Animal guard for bird feeder poles
申请(专利)号: US19990363830
专利号: US6016768A 主分类号: A01K15/00 申请权利人: COLUCCI; PETER
FRANCIS 公开国代码: US 优先权国家: US
摘 要:
An animal guard appliance for bird feeder poles comprised of a hollow cylindrical plastic base. Outwardly projecting tacks protrude from the base. The base is secured to the pole by self-threading screws. The tacks are secured to the base by piercing them through flexible vinyl, which is glued to the exterior of base. The majority of the base is covered with tacks preventing animals from climbing over it. The animal guard is especially effective in keeping squirrels from climbing feeder poles. 主权项:
申请日: 1999-07-30 公开公告日: 2000-01-25
分类号: A01K15/00 发明设计人: PETER FRANCIS
优先权: 19990730 US
摘 要 附 图:
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