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下面是小编为大家准备好了大班英语教案,希望你们能喜欢, 最新英语大班教案优秀范文一 活动要求:

1、能听懂句型“What s this?”,会用“It s a……”句型回答问题. 2、复习单词:monky、ra it、cat、dog、panda、elephant、tiger、wolf、bird、fish


活动准备:录音机、磁带、背景图、图片、人手一份动物卡片. 活动过程:

一、Please stand up. Trun back.

Let s say “Good morning,teacher.”

There re many teachers at here,we re ha y and gay. Now. Let s sing a song《Hello,Good morning》. Turn back. Sit down please.

二、T: Today is Thursday. What s the weather like today? C: It s fine. T: On, it fine. Let s go to the zoo,ok? C: Ok!

T: Let s riding in my car. Are you ready? 三、出示背景图:

1、 Oh, how beautiful it is? Look, what s this?

— It s a panda.(集体 — 个2人) Yes, It s a panda.

What s this?

— It s a monkey. (集体 — 个3人)

2、 Now, listen. T: “汪汪汪”,Who s this? — It s a dog.(集)(出示卡片) — Oh, It s a dog. T:“喵喵喵”,Who s this?

— It s a cat.(集 — 第一、二组2人) 3、Look, what s this?

— It s a elephant.(集 — 男2、女1人) 方法同上复习fish、bird、wolf、tiger.

4、Who s coming? Look, what s this?(老师做兔跳) — It s a ra it.(4人) 5、新授①出示“羊”的卡片.

T: What s this? Now, let s read it together. Please read after me,“sheep”. 幼儿开火车练习,纠正错误读音. What s this? Please go on. — It s a sheep. ②出示“狮子”的卡片. 学习“lion”,方法同上. What s this?

— It s a lion.(8、9人) 四、Now, listen and act. 1.老师说英文单词. 幼儿找相应卡片. 排对看谁又快又对.

monky、dog、ra it、bird、tiger、wolf、elephant、fox、lion . 2.Look and say.(按顺序读一遍)

五、We ll play a game:《The wolf is coming》.

(老师:“The wolf is coming”幼儿要立即停止发出声音,并蹲下,否则被狼吃掉) T: Dog!

C:(学狗叫,四散跑) T: The wolf is coming. C:(停止发出声音,蹲下) ……………………

(还可以让幼儿轮流上来做)Who wants to try? 六、Now, it s too late. Let s go home. Boys and girls, let s sing a song《Good bye》. 结束.

最新英语大班教案优秀范文二 活动目标:

1、学习英语对话,乐意参与这种交流. 2、复习数字1-10的英语说法. 活动准备; 磁带、蛋糕 活动过程: 一、幼问好.

T:Good morning.Boys and girls. C:Good morning,Miss Zhu. T:Look.What’s this? C:It’s bananas.

T:Yes, very good. How many? C:One, two,three…….

T:OK.Let’s sing a song.Ten little Indians boys. 二、情景表演

T:Today is Monkey’s birthday. T:How old are you?

M:I am six.


两个两个小朋友对话:How old are you?I am six. 四.结束

T:Today is Monkey’s birthday.Happy bithdey to you. M:Thank you.

T:Let’s sing a song.Happy birthday to you…….. 最新英语大班教案优秀范文三 一、活动目标

1.学习单词rabbit并能准备发音. 2.学会小兔蹦、跳的动作.

3.让幼儿体会到参与游戏的快乐,培养幼儿对学习英语的兴趣. 二、活动准备

录音、玩具绒兔、小兔头饰若干、大灰狼头饰一个 三、活动过程

1.导入课题,安定情绪.(做律动) (Now, children, please do after me) Hand hand, shake shake shake;

Shouldrer shouldrer, shake shake shake; Hip Hip, shake shake shake 2.主体部分 师生问好.

T: Hello, boys and girls. C: Hello, Miss Fu. 3.导入新词

T: Now, Listen carefully.

I have red eyes, I have short tail, I have long ears, I have carrot. What am I? T: Can you guess it?

C: 小兔

T: Yes, you are clever(师出示玩具绒兔)小白兔有个好听的英文名字叫“rabbit”,follow me please(幼儿集体念)

T: 现在让我们都来问候新朋友“rabbit”吧,we can say “Hello, rabbit”(每个幼儿都上来问候小白兔,并摸一摸它,教师引导幼儿念准“rabbit”的发音. 集体念儿歌并表演.

教师出示小兔头饰:Now, I’m a rabbit. I can jump(跳两下)现在大家戴上“rabbit”头饰,Follow me please (边念儿歌边做动做) Rabbit ,rabbit 白又白, Rabbit, rabbit跳一跳 Rabbit ,Rabbit跑一跑

(儿歌反复念2遍,加深幼儿记忆) 活动延伸:故事表演《小兔乖乖》

在讲故事中,教师把小兔换成rabbit来说,在第一遍时,教师可自己表演,第二遍时可让幼儿分角色表演(大灰狼一名,兔妈妈一名,其他幼儿扮演小白兔) 结束部分.


T: Rabbit, listen to the music(教师放音乐) Let’s go out.




