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2021届高三英语人教版一轮新高考复习课时提能练:34 选修7 Unit 4 Sharing

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7.What does the underlined word “prolific” in Paragraph 2 probably mean? A.Productive. B.Unfortunate. C.Conservative. D.Humorous.

A [词义猜测题。根据第一段第二句“Walter Dean Myers was the author of more than 100 books for children and young adults and received many top awards”可知,Walter Dean Myers 写了100多本儿童和年轻人读物,并获得了许多最高奖项。由此可推知,他是一位多产的作家。productive意为“多产的”,故A项正确。B项意为“不幸的”,C项意为“守旧的”,D项意为“幽默的”,都与语境不符。]

8.Why was the short story by James Arthur Baldwin so important for Myers? A.It helped him survive the dark period. B.It inspired him to pursue his writing career. C.He learned many writing techniques from it. D.The author of the story permitted him to write.

B [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段第一句中的“how a short story ...the course of his life”以及最后一句“The story gave me a permission that I didn't know I needed, the permission to write about my own landscape, my own map”可知,Baldwin写的故事鼓励了Myers追求他自己的写作事业,故B项正确。]


(2019·陕西省部分学校摸底检测)Learning to set goals plays an important role as your child starts to gain independence. However, setting goals doesn't come naturally to your child, so helping him to learn the process should probably be one of your goals.

Explain the word “goal”.

Your child may know what a goal is when it comes to soccer, but he may not understand what it means in everyday life. 1

Listen to your child.

Ideally, you want your child to be able to decide for himself what his goals

are. 2 Let him talk about what he thinks he does well and what he thinks he needs to improve. If he's stuck, you can provide some examples of your own personal goals.

Help keep goals achievable.

Don't throw cold water on your child. 3 For example, if your child wants to be a champion swimmer, but can't swim an entire lap of the pool yet, you can suggest he start by making that his first goal.


Help your child write down his goals in an easy-to-follow form. Being able to see and check off the steps on the way to his goal is key in keeping him motivated. A really simple way is to have your child draw a ladder on a piece of paper, writing his goal at the top and each step to that goal on the rungs(梯级). 5 A.Change goals every so often. B.Make a visual goal reminder.

C.Don't always tell him what you think.

D.He's climbing to the top as he gets closer to his goal. E.You can take sports as an example to help explain it to him. F.Once he has set up a goal, he may find it very difficult to achieve it. G.When a goal is beyond his reach, help him break it down into smaller pieces.

【语篇解读】 学会制定目标在孩子获取自立上起着重要的作用,本文给出了一些帮助孩子设定目标的建议。

1.E [根据本段标题和空前的“Your child may know what a goal is when it comes to soccer”可知,在孩子不知道目标在日常生活中意味着什么时,可以通过运动的例子来解释什么是目标。故选E。]

2.C [根据本段标题和空前一句“Ideally, you want your child to be able to decide for himself what his goals are”可知,要倾听孩子,让孩子决定他自己的目标是什么。故C项“不要总是告诉他你的想法”符合语境。]

3.G [根据下文的例子“if your child wants to be a champion swimmer, but can't swim an entire lap of the pool yet, you can suggest he start by making that his

first goal”可知,当孩子的目标实现不了的时候,可以帮助他把目标分解成一些更小的目标来完成。故选G。]

4.B [根据空处所在位置及文章结构可知,空处为段落小标题,再结合本段的内容可知,本段主要讲建立一个能够看得到的目标提醒物。故B项符合语境。]

5.D [根据空前一句“A really simple way is to have your child draw a ladder on a piece of paper, writing his goal at the top and each step to that goal on the rungs(梯级)”可知,当孩子爬到了顶点,也就接近了目标,故选D。]


(2019·广东省七校联合体联考)Red is a particularly popular color in China. A pair of red shoes— 1.________ they are for sports, dances or just fashion—is a must-have for every Chinese woman's shoe collection. For most Chinese brides, red shoes should also be worn 2.________their big day.

As women's feet 3.________(connect) with female attraction, red shoes often emphasize this aspect 4.________ convey special beauty. In some classical Chinese novels, there are 5.________(describe) of charming women in red silk shoes.

If you wear a dark dress in cold 6.________(season), a pair of red shoes can raise your ensemble (整套服装) to a 7.________(high) level. They can also go with different levels of red color, 8.________(give) the wearer a lively and joyful look.

9.________(sure) red will always be a beloved color for designers, and red shoes have also become a choice for many supermodels. If you are also a fan of this 10.________(energy) color, consider wearing a pair of red shoes for every Chinese Lunar New Year!

【语篇解读】 本文主要介绍了红色在中国备受青睐的原因和意义。 1.whether [考查连词。根据固定句型:whether...or...意为“无论……还是……”,表示选择,故用连词whether。]

2.on [考查介词。on+具体的日子,表示在具体的某一天。]

3.are connected [考查动词的时态和语态。动词connect和句子的主语women's feet构成被动关系,且此处表示客观情况的陈述,故用一般现在时的被


4.and [考查连词。根据语境可知,前后句表示逻辑上的并列关系,即emphasize和convey并列,故用连词and。]

5.descriptions [考查词性转换。由介词of可知,此处应用名词形式,再由空前的there are,且description为可数名词可知,应用descriptions。]

6.seasons [考查名词的单复数。season是可数名词,且其前没有冠词修饰,故用复数形式。]

7.higher [考查形容词比较级。一双红色的鞋可以把你的整套服装提升到一个更高的水平。根据语境可知,此处隐含了一种比较的含义,故用形容词比较级higher,修饰名词level。]

8.giving [考查非谓语动词。动词give和句子的谓语go之间没有连词,故用非谓语,且和其逻辑主语构成主谓关系,故用现在分词作结果状语。]

9.Surely [考查副词。副词修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,在句子中作状语。此处Surely是副词作状语,修饰整个句子。]

10.energetic [考查形容词。修饰名词一般用形容词,故此处用形容词energetic修饰名词color。]

2021届高三英语人教版一轮新高考复习课时提能练:34 选修7 Unit 4 Sharing


