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Section A


11. A) The woman will bring some food backfor dinner. B) They will go to their friend's home fordinner. C) The woman will fill the refrigeratorbefore dinner. D) They will eat out for dinner after work. 12. A) Take more rest breaks while at work. B) Quit her job and find a new one. C) Ask for a leave from her boss. D) Talk to her boss directly.

13. A) Things on sale may be worth buying. B) Things on sale are not worth buying.

C) Things on sale are out of style andseason. D) Things on sale are carefully lookedover. 14. A) She's looking forward to her weekendtrip. B) She will accept the man's invitation.

C) She would prefer to go to the Disneylandalone. D) She thinks the kids will enjoy theDisneyland. 15. A) Because he met a heavy traffic onhis way.

B) Because a terrible car accident happenedto him. C) Because he had taken a different road.

D) Because the road was closed and he hadto wait. 16. A) Change the T-shirts for smaller ones. B) Sell T-shirts for her son.

C) Work as an assistant at the store. D) Make these T-shirts smaller.

17. A) Ask a friend for the name of a hairstylist. B) Get her hair cut in the afternoon. C) Make an appointment with someone else. D) Call another hair salon to cut her curlyhair. 18. A) The woman should eat a biggerbreakfast. B) The woman should try to make time forlunch. C) The woman would be busy the whole week.

D) The woman should change her scheduleafter she eats lunch.

Conversation One

19. A) They are held twice a year. B) They were first held in 1927.

C) They are given for excellence in films. D) They are less desired than the GrammyAwards.

20. A) By an anonymous ballot. B) By an open vote. C) By rigid rules.

D) By their personal preference. 21. A) One of the academy members. B) Creator of the Oscar statue. C) An Oscar winner.

D) A nominee for the Oscar award.

22. A) She had great interest in thehistory of the Oscars. B) She searched the information from theInternet. C) She took a course in the history offilm. D) She majored in motion pictures. Conversation Two

23. A) Give suggestions for revision. B) Write one for her.

C) Point out grammatical errors in it. D) Cut some unnecessary materials. 24. A) Law. B) Music. C) Geology. D) Biology.



