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江苏开放大学 形成性考核作业

学 号 姓 名

课程代码 110004

课程名称 大学英语A(专) 评阅教师 (教师填写)

得 分 (教师填写)

第 1 次任务 共 4 次任务

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)

形 成 性 考 核 1

答 题 纸

I. (每小题 3 分,共 60 分)

1. if i can get some suggestions from you 2. if he can come tomorrow. 3. you give me a reply earlier. 4. you can arrange an interview 5. There is no need to hurry 6. You’d better hurry 7. due to her largely efforts

8. Accidents due to driving at a high speed 9. The job turned out harder 10. things turned out all right 11. her young age 12. the difficult of the task 13. whether to leave or stay

14. whether to go to the zoo or to go home 15. our small flat

16. over 0.3 billion in Canada 17. This is up to you 18. it is up to the weather 19. a better plan

20. a very interesting suggestion

II. (每小题 2 分,共 40 分)

1-5. BABCC 6-10. BCAAA 11-15. CDBBC 16-20. BAACA

江苏开放大学 大学英语(A)(专)

形 成 性 考 核 1

试 题

I. Complete the sentences with the words from the bracket, and you should put them in proper order.(每小题 3 分,共 60 分)

1. I wonder if i can get some suggestions from you._________________(我能不能从你这儿获得建议).

(if, you, some, from, get, suggestions, can, I)

2. Ask him if he can come tomorrow.__________________(明天他能不能来). (can, if, come, tomorrow, he)

3. I would be very grateful if _you give me a reply earlier._________________(你早点回复我). (give, reply, earlier, me, a, you)

4. I would be very grateful if you can arrange an interview________________(你能安排一次面试).

(can, you, arrange, interview, an)

5. There_is no need to hurry_________________(没有必要赶),for there is plenty of time. (is, there, need, no, hurry, to)

6. _You had’better hurry_________________(你最好快点), otherwise you’ll be late. (better, you’d, hurry)

7. The team’s success was _due to her largely efforts_________________(主要是由于她的努力).

(largely, efforts, to, due, her)

8. _Accidents due to driving at a high speed_________________(由于超速驾驶造成的事故)were very common that weekend.

(driving, speed, accidents, to, high, due, at, a)

9. _The job turned out harder_________________(结果这工作显得比较难)than we thought. (the, turned, job, out, harder)

10. It was a difficult time, but eventually _things turned out all right_________________(结果一切都好).

(turned, right, things, out, all)

11. Given _her young age _________________(年纪小), I think she's done rather well. (young, age, her)

12. Given _the difficult of the task_________________(任务的难度), they were able to do a good job.

(of, difficulty, the, task, the)

13. She was uncertain ___whether to leave or stay_______________(是走还是留). (to, leave, whether, or, stay)

14. I was still wondering _____whether to go to the zoo or to go home_____________(是去动物园还是回家).

(go home, to, whether, go to the zoo, or, to)



