目 录
摘 要 .................................................................................................................... I Abstract...................................................................................................................... II 引 言 ................................................................................................................... 1 1 善意取得制度概述 ............................................................................................... 3 1.1 动产所有权善意取得的构成要件 ............................................................. 3 1.2 善意取得之特殊情形 ................................................................................. 3 2 特殊动产与普通动产善意取得的比较分析 ....................................................... 4 2.1 特殊特产与普通动产的概念 ..................................................................... 4 2.2 善意取得的方式 ......................................................................................... 4 3 财产权属纠纷案综述 ........................................................................................... 5 3.1 特殊动产案件综述 ..................................................................................... 5 3.2 特殊动产案列分析 ..................................................................................... 5 4 善意取得特殊动产权属存在的问题 ................................................................... 6 4.1 物权与债权区分不明 ................................................................................. 6 4.2 特殊动产善意取得仅交付就能成立 ......................................................... 6 5 完善特殊动产善意取得制度的建议 ................................................................... 8 5.1 细化属于善意取得的条件及范围 ............................................................. 8 5.2 保护善意相对人的利益 ............................................................................. 9 5.3 明确占有改定适用与善意取得 ................................................................. 9 结 论 ................................................................................................................. 11 参考文献 ................................................................................................................. 12 致 谢 ................................................................................................................. 13
摘 要
关键词:特殊动产; 登记; 善意取得; 交付
The mode of real right change does not affect the applicability of the bona fide acquisition system, but only the scope of the bona fide acquisition system. Under different modes of real right change, the scope of application of bona fide acquisition system is different. The scope of bona fide acquisition of the real right of special movables should also be defined in the mode of real right change. Because the special chattel ownership adopts the mode of \ration confrontation\m in good faith, it only applies when the original right holder has accepted the delivery and has not registered the ownership. The premise of acquisition in good faith is that it has no right to dispose, so the scope of the system of acquisition in good faith can be further determined according to the situation of unauthorized disposal of the ownership of special movable property. The specific determination of bona fide acquisition of the ownership of special movables revolves around the identification and completion of bona fide signs. Under the mode of real right change, its publicity method adopts delivery and registration in the same time. Therefore, the basis of its application of bona fide acquisition system is that the possession and right registration of special movables have credibility, and possession and registration can become the standard of bona fide trust. Delivery is the completion of bona fide acquisition, and the delivery does not include the alteration of possession. Both the mortgage right and pledge right of special movable property can be acquired in good faith, and it is also closely related to the real right change mode in the determination. The determination of pledge right's acquisition in good faith is the same as the ownership. This paper focuses on the issue of bona fide acquisition of the real right of special movables, from its scope of application to specific identification.
Keywords: special personal property;Registration;Acquisition in good faith; Delivery
引 言