关键词:“绿色壁垒” 蔬菜出口发展 影响及对策 可持续发展
Shandong is one of the most important Province of the vegetable production and export. The main markets of Shandong vegetable export are developed countries and the rising industrial countries and areas, such as Japan, Korea etc, countries and areas are mostly the members of \and Environment Committee of WTO\They put green barriers to block the vegetable import. Because of the green barriers, Shandong vegetable is often pushed out of the world market. Therefore, must maintain the Shandong vegetables exportation the sustainable growth, must face up to the green barrier, carries on toit thoroughly analyzes, and is positive should be right. This articlebasic mentality as follows: Embarked from the green barrier concept, has analyzed the green barrier origin, the manifestation as well as Shandong Province vegetables exportation aspect and so on competitiveability, expected had a more further understanding to the green barrier. Finally take this as the foundation, in to the current Shandong vegetables exportation present situation and under the development situation analysis background, obtains under the green barrier background our province vegetables to export the sustainable growth the countermeasure suggestion. Thus draws the conclusion: Insatisfies certain conditions in the situation, for example: The Shandong Province vegetables exportation in the maintenance tradition exportation superiority foundation, holds exports the market and the trade environment gradually improves the opportunity; The positive econsummation vegetables exportation
quality guarantee system, promotes the Shandong Province vegetables exportation the competitive ability; Positively advances the vegetables industry standar dization production, the breakthrough product deeply processes the bottleneck, enabled the vegetables export still to maintain the sustainable growth. And how on satisfied the above condition to carry on the analysis.
Keywords: green barrier, vegetable export, development
摘要 Abstract
1 引言……………………………………………………………………… 1.1问题提出………………………………………………………………… 1.2文献综述………………………………………………………………… 1.3本文结构………………………………………………………………… 2绿色壁垒对我省蔬菜出口的影响的分析……………………………… 2.1绿色壁垒的成因分析……………………………………………… 2.2绿色壁垒的表现形式………………………………………………… 2.3绿色壁垒对我省蔬菜出口的影响的实证分析……………………… 3绿色壁垒背景下我省蔬菜出口的发展态势……………………… 3.1我省蔬菜出口的国际市场背景分析……………………… 3.2我省蔬菜出口的现状分析……………………… 3.3我省蔬菜出口的竞争力分析………………………
3.4我省蔬菜出口频繁遭遇绿色壁垒的内外因素探索……………………… 4 对于绿色壁垒影响我省蔬菜出口的解决方案和对策……………………… 4.1掌握国际贸易规则,积极应对绿色壁垒……………………… 4.2积极完善蔬菜的质量保证体系,提升我省的国际竞争力……………… 4.3努力加强政府对蔬菜的出口的政策支持……………………… 4.4积极推进蔬菜出口企业的绿色技术创新机制建设……………………… 4.5大力发展蔬菜生产合作机制,提高蔬菜生产的组织化,实现蔬菜出口的规模化……………………………………………………………………… 5 结论……………………………………………………………………
1 引言
“绿色壁垒”,是指在国际贸易领域,发达国家通过立法,制定繁杂的环保公约、法律、法规和标准、标志等形式对商品进行的准入限制,是一种非关税壁垒。从发展中国家的角度来看,西方发达国家苛刻繁多的环境技术标准,作为一种新兴的非关税壁垒,已成为贸易的一种障碍。就国际蔬菜贸易而言,绿色壁垒的频繁出现,无疑增大了贸易的不确定性,提高了贸易风险,同时使贸易纠纷的机率大大提高,导致蔬菜交易成本有不断上升的趋势。各国纷纷把“绿色壁垒”作为控制贸易的重要手段。因此,在这样的贸易环境和背景下,我省的蔬菜出口也受到不小的影响。这样不仅限制了我省的蔬菜出口量,还严重影响了我省的经济发展。怎样防御绿色壁垒,保持我省蔬菜出口的持续发展,是本篇文章所要解决的问题。 1.2文献综述
德国经济学家李斯特(friedrich list)在1841年出版的《政治经济学的国民体系》一书中详细阐述了幼稚工业保护的理论。李斯特的幼稚工业保护的理论核心一国实行贸易政策的原则是,其贸易政策必须同本国工业发展的进程相适应。主要内容:(1)各国经济发展的历史都要经历5个阶段,即原始未开化时期、畜牧时期、农业时期、农工业时期、农工商业时期。(2)不同时期应该采取不同的贸易政策。(3)关于保护工业的选择。李斯特所主张的贸易保护并非是对所有工业的保护,而是对有前途的工业采取贸易保护。(4)在保护时限上,李斯特主张的贸易保护也不是持续性