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a [e?] [?] [α:] [?] [?:] b c [b] [k] [s] d e [d] [i:] [e] [?] f g [f] [ɡ] [?] h [h] Name able cake table take date apple cat map match sad and angry dance last pass plant want what watch wash water book big bag box clean climb cup clock cook clothes face nice pencil city cinema desk doll dog dad day dish does deep he she me evening meter elephant egg bed pen best get next then enjoy English eleven because forest fine friend fly foot fan fall fight gun glass glad go get age orange village hat her house honey happy have heavier hurt hospital [a?] i [?] fine bike five ice climber hiking kind is sit miss pig picture ill dinner him listen pick river 精选文档


j k [?] [k] [l] [l] [m] [n] [?] [?u] jeep jacket jump Jan. July June kite cake thank kangaroo speak take walk work lake like leg left ruler flag lamp longer relax play apple bowl tell old tail whale am map my mouth milk no know new hand thank think thing uncle swing old home nose coke tomato over hold piano dog not clock box robot on from forest often stop son month mother love young who do whose map jeep pig pen apple plant play please policeman quite quilt quick radio brother read rabbit write mirror library sit miss this books spring swim sleep grass nose those rose rulers season it sit not that table little take left fruit but plant use usually excuse menu bus us sun duck uncle up trunk funny must put pull helpful five love very seven village live 精选文档

l m n o [?] [?] [u:] p q r s t [p] [kw] [r] [s] [z] [t] [ju:] u [?] [?] v [v] .

w x y z

[w] [ks] [a?] [j] [?] [z] we window watch want wait water Wednesday winter with box six fox relax my fly why bye yes yellow young yesterday happy baby very windy snowy study zoo zero 元音字母组合发音规律: ai ank ass ask ay air all ar are au aw ea [e?] [ ?ηk] [a:s] [ a:sk] [e?] [е?] [?:] [α:] [е?] [?:] [i:] [e] wait paint tank thank. grass class glass brass. ask task mask basket May play day say air hair chair tall small ball farther farm car arm garden hardly party hare mar ,bare glare caugh caught taught draw awn. meat please tea read cleaner east easy leaf season head bread ready 精选文档


[??] [e?] ee [i:] [??] ear eir er [е?] [з:] [е?] [?] [з:] [??] [е?] [ju:] [u:] [a?] [з:] [?u] [? ?] [??] [?] [u:] theater great meet see bee feet jeep seed weekend sweet sweep ear hear near bear wear earth learn their worker teacher November later her here where there new few flew grew right high bright bird girl shirt thirty third boat coat road goat boil oil toy boy. long song book foot good look moon balloon 精选文档

ere ew igh ir oa oi oy ong oo .

or oor ore ou our [?:] [з:] [?:] [?:] [au] [?:] [au?] [?u] [au] [з:] [u:] [?] short fork pork north word world work door floor more store sore out house mouth cloud south bounce four your our hour bowl window know row now cow flower down how turn fruit biscuit ow ur ui

辅音字母组合发音规律: tr dr ge dge th sh ch [tr] [dr] [?] [?] [θ] [e] [?] [t?] tree train trip dress driver age,cage,gorge. bridge,knowledge. thank mouth thin think twelfth this that with together shirt wash short ship shine shop show fresh child chair catch teach watch 精选文档



