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第二十六期 The First Time

第一次总是令人兴奋莫名的,无论是孩提时学走路还是雪花旱冰。对于青年人来说,初恋,初吻或初为父母,那种心情都是刻骨铭心,永世难忘的。第一次的感觉总是最美丽的。所谓一见钟情(fall in love at the first sight)就是那第一个感觉。好看的电影,续集拍的一定不如前集,因此:

It’s better for one to behave with restraint and withdraw after a good performance so as to leave a favorable impression on people’s minds. There’s always a first time but never an everlasting NO. One. If a famous singer or a film star retires a the height of his/her career, he/she leaves behind an idol of worship, much better than remains on stage a decrepit (衰老的) image old and outdated.


重点“解毒”如下词汇及句子: 词汇:restraint withdraw idol

restraint指约束抑制,Eg: The child’s affections were kept under continual restraint. 那孩子的感情一直受到压抑。Without restraint一事是无拘无束的,自由的,如:talk, sweep with restraint长谈,痛哭。

withdraw 指撤回,Eg: She is showing signs of withdrawal and depression.他表象出孤僻与消沉的现象。

Idol指受崇拜与热爱的热或物,偶像。As an only child he was the idol of his parents. 他是独生子女,是父母的宠儿。 句子:1、It’s better for one to behave with restraint and withdraw after a good performance so as to leave a favorable impression on people’s minds. “It”形式主语,”to behave with restraint and withdraw after a good performance”是真正的主语。“so as to leave a favorable impression on people’s minds”是目的状语。 2、If a famous singer or a film star retires a the height of his/her career, he/she leaves behind an idol of worship, much better than remains on stage a decrepit image old and outdated.

“If a famous singer or a film star retires a the height of his/her career”为条件状语从句。



