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甘肃省天水一中2019-2020学年高二下学期第一学段考试英语试题(重点班) Word版含答案 

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1.Unfortunately,_____ stone hit him on ______ head and he got injured. A.the;a C.a;the

B.a;/ D.the;the

2.______ violin is his main focus, David is also excellent at guitar. A.Since




3.Don't focus on what you're lacking. Instead, you should be with what you've already had. A.content C.patient

B.busy D.strict

4.______ skills, David is believed to be one of the best and most talented basketball players in our team. A.In need of

B.In favor of

C.In terms of

D.In honor of

5.The Internet gives people the chance to have the information they look forward ____to them quickly and cheaply. A.to deliver

B.to be delivered

C.to delivering

D.to delivered

6.We hurriedly ended our meeting, leaving many problems ______. A.to be settled

B.to settle


D.having settled

7.It was with his iron-fist approach_________ corruption in the southern state _________the 70-year-old man built a political name. A.to fighting, where C.of fighting, where

B.of fighting, that D.to fighting, that

8.Great changes ________ in our school since 2016. A lot of progress ________. A.have taken the place; have been made C.were taken place; has made

B.had taken place; have been made D.have taken place; has been made


9.His suggestion that she ________ in his home suggested he ________ very warm-hearted. A.would stay; was C.should stay; be

B.stayed; be D.stay; was

10.With the help of other people, the people in the south of China _________ the most difficult time in recent 50 years. A.overcame




11.______ the little kid wanted to do something himself made his parents very happy. A.That




12. Not until ______ at the top of my voice_______ his head. A.did I shouted; he did turn B.I shouted; did he turn C.did I shout; that he turned D.I was shouting; he had turned

13.When _______ the two countries, we’ve found they have much in common. A.compared


C.being compared


14.It’s based on the idea all people are created equal, is accepted by most people. A.that; that

B.which; which

C.which; when

D.that; which

15.—Jack, you seem excited.

—______? I won the first prize in the English speech contest. A.Guess what C.Pardon me



While you’re grounded and social distancing, you can still travel the world through the pages of these novels whose setting is often the main character. Whether going back in time to Cartegna,


B.So what D.Who cares

Colombia in “Love in the Time of Cholera” or getting lost on a remote volcanic Russian peninsula in “Disappearing Earth”, these books will transport you all around the globe.

1. ‘Snow Falling on Cedars’ by David Guterson Puget Sound, Washington

While San Piedro is a fictional island in the real life San Juan Islands off Washington, the location of this haunting mystery is believed to be based on Bainbridge Island, which is more to the south in Puget Sound. But for anyone who’s been to these Pacific Northwest islands and experienced their pine and cedar forests and quiet harbors, the book’s description of San Piedro rings true: “a brand of green beauty that inclined its residents toward the poetical.”

2. ‘Disappearing Earth’ by Julia Phillips Kamchatka Peninsula, Russia

This detective fiction’s main character is Kamchatka, the remote Siberian peninsula full of unique characters who reveal the ethnic and cultural conflicts of the region, all connected by a crime.

3. ‘Love in the Time of Cholera’ by Gabriel Garcia Marquez Cartagena, Colombia

Although the location of the book goes unnamed, it’s generally accepted that Marquez’s hometown was the inspiration for this story of unrequited love. The film adaptation was shot within the walls of the Old City.

4. ‘Florida’ by Lauren Groff Florida

Storms, snakes, sinkholes and stories? Welcome to Florida. The fantastical tales in this collection span centuries, characters and towns, but all take place in the Sunshine State. You’ll be swept up in a wild hurricane of a ride with these lyrical stories of anger and love, loss and hope. 16.The text is especially helpful for those who ________. A.are fond of traveling C.are eager to read

B.are afraid of working D.are happy to be grounded

17.Which of the following is an imaginary place?


A.San Piedro. C.San Juan Islands.

B.Puget Sound. D.Bainbridge Island.

18.Which book will you choose if you like the stories in the Sunshine State? A.Snow Falling on Cedars B.Disappearing Earth C.Love in the Time of Cholera D.Florida


Before I turned 10, I lost my parents. I lived alone in a room that a family member allowed me to use rent-free. To support myself, I began to deliver newspapers.

I would be up every morning by 5 am and walk five kilometers to the newspaper office. By 6 am, I would collect 50 copies of Manzil. After distributing (分发) the copies, I would rush home—another 3 kilometers—quickly eat and be off to high school.

One winter morning in 1945, I got home after my deliveries to find a boy of my age at my doorstep. He introduced himself as Afzal and said his father wanted to see me.

I was greeted at the door by Afzal’s mother, Naseem. She served tea and snacks as Afzal’s father, Mr. Kader, joined us. She gently asked me about my daily routine. I told her about my morning job.

Later, as I was about to leave after thanking them, Mr. Kader asked me to wait. Naseem asked me, “How many miles do you walk every day?”

“A little more than six,” I replied.

My reply shocked her. I saw Mr. Kader wheeling a new bicycle. “This is for you!” he said.

It took a few seconds for the love to sink in. I didn’t realize tears were rolling down my face. Mr. Kader said, “Your newspaper editor is a friend of mine. He gave me your address, so I knew you lived close by. Then Afzal told us more about you.”

I bowed, gratefully, shook hands with Afzal and left. This time I did not have to walk—I had


the bicycle.

The bicycle saved my life for many years thereafter and taught me a lifelong lesson: Help should always be need-based. Never try to feed a person who is dying of thirst. 19.What difficulty did the author have when he delivered the newspaper? A.His bike is too broken to use. C.He did have enough time to school.

B.He had no money to rent a room. D.It is a long way to deliver newspapers.

20.From the underlined sentence we can know the author was _______. A.Confused C.Moved

B.Uninterested D.Satisfied

21.How did Mr. Kader get to know about the author? A.From his friend. C.From his neighbors.

B.From newspaper. D.From the authors teacher.

22.What lesson did the author get according to the last paragraph? A.Do whatever you can to help others. B.Know what others need when giving help. C.Helping should avoid hurting others’ feelings. D.You should be grateful for whoever helps you.


Why do Americans struggle with watching their weight, while the French, who consume rich food, continue to stay thin? Now a research by Cornell University suggests how life style and decisions about eating may affect weight. Researchers concluded that the French tend to stop eating when they feel full. However, Americans tend to stop when their plate is empty or their favorite TV show is over.

According to Dr. Joseph Mercola, a health expert, the French see eating as an important part of their life style. They enjoy food and therefore spend a fairly long time at the table, while Americans see eating as something to be squeezed between the other daily activities. Mercola believes


甘肃省天水一中2019-2020学年高二下学期第一学段考试英语试题(重点班) Word版含答案 


