【期刊名称】《中国人兽共患病学报》 【年(卷),期】2012(028)008
【摘要】目的 建立简便、灵敏、适合于全部血清型登革病毒核酸检测的多重套式RT- PCR体系,检测临床样品中登革病毒RNA,作为实验室辅助诊断的依据.方法 利用登革病毒标准株核酸,建立多重RT- PCR检测方法.提取患者凝血块总RNA,分别用一步法RT- PCR及多重套式RT PCR检测.结果 通过对检测体系进行优化,多重RT- PCR能够同时检测4种血清型登革病毒核酸.采用多重套式RT- PCR方法,从8例登革热患者凝血块中有4例检测到病毒RNA,而其它核酸检测方法仅检出1例阳性.结论 多重套式RT-PCR的方法能够从临床凝血块样品中检测到登革病毒核酸,并同时进行血清学分型,简化了登革病毒核酸检测步骤,有利于对临床样品开展病毒核酸检测.Tngue is the most common vector borne viral disease of humans globally.Detection of viral RNA from suspected patient specimens is rapid,specific and confirmative in laboratory diagnosis of dengue infections during the acute phase.In this study,a multiplex nested reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) system was established for clinical specimens.While other nucleic acid amplification tests showed relatively low sensitivity,the multiplex nested RT PCR assay detected 4 cases among blood clots from 8 serologically confirmed dengue patients.These results suggested that blood clots of dengue patients could be used in laboratory diagnosis,and that the multiplex