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新概念英语第一册Lesson 125-126练习题(无)

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Lesson 125 and Lesson 126

一 根据句意及所给单词首字母填空(10分) 1. You are badly ill. You m______ take the medicine.

2. Philip h______ to spell his name many times because it’s too long. 3. Look, the glowers are very dry. They need w______. 4. I’m t______ sorry to have kept you waiting. 5. It hasn’t rained for a long time. It’s very ______.

6. It was a n______ having to go back home to get my ticket and it’s a waste of time. 7. Don’t leave your baby at home by h______. 8. What does this word m______?

9. The rain means you n______ not water the garden.

10. My hometown has changed a lot since two years ago. You will be s______ to see it.

二 用所给单词的适当形式填空(10分) 1. It is ______ (terrible) dry. 2. I’ll have tea by ______ (I).

3. What is the ______ (mean) of this word? 4. I have to leave ______ (immediate). 5. It’s ______ (surprise) news, isn’t it? 6. It was a ______ (please) trip.

7. How ______ (happy) the boys are singing! 8. Peter was busy ______ (water) the garden.

9. Tom does his homework as ______ (careful) as Lucy. 10. Please speak ______ (loud). I can’t hear you.

三 用适当的情态动词填空(10分) 1. Must I go now? No, you ______ not. 2. It’s terribly dry. I ______ water the garden.

3. I couldn’t catch the bus last night I ______ ______ take a taxi. 4. Time is flying. We ______ not waste our time. 5. ______ Tom move the box? I don’t think so.

6. I will ______ ______ get up early tomorrow to catch the first bus. 7. ______ you please put your hat on? 8. ______ I have a look at your home?

9. Hong long have you ______ ______ wait for your friend? 10. The thieves ran away as quickly as they ______.

四 用所给动词的适当形式填空(10分)

1. We ______ not ______ (leave) until you come back. 2. I couldn’t get a bus. So I ______ (have) to take a taxi. 3. We spent two days ______ (get) ready for the meeting. 4. Don’t forget ______ (take) the dictionary with you. 5. Have you finished ______ (water) the garden?

6. I’m very ______ (surprise) that John thinks this film is more interesting than that one.

7. You needn’t ______ (walk) to the station.

8. She ______ (finish) the housework before she went out.

9. The largest number of people ______ (speak) Chinese in the world. 10. They crowded round the place to see what ______ (happen) there.

五 选择填空(15分)

( ) 1. You must do the homework ______. Don’t look at others. A. yourself B. by you C. itself D. you ( ) 2. Does your father let ______ go all by ______? A. you; yourself B. you; yours C. you; your D. your; yourself

( ) 3. It hasn’t rained for a few weeks and it is very dry. So Peter ______ water his garden for

some time. A. must B. has to C. has had to D. will have to

( ) 4. ______ it is! A. How nuisance B. What nuisance C. What a nuisance D. How a nuisance ( ) 5. Last Summer it was very dry. I ______ it every day. A. must water B. have to water C. had to water D. didn’t have to ( ) 6. To his ______, he found his pen lost. A. surprising B. surprise C. surprised D. surprise ( ) 7. It is raining now. It means you ______ water the garden. A. mustn’t B. can’t C. may not D. needn’t ( ) 8. I ______ get up early tomorrow to catch the first bus. A. must B. will must C. have to D. will have to ( ) 9. Would you please ______ talk in class? A. won’t B. not to C. not D. don’t ( ) 10. Did he go to school when he was young? No, he taught ______.

A. his B. himself C. him D. he

( ) 11. The baby is too young. You can’t leave her ______. A. for herself B. to herself C. by sheself D. by herself ( ) 12. When the students finish ______ their homework, they went on ______ outside. A. doing, playing B. to do, to play C. doing, to play D. to do, playing ( ) 13. Kate did quite ______ in English, but ______ in maths. A. well; badly B. good; bad C. bad; well D. badly; good ( ) 14. Jim is ______ to carry the heavy bag by himself. A. too strong B. strong enough C. so strong D. rather strong ( ) 15. You don’t have to water the garden. It means you can have tea, ______. A. too B. either C. as well D. instead

六 句型转换(10分)

1. Must I water the garden first?(做否定回答) ______, you ______.

2. You don’t have to get up early.(变为同义句) You ______ get up early.

3. He jumped very high.(改为感叹句) ______ ______ he jumped!

4. The rain was a pleasant surprise.(改为同义句) The rain was ______ pleasantly.

5. What does this word mean?(改为同义句) What is the ______ of this ______?

6. I will have tea by myself.(就换线部分提问) ______ will you ______ tea?

7. You don’t need to water the garden. You can have tea, instead.(改为同义句) You can have tea ______ ______ watering the garden. 8. He had to work all day yesterday.(就换线部分提问) ______ did he ______ to ______ yesterday?

9. He has had to wait for two hours.(就换线部分提问) ______ ______ has he ______ to wait?

10. One of his friends came yesterday.(改为同义句) A ______ of ______ came yesterday.

七 根据汉语提示完成句子(10分) 1. 我必须立即离开。

I have to ______ ______.

2. 不要把你的孩子单独留在家里。

Don’t ______ your child at home by ______. 3. 天干燥得厉害。 It is ______ ______. 4. 你说那话是什么意思?

What ______ you ______ by saying that? 5. 那是一件惊喜的事。

That was a ______ ______. 6. 他惊讶地看着我。

He was looking at me ______ ______. 7. 他等到他的湿衣服变干为止。

He waited ______ his wet clothes ______ out. 8. 我们不必走到火车站。

We ______ ______ to walk to the station. 9. 这些树需要浇水。

These trees ______ ______. 10. 汤姆和玛丽下次得乘船旅行。

Tom and Mary will ______ to ______ by ship next time.

八 补全对话(10分)

A: ___1___ you go and play basketball with me? B: Not ___2___. I must do my homework ___3___. A: Do you ___4___ to do it now? B: I’m ___5___ I have to. Look at it.

新概念英语第一册Lesson 125-126练习题(无)


