1.My parents and I went to the B in the afternoon. We saw some boats sailing onthe Huangpu River.
2.Yogi Bear, the picnic stealing bear from Jellystone Park, has long been a popularc character loved by many children.
3.While you are crossing the harbor at night,your heart will be cby the beautyof HongKong's night.
4.That business man gave his children the best education that money could b.
5.Sherlock Holmes was a world-famous detective. He always had a lot of cto dealwith. 6.People used to go to the market to buy live chickens to eat,but now they have toc that habit because of the bird flu, a very dangerous disease.
7.One of the best ways to c _______ Mother's Day is to give your mother the day off. 8.Mr. Baker had quite a b _______ time when he came home from work on Friday eveningsbecause there were a lot of things waiting for him to do.
9.Little Tom didn't know which b _______ he should press to turn the radio on so he wasvery sad.
10.John,s mother is a b _______ . She is very busy and often flies to many places to dobusiness. 11.It's important to stay c ______ when you are angry. Remember: It's no use arguing withsuch a rude man.
12.Iwish Cindy would learn to think before speaking, then she wouldn't offend so many people with c _________ words. 13.He is a manager without a sense of responsibility. When customers complains about theproducts, he never c .
14.English is one of the most widely used languages in the world. Most international bletters are written in English.
15.You are ninety years old. You are planting a very young tree now and it?ll take years to give fruit. You c_______________ don?t hope to live long enough to get any fruit from this tree.
16.Our local Community Youth Club is a very popular organization with young people in mytown. There are fun activities such as holiday c and discos. We have even madea video. 17.The football match you are looking forward to has to be cbecause of the badweather.
18.When young people in the United States come together for fun, they will think it is a goodc for dancing. They will play records or tapes. One way or another,they will bedancing. 19.In India and Africa elephants are used to c tourists around animal parks becausethey are very kind and care about humans.
20.The home education is not limited to csystem,so parents have more freedom inarranging courses for the children according to their interests and needs.
21.One advantage of most c stores is that goods bought inone of the shops canusually be returned to one of the others if there is any problem.
22.There are many things we need to know that we don't learn at school. For example, if we want to use our pocket money wisely, we need to shop c.
23.Let's stop to admire the scenery and focus our con the beautiful flowers, shallwe?
24.We were very sad and angry to hear that the bad milk powder c _______ the death of 30babies.
25.Tianzifang Creation Zone (田子坊创意园)has become the new cof Shanghaifashion. A lot of foreigners and visitors are very interested in it.
Exercise 6
1.He was very kind and gave half of his money to a cthat helped poor children tolive a better life. 2.A hobby is an interesting way of spending your free time. There are many different hobbies for different people to c __________________ to make their life colorful. 3.C need a happy home environment for their healthy growth and their badbehavior is often a reflection on their parents.
4.Don't feel happy too early. The news isn't very c, I'm afraid. Linda said in a lowvoice.
5.Her parents and sister love God and serve God with their hearts and souls. However, she seldom goes to c . 6.Just now Tony was hurt while playing basketball. Now he must be in the schoolc . 7.Look, there are many dark c ______________ in the sky. It's going to rain. Take an umbrella withyou, please.
8.Now that you know smoking is one of the c _________ causes of lung cancer, you shouldgive up smoking as soon as possible.
9.The cis next to the supermarket. You can easily find it and buy the medicineyou want there.
10.As the saying goes, \have said before doing that.
11.My wife and I have been planning to buy a house for some time,but somehow we find it difficult to make our c.
12.Although I am not in my c _____________ , I still prefer reading fairy tales. They often make methink of some special experiences and feelings.
13.In the four years after I was born, my mother had three more children. The four of us werevery c in age,so we played together all the time. 14.The kindergarten teacher had a daily c ______________ on children to prevent a hand-mouthdisease (手足口病)outbreak.
15.All the c ______________ in Shanghai should help to do something for protecting theenvironment, for we have only one earth.
16.The two new cin the bank take too long over his work because they go into thewhys of everything.
17.New York is one of the last large American c ________ . to have some of its policemen onhorseback. The New York police have 170 horses working now.
18.Before crossing the road,stop and look both ways. If you are sure that the road is c , it is safe to cross the road:
19.Don't drink coffee or tea before you go to bed because they have c ________ which willmake it difficult for you to sleep.
