【期刊名称】《金属矿山》 【年(卷),期】2013(000)008
【摘要】对于夹层较多,矿石品位相差较大的石灰石矿体,尽可能多地利用低品位矿石或废石,其关键是制定周密的配矿计划.为了达到最优的配矿目的,首先利用Dmine软件建立数字化模型;然后基于详细的地质勘查数据进行生产配矿.结果表明,经过配矿不仅可以降低矿山生产剥采比,提高企业的经济效益,同时,又减少废石的排放,降低环境污染的程度.%For the limestone ore with more interlayers and difference grades of ore body,and making use of low-grade ore or waste rock as much as possible,the key is to make the ore matching plan develop carefully.In order to achieve an optimal ore blending,Dmine software is used to build digital models firstly;Then,the production and ore matching are done based on detailed geological exploration data.The results showed that the ore blending not only declined the mine production stripping ratio and improved economic efficiency of enterprises,but also reduced waste emissions and lowered environmental pollution. 【总页数】3页(101-103)
【关键词】石灰石矿山;Dmine;生产配矿;节能减排 【作者】王洋;赵明生