cipp 非开挖修复的技术要
1. 1.1
It is the intent of this specification to provide for the reconstruction of pipelines and conduits by the installation of a resin-impregnated flexible tube, which is tightly formed to the original
conduit. The resin is cured using either hot water under hydrostatic pressure or steam pressure within the tube. The Cured-In-Place Pipe (CIPP) will be continuous and tight fitting. The work shall be completed within ( ) calendar days from the “Notice to Proceed”.
2. 2.1
This specification references standards from the American Society for Testing and Materials, such as: ASTM F1216 (Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and Conduits by the Inversion and Curing of a Resin-Impregnated Tube), ASTM F1743 (Rehabilitation of Existing Pipelines and Conduits by Pulled-in-Place Installation of Cured-in-Place Thermosetting Resin Pipe (CIPP)), ASTM D5813 (Cured-in-Place Thermosetting Resin Sewer Pipe), ASTM D790 (Test Methods for
Flexural Properties of Un-reinforced and Reinforced Plastics and Electrical Insulating Materials), and D2990 (Tensile, Compressive, and Flexural Creep and Creep-Rupture of Plastics) which are made a part hereof by such reference and shall be the latest edition and revision thereof. In case of conflicting requirements between this specification and these referenced documents, this specification will govern.
3. 3.1
Since sewer products are intended to have a 50-year design life, and in order to minimize the Owner’s risk, only proven products with substantial successful long-term track records will be approved. All trenchless rehabilitation products and installers must be pre-approved prior to the formal opening of proposals.
Products and Installers seeking approval must meet all of the following criteria(标准)to be deemed Commercially Acceptable:
3.1.1 For a Product to be considered Commercially Proven, a minimum of five successful
wastewater collection system projects of a similar size and scope of work shall be performed in the U.S. and documented to the satisfaction of the Owner to assure commercial viability
3.1.2 For an Installer to be considered as Commercially Proven, the Installer must satisfy all
insurance, financial, and bonding requirements of the Owner, and must have had at least 5 (five) years active experience in the commercial installation. In addition, the Installer must have successfully installed at least 1,000,000 feet of a cured-in-place product in wastewater collection systems. Acceptable documentation of these minimum installations must be submitted to the Owner. Installer’s project managers must have a minimum of 2 years o
CIPP installation experience and must be on-site during the installation of the CIPP products.
Sewer rehabilitation products submitted for approval must provide third party
test results supporting the structural performance (short-term and long-term)
of the product and such data shall be satisfactory to the Owner. No product will be approved without independent third party testing verification.
other recognized organization standards. Proof of certification shall be required for approval.
Proposals must be labeled clearly on the outside of the proposal envelope, listing
the product name and installer being proposed. Only proposals using pre- approved products and installers will be opened and read. Proposals
products and/or from installers that have not been pre-approved will be
The owner authorizes the use of proven materials that serve to enhance the pipe
performance specified herein. Proven materials have passed independent laboratory testing, not excluding long-term (10,000 hour) structural behavior testing, and have been
successfully installed to repair failing host pipes in the U. S. for at least 4 years. In addition to the aforementioned, the owner may require that the contractor demonstrate that the enhancements proposed exceed the specifications herein, prior to the installation of the enhanced material systems. This section in no way shall be interpreted as authorization to deviate from the minimum standard practices set forth herein.
Both the rehabilitation manufacturing and installation processes shall operate
under a quality management system which is third-party certified to ISO 9000
submitted on
Documentation for products and installers seeking pre-approved status must be submitted no less than two weeks prior to proposal due date to allow time for adequate consideration. The Owner will advise of acceptance or rejection a minimum of three days prior to the due date. All required submittals must be satisfactory to the Owner.
4. MATERIALS(材料)4.1
Tube - The sewn Tube shall consist of one or more layers of absorbent non-woven felt fabric and meet the requirements of ASTM F1216, Section 5.1 or ASTM F1743, Section 5.2.1 or ASTM D 5813, Sections 5 and 6. The tube shall be constructed to withstand installation pressures, have sufficient strength to bridge missing pipe, and stretch to fit irregular pipe sections.
4.1.1 The wet out Tube shall have a relatively uniform thickness that when compressed at
installation pressures will equal or exceed the calculated minimum design CIPP wall thickness. 4.1.2 The Tube shall be manufactured to a size that when installed will tightly fit the internal
circumference and length of the original pipe. Allowance should be made for circumferential stretching during installation.. 4.1.3 The outside layer of the Tube shall be coated with an impermeable, flexible membrane that
will contain the resin and allow the resin impregnation (wet out) procedure to be monitored. 4.1.4 The Tube shall contain no intermediate or encapsulated elastomeric layers. No material
shall be included in the Tube that may cause delamination in the cured CIPP. No dry or unsaturated layers shall be evident.
4.1.6 Seams in the Tube shall be stronger than the non-seamed felt material.
4.1.7 The Tube shall be marked for distance at regular intervals along its entire length, not to
exceed 5 ft. Such markings shall include the Manufacturers name or identifying symbol. The tubes must be manufactured in the USA.
Resin - The resin system shall be a corrosion resistant polyester or vinyl ester system including all required catalysts, initiators that when cured within the tube create a composite that satisfies the requirements of ASTM F1216, ASTM D5813 and ASTM F1743, the physical properties herein, and those which are to be utilized in the submitted and approved design of the CIPP for this project. The resin shall produce a CIPP that will comply with the structural and chemical resistance requirements of this specification.
5. 5.1
The CIPP shall be designed as per ASTM F1216, Appendix X.1. The CIPP design shall assume no bonding to the original pipe wall.
The Contractor must have performed long-term testing for flexural creep of the CIPP pipe material installed by his Company. Such testing results are to be used to determine the long-term, time dependent flexural modulus to be utilized in the product design. This is a performance test of the materials (Tube and Resin) and general workmanship of the installation and curing as defined within the relevant ASTM standard. A percentage of the instantaneous flexural modulus value (as measured by ASTM D790 testing) will be used in design calculations for external buckling. The percentage, or the long-term creep retention value utilized, will be verified by this testing. Retention values exceeding 50% of the short-term test results shall not be applied unless substantiated by qualified third party test data to the OwnerThe materials utilized ’s satisfaction. for the contracted project shall be of a quality equal to or better than the materials used in the long-term test with respect to the initial flexural modulus used in the CIPP design.