The sorcerer’s stone
Chapter one the boy who lived Paragraph one
sorcerer ['s??s?r?(r) ]n. a wizard; One who practices sorcery;魔法师:搞巫术活动的人;巫士
wizard ['w?z?(r)d](One who practices magic; a sorcerer or magician巫师:从事妖术的人;男巫或魔术师 magician[m?'d???n]A sorcerer; a wizard. 巫师;术士 paragraph ['p?r?grɑ?f]n. 段, 节 1
drive [dra?v](abbr. Dr) used in the names of roads (用于路名)路,大道 privet [priv·et || 'pr?v?t]n.女贞
The garden was enclosed by a privet hedge. 这个花园用女贞树篱圈了起来。 involve英 [?n'v?lv] vt. 包含;牵涉;使陷于;潜心于 hedge [hed?]n. 树篱
perfectly ['per·fect·ly || 'p?rf?ktl? /p??f-]adv. 完全地, 完整地, 无瑕疵地 hold with vt. 赞成(和 ... 抱同一意见);容忍
nonsense [non·sense || 'nɑnsens /'n?] n. 无意义的事, 荒唐, 荒谬的言行 2
director [di·rec·tor || d?'rekt?]n. 主任; 导演; 主管 firm [f?rm /f??m]n. 商号, 公司, 商行 drill [dr?l]n. 钻, 钻头; 钻机; 钻床
beefy [beef·y || 'bi?f?] adj. 像牛肉的, 结实的, 强壮的
blonde [bl?nd]n. 金发碧眼的女人adj. 金黄色的; 白肤金发碧眼的; 白皙的; 浅色的 amount [a·mount || ?'ma?nt]n. 总额, 数量
crane [kre?n]n. 鹤, 起重机 v. 伸颈, 以起重机搬移; 伸着脖子看; 踌躇 spy [spa?]n. 间谍, 侦察, 侦探v. 侦察, 发现, 找出; 做密探, 侦查 3
good-for-nothing英 ['ɡudf?,n?θi?] adj. 无用的,无益的 shudder [shud·der || '??d?(r)]v. 发抖, 战栗; 震动, 颤动 4
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dull [d?l]:Cloudy or overcast: 阴霾的:多云的阴天的 gray n. 灰色; 灰色衣服; 灰色颜料; 暗淡的光线
country [coun·try || 'k?ntr?] n. 国家; 祖国; 国土; 故乡; 乡村 hum [h?m]v. 哼曲子
boring [bor·ing || 'b??r??]adj.(形容词)Uninteresting and tiresome; dull. 无聊的:无趣的和令人厌烦的;单调沉闷的
gossip [gos·sip || 'gɑs?p /'g?s-]vi. 闲聊;传播流言蜚语
wrestle [wres·tle || 'resl]及物动词)To move or lift with great effort and force: 用力移动,用力举起:用力而且费劲地移动或举起
screaming ['scream·ing || 'skr??m??]adj. 叫喊的 tawny [taw·ny || 't??n?]adj. 黄褐色的, 茶色的 owl [a?l]n. 猫头鹰
flutter [flut·ter || 'fl?t?(r)]To fly by a quick, light flapping of the wings. 翩然地飞:轻快拍翅地飞行 5
briefcase n. 公事包, 公文包
peck [pek]Informal To kiss briefly and casually. 【非正式用语】轻吻:以迅速敷衍的方式亲吻 tantrum [tan·trum || 't?ntr?m]n. 发脾气, 发怒
cereal [ce·re·al || 's??r??l]n. 谷类植物; 玉蜀黍薄片; 谷类加工食品; 麦片 Little tyke 小淘气
tyke [ta?k]A small child, especially a boy. 小孩子,尤指小男孩
chortle[chor·tle || 't???tl]n.(名词)A snorting, joyful laugh or chuckle. 欢乐的笑:欢乐的高声大笑或轻笑不及物动词和及物动词) To utter a chortle or express with a chortle. 大笑:发出哈哈大笑或用哈哈大笑来表达
drive [dra?v]n. 驾车; 快车道 6
peculiar [pe·cul·iar || p?'kju?l??(r)]adj. 奇特的, 特殊的, 罕见的 for a second 一会儿,片刻
jerk [d??rk /d???k]v. 把...猛地一拉; 猛然一动
tabby [tab·by || 't?b?]adj.(形容词)Having light and dark striped markings: 有斑纹的:有浅色和深色的条纹的:
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blink [bl?nk] v. 眨眼睛 7
drive out v. 逐出(使忘掉) traffic jam 塞车, 交通拥塞
cloak [kl??k]n. 斗蓬; 掩护; 宽大外衣
funny英 ['f?n?] 美 ['f?ni] adj. 有趣的;滑稽的;奇异的
getup InformalAn outfit or a costume. 【非正式用语】打扮:全套的衣服或服装
drum [dr?m]To thump or tap rhythmically or continually: 连续敲击:有节奏或连续地捶击或叩击: steering [steer·ing || 'st?r?? /'st??r-]n. 操纵, 指导, 掌舵 wheel [hw??l /w-]n. 轮子, 轮, 车轮 steering wheel 方向盘
huddle [hud·dle || 'h?dl]A densely packed group or crowd, as of people or animals. 群集,聚集:密密地挤成一团或一群,如人或动物
weirdo [weir·do || 'w?rd?? /'w??d-]n. 怪人; 怪物 close by 在旁边, 附近
enrage [en·rage || ?n're?d?]v. 激怒; 使愤怒
a couple of英 [? ?k?pl ?v]美 [e ?k?p?l ?v]两个, 几个 emerald green 翡翠绿; 巴黎绿
