万方数据摘 要
梳理了国内外耕地保护制度,土地流转问题的研究以及国内学者对于耕地与基本农田“非粮化”、“非农化”问题的研究,在充分了解安徽省目前的耕地与基本农田现状的基础上,总结了安徽省耕地与基本农田保护情况以及出现的“非粮化”、“非农化”趋势,深度剖析其产生原因,并对典型的 “非粮化”、“非农化”土地利用方式进行分析,然后总结了该问题对国家粮食安全造成的影响,包括数量安全和质量安全等方面。
This paper reviews the domestic and international system for protecting farmland, the research of land transformation and domestic scholars’ research on issues of arable land, basic farmland with \current cultivated land situation in Anhui Province, we summarize Anhui’s arable land and basic farmland protection situation, as well as the tendency to emerge \and \of \and \land. Furthermore, we conclude the impact of the issue to national food security, including the number and quality.
We have a priority to put some considerations on the issue of Anhui’s arable land and basic farmland with \
Firstly, effectively protecting farmland and consolidate the cornerstone of food security is the premise to solve this problem. The first point is to fully ascertain the actual use of farmland. The second point is to strictly delineated basic farmland, protect our \field\\of field\, particularly around the city, as much as possible to conditionally mark the construction zone as basic farmland, forcing the city to go economical and intensive development, internal potential road. The third is to push forward the construction of a high standard of basic farmland, improve agricultural productivity through the improvement of facilities. The last point is to make a overall planning, do a reasonable guidance to the scale and area of food production, quickly introduce a construction planning for national food production in the core area, boost the construction of national core grain and reserve zones.
Secondly, cultivated land and basic farmland with \are needed to treat differently. Strictly control the \food\,\problems, change inherent ideas, According to the natural endowments and socio-economic development from various areas, draft different policies with an advantage of market resource allocation to address the issue of \Earnestly implement the idea of strict protection, through the promotion of supply-side reform, control the total amount of construction land; through publicity and education, strengthen farmers' awareness of the law; through the establishment of a sound regulatory system, strengthen the management and control of arable land and other means to solve the \
Finally, improve agriculture subsidies and explore a new land transfer mode that suitable for China is the important help to solve the \and \issues. Through improving of existing agricultural subsidies and raising the efficiency of food subsidies, greatly improve farmers' enthusiasm for growing grain. Based on the national conditions, promote the development of modern agriculture with an innovative land transfer mode.
Key words:Anhui Province,Cultivated Land and Basic Farmland,Non-food, Non-gricultural
耕地与基本农田“非粮化”、“非农化”问题研究 - 图文