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II Vocabulary 1. Translate. (P14)
1) From Engl i sh i nto Ch i nese. ci)学校教职员工CIO)青春期 (2) 政治上的成熟(11)种族偏见
(3) 成长过程中的变化(12)每天工作日程 (4) 认同危机(13)伦理道德观念 (5) 恋爱关系(14)处理日常生活的能力 (6) 遗传工程(15)历史背景 (7) 学术生活(16)异性
⑻偶然事件(17)感情上的支持 (9)民族认同CI8)生活方式
2) From Ch i nese i nto Engl i sh.
to pursue an education (10) to drag one's feet to acqu i re knowI edge (11) to evaIuate the
\\JZ- \\JZ \\JZ \\JZ \\)/ \\JZ \\JZ 123456789 /(\\ z(\\ z(\\ 7(\\ /(X /(\\ z(\\ z(\\ 7(\\ resuIt to hand Ie the case (12) to process knowI edge to def ine the word (13) to perform one1s duty to seIect one's major (14) to narrow the gap to resent the treatment (15) to expand bus i ness to estabI i sh the i r i dentity (16) to expect better to frustrate the students (17) to assembIe cars to dec I are war (18) to preserrt facts
Give synonyms and antonyms of the fol lowing. (P15)
1) G i ve synonyms.
(1) objective, purpose, end (7) choice
(2) to happen (8) to choose/to pick or pick out
(3) to increase/to enIarge/to grow/to deveI op (9) ma i n/ch i ef/pr inci pa I/1ead i ng
(4) to try/to attempt/to make an effort (10) be I i ef (5) c I ear (11) strong feeling
(6) magaz i ne (12) to get/to ga i n/to obta i n
\\JZ \\JZ \\JX \\JZ \\JZ XJZ \\7 1 2 3 4 5 6 z(\\ z(\\ 7(\\ /(X z(x /(\\ Give antonyms.
mascuI i ne (9) to excIude immature (10) d i sapprovaI
i ndependence (11) mi strust/d i strust i nfer i or (12) i nequaI i ty
minor (14) to grow/to increase/to expand/to i ncompetent (13) to d i scourage develop
(7) to narrow (15) ind i st inct/uncIear/vague
(8) i nnocence (16) impract i caI/unpract i caI/1heoret i caI 3? Fill in the b I a nks with the appropr i a te words in t he i r proper forms I i sted below. (P15)
1) hand Ie 5) observant, occurrence 9) occurred, apply
2) occurrenee 6) observation, observed, occur 10) observers, hand Ied
3) hand Ie 7) i nvoIve 11)
i nvoIvement
4) i nvoIved 8) appI i cation 12) observation 4. Translate. (P16)
1) She intends to appIy for that academic pos it ion.
2) He i s so devoted to hi s research that the idea that he wi I I soon have to ret ire never occurs to him.
3) Many peopIe have observed that, without effective checks, we have a tendency to abuse our power?
4) Students must observe carefuI Iy how good wr iters use words?
5) Some countr ies refuse to get involved i n t h i s d i spute and they rese nt any fore i gn i nterferenee.
6) How do you think we should hand Ie the drug prob Iem?
7) Accord i ng to the agreement, a I I bus i ness poI i c i es shouId appIy to everybody without any prejudice.
8) The controI of the sand storms wi I I invoIve a tremendous amount of work and mone y.
9) You have t o take in to cons i dera tion the I oca I con d i t i on s whe n you app I y t hese
techno Iogies?
10) Al I appI icarrts wi I I have to fill out thi s form and ma i I in an appI ication fee of 50 do I I ars.
11) Based on h i s carefu I observationof chi Idren* s behavior he came to the cone I us i on that learning i s a natural pIeasure?
12) In a country of many nat ional ities, ethnic harmony requi res very carefuI hand I i ng.
13) The government is determined to punish a I I the corrupt officials involved? 14) Cheating at exams does not occur very often. But when it does, the school takes a
5. Fi I I in the b I anks with 1) C. 3) A.
B. 5) B. 7) D. 9)
the most appropr i ate B. 11) word. (P16)
A. 13)
D. 15)
B. 17)
2) A. 4) A. /D. 6) D. 8) A. 16) D. 18) D. ? 10) C. 12) C. 14) A. forms6. (4) objecti (P18) Choose the r i ght word i n the i r proper
1) (1) requ i res (2) requ i res (3) acqu i re (4) acqu i ve (5) objects
(1) object (2) objectives (3) objective 2) re (5) very to ugh pos i tioru i nqu i re
3) (1) entrusted (2) entrusted (3) trust (4) be I i eve (5) trust 4) (1) repa i d (2) pay, repay (3) p I ace (4) repay (5) p I aced, rep Iaced
5) (1) anx i ous (2) anx i ous I y (3) eager (4) eager/anx i ous (5) eager/anx ious 7. Choose the best word or phrase for each b I ank from the four supp I i ed in brackets. (P19)
(1) suggested (4) but (7) eventua I I y (10) what (13) der i ve (2) pr imar i I y
I ack i ng
(3) told (6) cons i sted (9) pursui ng (12) Although (15) dropp i ng
(5) rema i ned (8) regrets (11) where (14)
MoreWork on the Text IIIGrammar
1 ? Observe these sentences and ident ify the object of the i ta I icized verb or prepos it i on,
and f i nd out how it i s expressed. (P20) 1) them: pronoun
2) who they are and what the i r strengths and weaknesses are: two wh^c I auses 3) to enter the work wor Id: an infinitive phrase
4) that there are four d i stinct aspects to psychological separat ion from one1 s parents: a
5) where they are in the independence/dependence struggle: a wh^cIause 6) how to give and rece i ve affection i n the aduIt worId: a whrcIause 7) very I i ttIe: pronoun
8) how they react to new knowledge and new ways of I earn i ng, how they process the knowledge presented to them, and how they organ i ze th i s knowI edge: