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第一部分 方法论讲解

? 英文句子阅读的实际过程是什么? 英文 mind 中文 ? 英中文转化过程中在句子层面的障碍 语义(词汇) 语序

句子可以是这样的:There is something by reason of which man is man. ①There is something. ②Man is man by reason of (因为)which this thing. 世间存在一种东西,人之所以是人,就是这种东西。 ? 英语句子的分类:

简单 句和 非简单 句

简单句的定义: 只含有一套主谓结构的句子 ? 简单句的障碍来源


1. 主语+谓语 2. 主语+谓语+宾语 3. 主语+谓语+双宾语 4. 主语+谓语+宾语+宾补

5.主语+系+表语 (表语为形容词时候,表语又可以称作主语补足语)

William ,do you take Jerry for your lawful wife, to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health, until death do part you ?


1. 定语 2. 同位语 3. 插入语 4. 状语

? 简单句的障碍识别及处理方法 定语: 修饰和限定名词的成分;根据位置分为:前置定语;后置定语。(名字n.前后之分) 作用和识别:


Adj. 物主代词;ving(单);;ved(单); n 后置定语: 形容词短语 a student unaware of my presence 形容词+介词+名词

现在分词短语 Otoman fighting with xiaoguaisou 现在分词ving+介+名;ving+名; ving+连词+句子 过去分词短语 a picture painted by Picasso ved+介+名 n. + 动词不定式短语 a way to solve this problem to+ v(原形)

介词短语 an apple on the table 介+ 名词 /(介+代 代词就是代替名词的词语) 表语形容词作定语后置a cat alive 表语形容词充当定语后置 不定代词定语后置 something important 不定代词充当定语后置





3,表示因果关系 今生:.I have three books of which the red is my favorite.(of which 叫做关系代词) 前世:①I have three books. ②The red of those three books is my favorite . 定语从句的识别:

(基本结构) 人称代词 who,whom,which.that,as

名词+连接词+句子 关系代词:物主代词 whose 后加 非完整句 定语从句的连接词: 关系连词:when,where,why,how 后加 完整句

介词+关系代词(就是介词短语):as,that和who 后加 完整句/非完整句

定语从句的处理方法: 1拆分;2,找指代;3,还原

Eg1.A poem line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian officer on a bridge /off which they both fall into the river.

Eg2. Man is born as a blank sheet of paper /on which each culture writes its text.

Eg3. America and Americans were prosperous beyond the dreams of the Europeans and Asians whose economies the war had destroyed. (whose 引导的定语从句 后面表示因果关系) Eg 4. The sun rises that looks beautiful.


The ambition must be highly regarded(认同) by people /who are themselves admired. The educated is not least among them.

The ambition must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired,

(The ambition must be highly regarded by people;People are admired by people. )Among whom educated is not least . The ambition must be highly regarded by people who are themselves admired,

(With) The educated not (being) least among them. 独立主格结构

同位语:对一个名词或句子进行解释说明的另一个名字。 作用:为了增加句子的多样性和正式性。 识别: 处理:跳读

1 A,B,kevin,head of intelligence service(情报机关),is quite NIU. 前三种都是对名词进行说明 2 A—B— A,B都是名字 3 A or B

4 句子—A 这个名字A可以修饰前面句子中的一个名词,这个名字A也可以修饰前面的句子。 句子,A 5 A of B

Eg1. The Court supported the medical principle of \(名词的修饰)

Eg2.Robots will have to operate with less human supervision and (并列动词做谓语will have to)be able to make at

least a few decisions for themselves—goals/ that(指代goals,修饰整个句子) pose a real challenge. (句子的修饰)

A of B为同位语的条件:A为上义词,B为下义词 上下义词又称为种属词,如 fruit -apple ;city-beijing 上下义词的作用:增加语言表达的多样性,增加语言表达的正式性

如,the computer上义词 the invention ;the technology 下义词 the PC

除了定语从句中,其余句子中that 充当的是关系连词,表示只表连接, 后面连接的都是完整句。 同位语从句:(不属于简单句的范畴) 作用:解释和说明前面一个名词 结构识别:

名词+连接词(只能用关系连词来充当,不能用关系代词充当,when,how,that)+句子(完整句); 名词+that+句子(完整句)



I have a dream that one day this nation will rise up and live out the true meaning of its creed - we hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal.

I have a dream that one day on the red hills of Georgia, sons of former slaves and sons of former slave-owners will be able to sit down together at the table of brotherhood.

I have a dream that one day, even the state of Mississippi(同位语), a state sweltering with the heat of injustice(后置定语), sweltering with the heat of oppression(后置定语), will be transformed into an oasis of freedom and justice.

I have a dream(省略了一个that) my four little children will one day live in a nation / (定语从句)where they will not be judged by the color of their skin but by the content of their character. I have a dream today!

From I Have a Dream~ Martin Luther King

插入语: 作用:增加语言的表达多样性

识别:被两个逗号或者破折号隔开的成分。(任何成分都可充当插入语) 处理:跳读 P8


▲Rather than: 而不是(肯前否后)

I ,rather than anyone else,am rather than was,the best,rather than good,teacher,rather than police. =i am the best teacher.

状语: 状语在句子中的位置不固定。

作用:修饰和限定动词或形容词,有时也修饰整个句子(某些副词来充当的。) 例句:

She is admittedly reliable. 她是可靠的,这是被承认的。

It is painfully apparent that she is a liar. 很明显她是一个骗子,这点令人痛心 He is obviously intelligent. 她非常聪明,这点很明显。 The tomato is technically (从严格的意义上来说)a fruit. 从严格的意义上来说,西红柿是一个水果。

China's long-term modernization program understandably and necessarily emphasizes economic growth. 中国长期现代化的羡慕强调经济的增长,这点是可被理解和必须的。 识别:尽量不把状语放在名词后

副词adv. l y结尾的, 现在分词短语 过去分词短语

过去不定式短语 处理:剥离(从句子中提出来,用“这”开头) 介词短语

独立主格结构(欠) 例1:(现在分词短语,充当状语,跳读)Using techniques (方法)developed for the offshore oil and gas industry(过去分词短语作定语修饰现在分词短语的名字做定语), the DSDP’s drill ship, the Glomar Challenger(同位语。跳读), was able to maintain a steady position on the ocean’s surface and drill in very deep waters(水域)(状语,跳读), extracting samples of sediments and rocks from the ocean floor(状语,跳读). (From TOEFL authentic test)

例2:A few art collectors---James Bowden Ⅲ of Boston, William Byrd of Virginian, and the Aliens And Hamilton of Philadelphia---introduced European art traditions to those colonists/ privileged(过去分词,有个特权) to visit their galleries(翻译前置), especially aspiring artists, and established ( 这里是和introduced并列的)in their respective communities the idea [“动词+(介词+名1做状语)+名2”]of the value art and the need for institutions 制度/(省略了which are) devoted to its encouragement.(名词翻译成动词 )(致力于鼓励价值艺术的制度) (From TOEFL authentic test)


1.They maintain 【with a certain fidelity (忠诚)剥离】the principle of this school学派.

2. He elected as his primary duty and happiness in his life the thinking activity (思维行动)about the moral problem.



非简单句定义:含有一套以上主谓结构的句子 连接词(关联词)

? 非简单句的障碍来源:拆分(找连接词),组合(区分嵌套or 并列)。 简单句如何组装为非简单句。

非简单句的构成:{简1,简2,简3,...简n} 主句专一原则 ? 非简单句的障碍解决方案 关联词和主句专一原则 关联词分类:

主句专一原则: 1. 关系代词:,that,which,who,whom,as,what等 1. 一个句子只能有一个主2. 关系连词: that,when,where,why,how等 主从复合句,嵌套句

句,主句中没有关联词。 3. 标点符号: 冒号 :和 破折号—

2. 一个句子中有n个分句,

则只有n-1个关联词。 分号;

4. 并列连词: and,or,but 并列句


? 句子之间的关联方式 1.并列



2.连接两个句中成分可以是从句也可以是短语等(句中并列),从连词后往前寻找并列成分。 3.并列连词表示并列的终结


例1. He drank beer, and it made him fat. 句间的并列

例2. (形式主语)It is a little upsetting to read that a certain line describes a fight between a Turkish and a Bulgarian

officer and to find that the line consists of the noise of their falling and the weights of the officers, \A hundred and eighty-five kilograms. (句中并列) 解析:并列成分为to read… and to find…

例3. A and B , C and D. A和B一起,并列C和D。 如果想A,B并列C,D ,中间得加连接词,此时不能再用and,可以用如:Complied with;along with ;besids; inaddition to

解析:并列连词表示并列的终结就意味着:A and B 是一个并列成分和C 以及D构成并列;


TO see the world in a grain of sand 一沙一世界 , 一花一天国 And a heaven in a wild flower 君掌盛无边, 刹那含永劫。

Hold infinity in the palm of your hand

And eternity in an hour.

例5. The love song of the sixth Dalai Lama

Tshangs-dbyangs-rgya-mtsho (1683- 1707 or 1746 ), was the Sixth Dalai Lama of Tibet, he was also a well-acclaimed poet.

That day, I closed my eyes in the incense fog of the Buddha’s Hall, suddenly heard the mantra from your voice; That month, I turned all the prayer wheels, not for my salvation, but for the touch of your fingertips;

That year, I prostrated myself along the mountain paths, not for my pilgrimage, but for the warmth of being close to you; That life, I turned around mountains and rivers,I turned around all the Pagodas, not for earning my afterlife, but to meet with you in the way.

那一天,闭目在经殿香雾中,蓦然听见你颂经中的真言。 那一月,我摇动所有的转经筒,不为超度,只为触摸你的指尖。 那一年,磕长头匍匐在山路,不为觐见,只为贴着你的温暖。 那一世,转山转水转佛塔啊,不为修来生,只为途中与你相见

2.主从复合(嵌套) 宾语从句 主从复合句的分类: 只能用that引导 三大从句: 动词(介词)+连接词+句子(完整句) 名词性从句: 主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句 动词+it+形容词+句子(完整句) it为形式宾语 形容词性从句:定语从句 处理:从连接词处切分(连接词后),保证切开副词性从句: 状语从句 的句子是完整句 常见的关联词: 名词性从句:关系代词:what,who,whom,which, 关系连词:that, when, where, how,

表语从句 形容词性从句:见定语从句

系动词+连接词+句子(完整句或非完整句) 副词性从句:书P23


整句判定。 完整句和非完整句由连接词是代词还是连词) 连接词+句子(完整句或者非完整句)+动词

It +be+形容词+连接词+句子(完/非)

It+不及物动词+连接词+句子(完/非) 形式主语结构 处理:从连接词处切分(或前或后) 状语从句 连接词+句子(完整句),句子 总体来说是游离于句子之外的。

? 层次化句子阅读法:

1. 层次化结构的表示形式 区分分句间的关系是并列还是嵌套,一层一层的往下读。

例1:However, for many years, physicists thought that atoms and molecules always were much more likely to emit light V. +that 宾语从句 spontaneously and that stimulated emission thus always would be much weaker. 先翻译这一层:但是,很多年以来,物理学家思考了两件事情。 that that



