16.Potatoes and Chinese cabbage don\
much,but beans are______
A.valuable B.perfect
C.cheap D.expensive
17.I don\know when this meeting begins,but
A.take out B.find out C.get out D.turn out 18.Computer programmes change very quickly,so we must work hard to ____with the
A.hold on B.fill in C.keep pu D.deal with 19.Lin Yin is a well-known writher and his books are very ____ in China and
some other countires.
A.popular B.lovely C.favourite D.comfortable
20.television and newspapers are
helpfuls,because they
give us a lot of ___
every day.
A.investigation B.instruction
C.information D.introduction 21.She did not come to the party,though she
___ us she would.
A.promised B.agreed C.admitted D.offered 22.We have been asked to find the _____of the
A.reason B.factor C.force D.cause 23.Before the scientist finished his lecture,he____his ideas in three words. A.used up B.made up C.added up D.summed up 24.I\sorry I\late.I never ____ the bus to
take so long to get there.
A.wished B.expected C.understood D.learned 25.He explained that not everybody in the
business was ____honest.
A.finally B.hardly C.completely D.rarely Ⅳ、仔细阅读下列句子,找出每句的错误项,并
26.The policeman stopped__(A)Jones on his way__(B) and asked him if__(c) he
has drunk___(D) too much.
27.If I shall not___(A) do the homework
as__(B) the teacher suggested__(c), I
will__(D) not get a good mark.
28.The use of fax machines___(A) and
other equipment have made ___(B) contact with____(C) colleagues in other offices much__(D)
easier and quicker. 29.Until
about___(A)1927,the films were silent__
( B) and the \
shown__(C) on the screen in the form of wrting__(D)
on cards.
30.My opinion___(A) is what__(B)we should start(C) out work without any delay
31.Now it is become___(A) evident that children can be born with the AIDs\\ S virus and that__(B) patients in hospitals__(C)
arebeing infected__(D) too.
32.When Hong Kong returns__(A) to China in 1997, the Chinese export market will shortly__(B)become biggest___(C)in South East
33.Software has become more__(A)\friendly\ with very few training or__(C) or experience to use__(D)
computer equipment in their work.
34.Fax messages are now used__(A) instead
of__(B)the mial as__(C) a fast and efficient way to send informations__(D). 35.Although no one has seen anyting__(A)
like this new store before in Beijing, but__(B) Shanghai has had__(C) stores like it__(D)
ofr some time now.
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-7-8 16:48:38编辑过]
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2# 大 中 小 发表于 2005-7-8
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04:49 PM 只看该作者
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(Ⅰ) Britian was a rich country
a hundred and fifty years ago.There were a few very rich people.They did not need to work because they owned some land or hoouses and received money from them.They usually had large mumber servants
(仆人). There were also many middle class people.They worked as businessmen or as doctors.They usually had several servants to clean their houses and cook their meals. There were also many poor
people,and there
was a big difference
between the rich and the poor.
The poor and very difficult lives.Many of them served the rich. They were paid very little but they had to work long hours.At least,however,they
lived in a warm house and had food to eat. Workers in the factiories were often less fortunate. Even if they worked
hours a day,they still could not
earm enough to suport the farms .At certain times of the year,they could not get anything because there was no work
for them to do . 36.One hundred years ago,some British people were very
rich ,because they____. A.worked many hours a day B.were doctors or businessmen C.had large numbers of servants D.oenrf lsnf ot
37.At that time,rich people
A.got money from the poor B.did not
C.cooked meals themselves D.hel
ped the poor
38.Family servants lived a
better life than______.
C.businessmen D.factory
39.Which of the foolowing statements is true? A.Most British people were rich a hundred and fifty
years ago.