Promote the All-round Development of the China-Canada Strategic Partnership
Speech by President Hu Jintao at the Banquet Hosted by Prime Minister Stephen Harper Ottawa, 24 June 2010
(2010年6月24日,渥太华) 中华人民共和国主席胡锦涛
The Rt. Hon. Prime Minister Stephen Harper, Ladies and Gentlemen, Dear Friends,
Let me begin by expressing heartfelt thanks to Prime Minister Harper for hosting this grand banquet and delivering warm remarks.
在中加建交40周年之际,我很高兴应邀再次对加拿大进行国事访问。今天,我同米夏埃尔·让总督、哈珀总理进行了富有成果的会见会谈,达成广泛共识。我们一致同意,致力于发展中加战略伙伴关系,以两国建交40周年为契机,在新的起点上将中加关系全面推向前进。 I also wish to take this opportunity to extend appreciation to the Canada China Business Council (CCBC) and the China Council for the Promotion of International Trade (CCPIT) for their efforts to organize the Fourth China Canada Business Forum. Over the years, the CCBC and all of you present have made active
contributions to deepening mutual understanding and friendship between our two peoples and pushing forward relations between our two countries. I wish to extend my heartfelt appreciation to you and, through you, to the people from various sectors of Canada who have cared for and supported the growth of China-Canada friendship.
I am delighted to once again pay a state visit to Canada on the occasion of the 40th anniversary of our diplomatic relations. Today, I had fruitful meetings and talks with Governor General
Micha?lle Jean and Prime Minister Harper, and we reached extensive consensus in our discussions. We reaffirmed our commitment to the China-Canada strategic partnership and agreed to take the opportunity of the 40th anniversary of our diplomatic relations to further advance our bilateral ties in all respects.
女士们、先生们!Ladies and Gentlemen,
1970年10月,中加两国领导人从两国和两国人民根本利益出发,顺应时代潮流,作出两国建交的战略决策,掀开了中加关系发展新篇章。40年来,在双方共同努力下,两国关系走过了成绩斐然的发展历程。两国高层和各级别交往频繁。两国务实合作取得丰硕成果,双方年贸易额从建交之初的亿美元发展到2009年的297亿美元,中国已成为加拿大第二大贸易伙伴和第三大出口市场。双方文化、教育、卫生、司法执法等领域互利合作不断扩大和深化,在许多重大国际和地区问题上保持有效沟通和协调。近年来,两国每年往来人员总数超过70万人次,平均每天有超过2000人往返于太平洋两岸,双方缔结7对友好省和37对友好城市。 In October 1970, leaders of China and Canada, acting in the fundamental interests of the two countries and peoples, took the strategic decision to establish diplomatic relations between us. It was a move that met the trend of the time and turned a new page in China-Canada relations. Since then, our bilateral relations
have made remarkable achievements thanks to efforts of both sides. The two countries have had frequent contacts at the top and other levels. We have carried out fruitful practical
cooperation. Annual trade volume surged from a mere US$150 million in the early days of our diplomatic ties to US$ billion in 2009. China is now Canada's second largest trading partner and third largest export market. Bilateral mutually-beneficial cooperation in culture, education, health care, justice and law enforcement has grown in both scope and depth. And we have maintained effective communication and coordination on many major international and regional issues. In recent years, there have been more than 700,000 mutual visits between the people of our two countries each year. It means that each day over 2,000 people travel across the Pacific Ocean between our two countries. We have established seven sister-province relationships and 37 sister-city relationships.