关键词: 数控车、工艺分析、加工方案、
Abstract: Numerical control technique is to use the technique that the figure information carries on a control vs machinery running and the operate process, count control an equipage is with the number control technique for the representative's new technique make the machine electricity integral whole that domain and newly arisen manufacturing permeate forming to turn a product to the tradition, namely the so-called digitize equips. The number controled technical application to not only bring traditional manufacturing business revolution change, make the manufacturing business become the symbol of industrialization, but also along with number control technical not only expanding of shape and application realm his some shapes of important crafts(IT, autocar, medical treatment and light work etc.) in returning to account people's livelihoods contain more and more important action, because these crafts is already the big trend of modern shape the digitize that need to be equiped. Deveolp an our country number under the new surrounding that our country building - out WTO with outward open to deepen further control technique and equipage is exaltation our country importance assurance of the manufacturing
international competitive power. The number controls transform and plait distance to graduate a design is number control to constitute number to control the important composition of processing technology professional knowledge and professional skill fraction in the professional teaching system, the design of passing the graduation makes the basic theory that we learned vs related academics basic knowledge progress synthesis usage, make at the same time the understanding to have more complete system to this profession, thus hit consolidation and expand, deepen the purpose of learning the
knowledge, development and exaltation comprehensive analysis problem and problem-solving capability and development the search and innovation capability of science.
This time graduation's designing the problem of main settle is the packing of kit clip, tool angel of for establishing knife, craft route, the sequence tread with work of the select of curtate, tool angel, slice to pare dosage to really settle, the well-trained operation of writing of truning job program, engine bed.
Key words: CNC lathe、Process analysis、Processing scheme
1 数控机床的发展简介 ..................................................................................... 6 2 数控加工工艺的基本知识 ............................................................................... 8 2.1 数控加工工艺的概念.................................................................................. 8 2.2 数控加工工艺过程 ..................................................................................... 8 2.3 数控加工的特点 ........................................................................................ 8 3 零件数控加工前的简单分析 ............................................................................ 9 3.1 零件的基本情况简介.................................................................................. 9 3.2 零件的技术要求 .......................................................................................10 3.3 加工设备的选择 .......................................................................................10 3.4 零件的工艺分析 .......................................................................................10 3.5 基准的选择原则 .......................................................................................11 4 零件数控加工工艺分析 ................................................................................ 14 4.1 加工方案的确定 .......................................................................................14 4.2 工步的划分 .............................................................................................14 4.3 加工顺序及进给路线的确定 .......................................................................14
4.3.1 零件加工时需遵守的原则 ....................................................................14 4.3.2 进给路线的确定 ................................................................................15
4.4 切削液的选择 ..........................................................................................18 4.5 刀具的选择 .............................................................................................18