20.As soon as he saw the bear,he ran towards a tree nearby and c _________ on it. 21.Most people know that monkeys are one of nature's c _______________ animals. They can betrained to do some wonderful things. 22.Angela dreamed of graduating from c and moving into a career probably in business in which she would make a lot of money.
23.My elder brother likes c _____________ stamps. Now he is showing his stamps to some foreignfriends of his.
24.I used to have a c _____________ of about 100 books at home. But now I have got a lot morebecause I like reading very much. ?
25.Although I have never been stolen from by others,I c ___________ know the feelings whenyour valuable things are stolen. Exercise 7
1.We all know if everyone gives his love to others, our world will be more c.
2.Though laws have been passed to c ________ the population growth, in some places, littleis done to carry out the laws.
3.Some old people who don't live with their children like raising a dog or a cat as a petbecause the animal can keep them c . 4.“I've never c ease and joyfulness as the purpose of life itself.” Said AlbertEinstein who was hardworking all his life.
5.Miss White was born with the voice of a singer and she won the first prize in the singing c last year.
6.Exhibitions are c _______ ways to show people new things. Imagine a world exhibitionwith thousands of companies from many countries! This is a World Expo.
7.British theater is having problems. Many theaters don?t have enough money to ctheir shows and plays.
8.That's true. You will have a wonderful morning there. I am going to c ________ you to theoperator for the morning call service. 9.What is “c ________ ”? It is a collection of different populations live together in an area.
10.It was the last day of the year and a large c _________ of people had gathered under theTown Hall clock.
11.The manager told me that I don't need to make a decision right now. I can think about it for a c __________ of days. ,
12.Some busy cities are full of cars, buses and trucks. The streets are c ______ crowdedand it is very difficult to drive a car along them.
13.Almost every teenager has one good friend or more to talk with. This cis veryimportant in their growing up because sometimes friends can discuss something difficult tosay to their family members.
14.The famous singer is going to hold a c ________ to raise some money for the homelesschildren whose parents died during the war.
15.It is really very important that we all expect good family relations. We need to realize the importance of what can be achieved by loving each other in the family. It is also importantfor our society to encourage family members to c happiness. 16.When you have finished your examination paper, read over your answers,canymistakes you see and make sure that you've not missed anything out. 17.A good German breakfast c ______ of rolls,jam, cheese, hard-boiled eggs,cold meatand milk. Lunch is the heaviest. Supper is thought to be a lighter meal than lunch.
18.The differences in customs and c _______ in the world are really noticeable. We shouldlearn more and we should remember: When in Rome, do as the Romans do.
19.I know that the famous cities are usually very c _______ so I have decided not to go to
that city which must be many,many people there.
20.At the restaurant I saw a young lady c ________ to the waiter saying that her meal wascold just now.
21.If the bus services can be made better,there will be fewer traffic problems. Then people will feel it c_ to go anywhere in our city.
22.When you are eating, notice how your body feel. When your stomach feels
cfull,stop eating.
23.I don't understand why you have changed your plan many times. You know, all yourchanges have made me totally c . 24.He?s the c _______ trouble-maker; the others just follow his lead.
25.It is very difficult for me to make a c _ with a stranger because I am unable tothink of things to say.
1 Bund 2 cartoon 5 cases 6 change 9 button 10 businesswoman 12 careless 13 cares 16 camping 17 cancel(l)ed 20 certain 21 chain 24 caused 25 centre Keys 1 charity 2 choose 5 church 6 clinic 9 chemist's 10 coin 13 close 14 check 17 cities 18 clear 21 cleverest . 22 college 25 clearly/certainly
Keys 1 colourful 2 control 5 competition/contest 8 connect 9 community 12 completely 13 communication 15 create 16 correct 19 crowded 20 complaining 23 confused 24 confident/chief
3 caught 7 celebrate 14 business 18 chance 22 carefully 3 Children 7 clouds 11 choice 15 citizens 19 chemicals 23 collecting 3 company 6 common 10 crowd 17 consists 21 convenient 5
4 buy
8 busy 11 calm 15 certainly 19 carry 23 cameras 4 cheerful 8 chief 12 childhood 16 clerks 20 climbed 24 collection 4 considered 7 continue 11 couple 14 concert 18 culture 22 comfortably 25 conversation