I. Read the phonetic symbols of the five words. (0.2分/个 共1分) 朗读以下五个单词的音标。 /ɡ?d/
II. Use the correct intonation to read the following four sentences . (0.5分/个 共2分) 用正确的语调朗读以下四个句子。 1.That sounds great! 2. Linda, is this book yours? 3. The keys? They are on the table.
4. Bananas, apples, pears and strawberries are fruit. III. Read the following passage. ( 4分) 朗读以下短文。
David and Gina are my good friends. David’s favourite subject is computer science .He thinks computer can help him a lot with his study. He also likes playing computer games very much, and he plays very well. Gina’s favourite subject is history. She thinks it is very interesting. She also likes P.E., because she likes doing sports.
Ⅳ.Read the information of the chart and say something about your friend Alice. (3分) 阅读表格中的信息,说说你的朋友Alice。 Name Age Language English Favorite fruit Favorite color Apples green Hobby(爱好) Swimming Alice Green 13
评价维度 题型 考查内容 评分方式 切题 朗读5个音标或单词,包含单音节单词词或多音节词。单项评分,即朗读 (0.2分/题,共1按照每个音标分) (单词)、句 0.1 0.1 语音 语调 流利语法 度 效果 整体 朗读4个句子,包子单独给分,含陈述句、疑问句最后合计小题句子等常见句型类别。总分。 朗读 (0.5分/题,共2分) 朗读一篇九年级整体评分,即短文难度的文章。(共按照试题要求朗读 4分) 进行整体评 1 1 1 1 5 5 0.20.2 就题目要求进行价,不过度拘话题阐述,试题围泥于细节和语话题阐释 绕初中课标规定法失误,强调的话题命制。(共整体评价考生3分) 是否有效完成了试题任务。 1 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5