【期刊名称】《中华烧伤杂志》 【年(卷),期】2019(035)005
【摘要】On September 7th,2017,one female patient,aged 48 years with deep partial-thickness flame burn on face,upper limbs,trunk,and lower limbs of 40% total body surface area was admitted to the First People's Hospital of Foshan City.After admission,active fluid replacement,anti-infection,nutritional support,and other treatments were performed.After debridement and skin grafting for 3 times and blood transfusion for 2 times,the patient recovered well.On the 20th day post admission,sudden heartbeat and respiratory arrest happened,and the patient died after ineffective rescue.Autopsy showed that thrombus formed in right internal jugular vein and deep veins of lower extremities,and vascular lumina of the bilateral pulmonary artery.The direct cause of death was acute pulmonary thromboembolism,but whether the embolus originated from deep vein of lower extremity or right internal jugular vein was not clear.This case suggests that clinician should not only pay attention to the prevention of deep venous thrombosis of lower extremities of burn patients,but also the possibility of internal jugular vein thrombosis,especially for patients with internal jugular vein access.%患者女,48岁,2017年9月7日因面部、双上肢、躯干、双下肢火焰烧伤收入