根据发音规则,找出每组中发[?i]的2个单词. 1.soil hear soy cold 2. rabbit bed boy noise 3.walk voise boil word 4. tea enjoy toy milk
boy [ b?i ] 男孩 noise [ n?iz ]噪音 爆破音 [p]
pencil [ 'pens?l铅笔 pants [ p?nts ]裤子 pig [ pig]猪 please [ pli:z ]请
book [ buk ]书 beef [ bi:f ]牛肉 board [ b?:d ]木板 [t]
two [ tu: ]二 today [ t?'dei ] 今天 tofu [ 't?ufu: ] 豆腐 teacher [ 'ti:t?? ]老师 You are the best!
toy [ t?i ]玩具 enjoy [ in'd??i ]享受
pen [ pen ] 钢笔 picture [ 'pikt?? ]照片 play [ plei ]玩 pear [ pε? ]梨 potato [ p?'teit?u ]土豆 park [ pɑ:k ]公园 boy [ b?i ]男孩 bed [ bed ]床 bread [ bred ]面包 brother [ 'br?e? ]兄弟 big [ big]大的 banana [ b?'nɑ:n?]香蕉
ten [ ten ]十 time [ taim ]时间 twelve [ twelv ]十二 twenty [ 'twenti ]二十 tomato [ t?'mɑ:t?u]西红柿 tasty [ 'teisti ]美味的tell [ tel ] 告诉
door [ d?: ]门 desk [ desk ]桌子 dog [ [d?ɡ]狗 do [du: ]做 dinner [ 'din? ]晚餐 doctor [ d?kt? ]医生 duck [ d?k ]鸭子 day [ dei ]一天 food [ fu:d ]食物
kind [ kaind ]和蔼的 kitchen [ 'kit?in ]厨房 kangaroo [ ,k?ng?'ru: ]袋鼠 climb [ klaim ]爬,攀登 computer [ k?m'pju:t? ]电脑 kid [ kid ]小孩 clean [ kli:n ]清洁的 come [ k?m ]来 cousin [ 'k?z?n ]堂兄弟姐妹
girl [g?:l ]女孩 green [gri:n ]绿色 grape [greip ]葡萄 grass [grɑ:s]草 garden [ 'gɑ:dn ]花园 goat [g?ut ]山羊 go [g?u ]走 grandmother [ 'gr?nd,m?e? ]祖母 grandfather [ 'gr?nd,fɑ:e? ]祖父
鼻音 [m]
milk [ milk ]牛奶 mother [ 'm?e? ]母亲 me [ mi:]我 may [ mei ]可以 my[ mai ]我的 mom [ m?m ]妈妈 math [ m?θ ]数学 mirror [ 'mir? ]镜子 mutter [ 'm?t? ]羊肉
nurse [ n?:s ]护士 new [ nju:]新的 name [ neim ]名字 nine [ nain ]九 now [ nau ]现在 November[ n?u 'vemb?]十一月 ninth[ nainθ ]第九 next [ nekst ]下次 near [ ni? ]近的
You are the best!
strong [ str??, str?:? ]强壮 long [ l??, l?:? ]长的 pink [ pi?k ]粉红色 english [ 'i?gli? ]英语 evening [ 'i:vni? ]晚上
[f]发这个音的字母和字母组合f ff ph gh f: five fan flower fish four leaf ff: giraffe
ph: phone elephant photo gh: laugh
选出下列单词中不发[f]的单词,写在横 线上。
knife flower foot fish pick get photo giraffe laugh leaf
friend [ frend ]朋友 fish [ fi? ]鱼 fan [ f?n ]风扇 flow [ fl?u ]流动 for [f?: ]为了 four [ f?: ] 四 fresh [ fre? ] 新鲜
very [ 'veri ]很,非常 twelve [ twelv ]十二 You are the best!
father [ 'fɑ:e? ] 爸爸 flower [ 'flau? ]花 five [ faiv ]五 vest [ vest ] 背心
active [ '?ktiv ]积极的 summer [ 's?m? ] 夏天 five [ faiv ]五 favourite [ 'feiv?rit ]最喜爱的 evening [ 'i:vni? ]晚上 everyone [ 'evriw?n ] 每个人 vegetable [ 'ved?it?bl ]蔬菜
student [ 'stju:d?nt]学生 sorry [ 's?:ri]对不起 six [ siks ]六 strong [ str??, str?:? ]强壮 seven [ 'sev?n ]七 sky [ skai ]天空 summer [ 's?m? ]夏季 [z]
season [ 'si:z?n ]季节 because [ bi'k?z ]因为 zebra [ 'zi:br? ]斑马 zero [ 'zi?r?u]零
摩擦音(二) [θ]
th: three thin third teeth mouth 根据发音规则,圈出不发[θ]的单词。 1.father three maths thirsty 2. mouth throat Thursday brother 3. think thirsty mother thousand 4. thin thick they teeth
thin [ θin ]瘦的 fifth [ fifθ ] 第五 You are the best!
strict [ strikt ] 严格的 sleep [ sli:p ] 睡觉
woods[woodz]树林 please [ pli:z ]高兴
math [ m?θ ]数学
path [ pɑ:θ, p?θ ]道路 healthy [ 'helθi ]健康的 ninth [ nainθ ]第九 mouth [ mauθ ]嘴巴 thirty [ 'θ?:ti ]三十
[e]发这个音的字母和字母组合th th: father mother brother clothes weather
根据发音规则,圈出每组中发 [e]的1个单词。 1.than sister brother three 2. weather thank night good 3. tie look teeth they 4. thin father throat watch
brother [ 'br?e? ]兄弟 father [ 'fɑ:e? ]父亲 this [ eis]这个 that [ e?t]那个
they [ eei]他们 there [ eε? ]那里 [∫]
[∫] 发这个音的字母和字母组合s sh s: sugar sure
sh: ship sheep wash cash shop she 根据发音规则,圈出下列单词中发[∫]的2个单词。 1. shell ship watch desk 2. truck shirt skirt ship
You are the best!
mother [ 'm?e? ]母亲 those [ e?uz ]那些