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The power of its brand and logo speaks loudly of Nike's superb marketing skills. The company's strategy of building superior products around popular athletes has forever changed the face of sports marketing, Nike spends hundreds of millions of dollars each year on big name endorsements, splashy(轰动的) promotional events, and lots oh attention-getting ads. Over the years, Nike has associated itself with some of the biggest names in sports. No matter what your sport, chances are good that one of your favorite athletes wears the Nike Swoosh.

Part 2 Answer the following questions based on what you have learned from the textbook. You should use complete sentences. (15 points)

1. What does the term TQM mean?

2. Explain the difference between STEEP analysis and SWOT analysis. 3. What can we learn about a company from its balance sheet, profit and loss account and cashflow forecast?

Paper 4 Reading Comprehension (30



Passage 1 (15 points) Read the following text and answer questions 1-5.

Sometimes you might be asked to go to a selection or assessment centre. This is an extended interview which is made up of a series of group activities, rests and presentations. You will be assessed throughout the day by assessors who will be looking to see how well you work in a ream, whether your communication skills are good and whether you can work to deadlines. Team work is important. You don't do yourself any favors by trying to take over the group, but at the same time, don't sit back and let everyone else do the work.

Don’t panic if you're asked to do a presentation on something you don't know much about as the way you give the presentation is often more important than the content itself. You should practice beforehand so you know how long the presentation takes. The best advice on dealing with a selection centre is to give it your best shot. If you sit timidly in the


corner, the assessor cannot make any judgement about you.

When you take a personality test, which is designed to find out about your personality and character, what your values are and what motivates you, don't worry about answering questions incorrectly there is usually no right or wrong answers. Answer the questions honestly and positively. There is no point in trying Io give the answers you think the employer will want because firstly you might have the wrong idea about what the employer is looking for, and secondly, you don't want 1o gel tile job and spend the ensuing months trying to be someone who you're not.

1. What is the passage mainly concerned with?

2. How should you behave during the day at the selection centre?

3. How should applicants approach giving presentations?

4. Does it matter if you answer questions incorrectly in a personality test? Why? 5. What does the author say about lying in a personality test?


Passage 2 ( 15 points)

Despite the attention paid within advertising agencies to the whole business targeting specific groups, there have been some spectacular failures to get it right when companies have tried to go international or global with their products. This has been for a variety of reasons. Sometimes, the brand name of the product has unfortunate associations when translated into foreign languages. Looking at this area can illustrate how powerful the operation of connotation is --the way in which words can call up associations in our minds. Because of the way we make connections between words and particular ideas, feeling and experiences, brand names are crucial for advertisers. They are very economic, acting as little concentrated capsules of meaning. Where advertisers get it right, readers will do the work to generate all the intended connotations.

There are whole companies who specialize in offering research on brand-name connotations to product manufacturers looking for a name for a new


product, or looking at how best to market an existing product to new, foreign audiences. These companies—for example Interbrand, and The Brandnaming Company typically organize brainstorming sessions where they ask groups of people to let their imaginations ‘roam free’, from which meetings they arrive at shortlists of names whose suitability is then researched further. Names on the shortlists have to pass certain tests: for example, that they are not too close to existing names; that they are pronounceable in all the world's major languages; that they have the right connotations. The latter, however, is a complex area. Even within one language, connotations can be about quite subtle distinctions. For example, when Pickfords Travel merged with Hogg Robinson two years ago, the shortlist for the new company had two main contenders: 'Destinations' ,arid 'Going Places'. The new company chose the latter, deciding that 'destinations' tended to suggest long haul flights to farflung places travel for the privileged. 'Going Places', on the other hand, was thought to



