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Enable the students to learn some basic knowledge about advertisements Get the students to learn how to read a expository writing

To improve students' reading comprehension skill by fully participating in all activities




How to improve their reading ability through teaching activities

How to let them gain some insight into advertisements and help them deal with advertisements in their daily life

The usages of some key words




活动1【导入】教学活动 StepⅠ: Leading-in

T: (Greet the students as usual)In the last lesson we discussed four advertisements and talked about their effects on us. Today we will go on to learn more about ads by reading a passage called Advertisements. Please enjoy a video about ads with a question: Do these two ads belong to the same type?

Then ask two more questions:① Where can you find ads? ②What kind of things can be advertised? (This step is to help them know there are different kinds of ads which have different features and arouse their interest about ads.)

活动2【活动】Fast reading StepⅡ: Fast Reading

Get the students to go through the questions in part A first and then read the text silently to find the answers to the three questions: 1) What do ads try to persuade people to do? 2) What does PSA stand for? 3) What do PSAs aim to do?

(Remind students to use skimming and scanning skills to focus on and identify the information needed to answer these questions. Let them pay attention to the three subtitles in the passage which can help them find the information they want. ) Suggested Answers:

1)To buy a product service or service, or to believe in an idea. 2)Public service advertisements

3)They aim to teach us and help us lead better lives. 活动3【活动】Listening Step Ⅲ: Listening

Get the students to listen to the passage with T or F questions in Part C1. Part C1:

1) Most people are not aware of how many ads are around them. 2) Advertisements are always meant to promote a product or service. 3) PSAs are only found in newspapers and on TV.

4) PSAs and commercial ads use some of the same methods.

5) Commercial ads often give us valuable information about how to live our lives. 6) An ad warning people against smoking is an example of a PSA. Suggested Answers:

1. T 2. F 3. F 4. T 5. F 6. T 活动4【活动】Careful reading Step Ⅳ: Careful Reading

Get the students to read the passage again carefully in order to got a better understanding of the article. Then answer the following questions.

Part C2:

1) Where are advertisements usually found?

2) What is the major distinction between commercial advertisements and PSAs? 3) Why are some of the advertisements clever according to the article? 4) When did China begin a nationwide public service advertising campaign? 5) Why should we follow the advice in PSAs? 活动5【活动】Reading strategy Step Ⅴ: Reading Strategy

Tell the students that different types of passages require different reading strategy. The article we have learnt is an expository writing. Then ask them to read the reading strategy on page 3 and try to answer the two questions:

1) What is expository writing meant to do? 2) What is its basic format?

(Remind them to concentrate on the letters in bold ) Possible Answers:

1) It is meant to introduce you to basic information on a topic.

2) It usually follows the basic format: introduction of the subject, examples and facts that develop or support the idea, conclusion. 活动6【活动】Group work Step Ⅵ Group work

Ask the students to discuss in groups about the similarities and differences between commercial and public service advertisements.