emerald [em·er·ald || 'em?r?ld] n. 翡翠, 翠绿色, 绿宝石 nerve [n?rv /n??v]Brazen boldness; effrontery: 厚颜;鲁莽 strike英 [stra?k] 美 [stra?k] vi. 打,打击
It strikes me that 我的印象是……;我突然想到……
stunt [st?nt]Something of an unusual nature done for publicity. 花招,噱头:为作宣传而做的不同寻常的东西 lot [lɑt /l?t]A piece of land used for a given purpose: 有特殊用途的一块土地:a parking lot.停车场 8
in broad daylight 在大白天, 公开地
broad [br??d]Full; open: 充满的;敞开的:broad daylight.大白天 swoop [swu?p]To move in a sudden sweep: 猛扑:突然向前疾弛而动
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swoop past 掠过 gaze [ge?z]n. 注视, 凝视
open-mouthed adj. 目瞪口呆的, 惊愕得张大嘴的 speed [sp??d]To pass quickly: 快速越过: sped sped however [how·ev·er || ha?'ev?(r)]conj. 然而, 不过 owl-free 无猫头鹰 yell [jel]n. 叫声, 喊声
stretch [stret?]v. 舒展肢体, 伸懒腰
bun [b?n]n. 小圆面包:一种甜的或奶香料的,有时还有干果的小面包圈; 小圆糕点 9
bunch [b?nt?]InformalA group of people usually having a common interest or association: 【非正式用语】一帮,一伙:有共同兴趣或合作关系的一群人 tin [t?n]n. 锡, 罐, 马口铁
clutch [kl?t?]To seize; snatch. 抓住;抓取 doughnut n. 油炸圈饼
but thought better of it.但再好好考虑一下
dash [d??]To move with haste; rush: 快速地移动;猛冲
snap [sn?p]To speak abruptly or sharply: 呵斥:突然并且严厉地说话:
dial [di·al || 'da??l]n. 刻度盘, 转盘, 针面v. 调; 拨; 收听, 收视; 打电话给; 拨号 receiver [re'ceiv·er || r?'s??v?(r)]n. 接收器
stroke [str??k]及物动词)To rub lightly, with or as if with the hand or something held in the hand; caress. 抚:用手或如同用手一般对手掌内的东西轻轻地摩擦;抚摸
there was no point to doing sth 和 there was no point in dong sth 有相同意思,异曲同工 “做这件事没啥意义”
upset [up'set || ?p'set] adj. 烦乱的, 不高兴的 10
grunt [gr?nt]To utter or express with a deep, guttural sound: 咕哝着说出:以深沉的喉音说出或表示 stumble [stum·ble || 'st?mbl] v. 跌跌撞撞地走,蹒跚 tiny英 ['ta?n?]美 [?ta?ni]adj.极小的,微小的 violet [vi·o·let || 'va??l?t] n. 紫罗兰
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split [spl?t] 被分开
squeaky ['squeak·y || 'skw??k?]Characterized by squeaking tones: 短促尖声的:以短促的尖声为特征的 rejoice [re·joice || r?'d???s]v. 欣喜, 高兴; 庆祝, 欢乐; 使高兴, 使欣喜 root [ru?t]v. 生根; 根源在于, 来源于; 固定
spot [spɑt /sp?t]A place of relatively small and definite limits. 场所:相对小而又有确定限制的地点 rattle [rat·tle || 'r?tl]InformalTo fluster; unnerve: 【非正式用语】使慌乱;使不安 11
pull into (车)进站 driveway n. 车道
marking [mark·ing || 'mɑrk?? /'mɑ?k??]n. 做记号; 标志; 打分; 印记 stern [st?rn /st??n] Inexorable; relentless: 毫不宽容的;无情的: pull together 振作起来 12
Over :Through the extent of; all through: 在…的范围内;遍及 living room [liv·ing room || ?l?v???r?m] 客厅, 起居室 although [al·though || ??l'e??]conj. 虽然; 然而
sighting ['sight·ing || 'sa?t??]n.(名词)The act of catching sight of something, especially something unusual or searched for: 看到:看见某物的动作,尤指见到不寻常或正在寻找的东西 newscaster ['nu?zk?st?(r) /'nju?zkɑ?s-]n. 新闻广播员, 新闻评论广播员 grin [gr?n]n. 露齿笑; 裂口笑
shower [show·er || '?a??9r)]n. 阵雨; 阵雨般的东西 downpour n. 倾盆大雨
bonfire [bon·fire || 'b?nfa??]n. 大篝火, 营火
folk [f??k]folks Informal People in general: folks 【非正式用语】 人们:作为整体的人 whisper [whis·per || 'hw?sp?(r) /'w-]n. 耳语, 谣传, 密谈 13
nervously ['n?rv?sl? /'n??v-]adv. 神经质地; 提心吊胆地; 焦急地 sharply adv. 锋利地; 激烈地; 锐利地; 突然地, 猛烈地 mumble [mum·ble || 'm?mbl]v. 含糊地说, 咕哝着说
snap [sn?p]To utter abruptly or sharply: 呵斥:突然且严厉地说出
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