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str_ _t大街,街道 p_t 放,放置 g_v_ 给予 als_而且,还 wr_ng不行的 l_ss_n课程 sl_ _p睡眠 _dea主意,想法


1)The light is green now、。____

A、let’s cross the street、 B、let's stop and wait 2) I____ski。I played ice hockey、 A、 don’t B、 didn’t

3)Don’t___about your lessons 、 I'll help you、 A。worry B。worried

4)How are you feeling today?____ A、Yes, I feel cold B、 Much better 5)The light is___、Let’s cross the street。 A。green B。 yellow


( )1 A。feel B、 headache C、 cough ( )2A。 near B。 far C、street ( )3A、 shout B、 push C、riddle ( )4 A、 around B、 grass C。flower ( )5A。holiday B walk C、laugh ( )6A、stop B、skate C ski

( )7A。 deer B。dog C also 四、选出划线部分与其他两个发音不同的单词。

( )1 A、 place B、 lake C。 act ( )2 A、 dog B、 also C。 cross ( )3 A。go B stop C so ( )4 A coat B goat C should 五、问句,答语连线。

1 What do you want to do today? 1 I have a fever。

2 Where do you live? 2I want to go skating、

3 What's wrong with you? 3 I live in London、

4 How are you feeling today? 4 Much better、

5 What did you do in the holidays? 5 We traveled around China、 六、选词填空

bad、 feel、 holidays、 healthy、 evening、 stop 1、 Peter went ice fishing in the____________。 2、 I_____cold and have a headache。

3、 We shouldn’t play puter games for too long、It’s_____for

Our eyes、

4、 We should do sports every day、It makes us______and


5、 The light is red now、 Let’s_____and wait、

6、 They watched the beautiful lanterns in the_________。 七、连词成句

1、holidays do what in did the you? 2、you before the look street corss、


3、seat your bag don’t on bag put、


4、with wrong what’s you?


5、today are feeling you how? 八。读短文回答问题。

On April 7th, I visited Mr。 Green、 He is 90 years old,but still very healthy。 How does he keep healthy?He does sports every day、 He likes doing taijiquan and playing table tennis、 He goes to bed before 9 o’clock at night、 He eats l



