the bird flu. 许多人都对于禽流感的新闻报道感到很恐慌。 ★principle: n.
1) [C,U] a moral rule or belief about what is right and wrong, that influences how you behave 道德原则;行为准则
It would be against my principles to lie to my parents about anything. 对父母撒任何谎都是违背我的原则的。
2) [C] the basic idea that a plan or system is based on 原则;原理;基本的观念 He recommended a textbook which teaches the basic principles of geometry. 他推荐了一本有关几何学基本原理的课本。
★morality: n. [U] beliefs or ideas about what is right and wrong and about how people should behave 道德;道德观
Unemployment is not the issue; the real problem is the decline in public morality. 失业并不是问题,真正的问题是公众道德水平的下降。.
8. The assumption is that student dishonesty is more extensive now than it was 20, 50, 100 years ago. If so, what's behind it? (Para. 2)
Meaning: It is believed that student dishonesty is now more widespread than it was 20, 50, 100 years ago. If this is true, what causes this phenomenon? ★extensive: a.
1) large in size, amount, or degree 广阔的;大量的;大规模的
Extensive repair work is going to begin soon. 大规模的修缮工作很快就要开始了。 2) containing or dealing with a lot of information and details 广泛的;全面的 He tried to impress us with his extensive knowledge of wine. 他试图用他丰富的葡萄酒知识来给我们留下深刻印象。