conceive of a cosmos brining over with intelligent life. Many aspects of the problem are, fortunately, amenable to experimental verification. We can search for planets of other 我又造了一些假便条,到图书馆去的次数也更多了。读书成了我的一种爱好。我读的第一本严肃小说是辛克莱·刘易斯的《大街》。它让我明白了自己的老板杰的尔德先生。我发现到他是一stars, seek simple forms of life on such nearby planets as 个典型的美国人。当我看到他拖着高尔夫球袋走Mars, and perform more extensive laboratory studies on the 进办公室时我总要笑。以前我一直觉得自己和老板间距离很远,现在我感到离他近多了,尽管还chemistry of the origin of life. We can investigate more 有一定的距离。我感到自己真正认识了他,我能deeply the evolution of organisms and societies. The problem 够感到他的生活圈子小,具有局限性。因为我读cries out for a long-term, open-minded, systematic search, 了一本写一个虚构的人物乔治·F·巴比特的小with nature as the only arbiter of what is or is not likely. 说才有这番变化的。 我读了德莱塞的《珍尼·格哈特》和《嘉莉妹妹》。它们使我又一次真切地感受到了母亲所遭THE LIBRARY CARD 受的苦难。我完全沉浸在书中了。我变得沉默起来,思考着周围的生活。我不可能告诉任何人自One morning I arrived early at work and went into the bank 己从小说中有什么收获,因为那正是对生活自身lobby where the Negro porter was mopping. I stood at a counter 的感受。生活的经历使得我喜欢现代小说中的现and picked up the Memphis Commercial Appeal and began my free 实主义,自然主义,这些小说中我百读不厌。 我沉浸在新的思想和情绪之中。买了一令纸,reading of the press. I came finally to the editorial page 我试着写作。可有时我什么也写不出来,有时写and saw an article dealing with one H. L. Mencken. I knew by 出的东西又极为乏味。我发现写作所需要的不仅hearsay that he was the editor of the American Mercury, but aside from that I knew nothing about him. The article was a 仅是愿望和感情,于是便放弃了这种想法。但我仍想弄明白怎样才能充分地了解以便能够把他们写出来。我能否真正理解人和生活呢对我为说,furious denunciation of Mencken, concluding with one, hot, 由于自己完全无知和作为黑人在社会中的地位。short sentence: Mencken is a fool. I wondered what on earth this Mencken had done to call 这似乎是一个可望而不可及的目标。我现在明白了作为一个黑人到底意味着什么。我能够忍受饥饿,也能面对被仇恨的现实。但感觉到自己连某down upon him the scorn of the South. The only people I had 些感情的东西都得不到,就连生活中最基本的东ever heard enounced in the South were Negroes, and this man 西对我来讲也以难以获取,这一点比其他任何东was not a Negro. Then what ideas did Mencken hold that made a newspaper like the Commercial Appeal castigate him publicly Undoubtedly he must be advocating ideas that the South did not like. Now, how could I find out about this Mencken There was a huge library near the riverfront, but I knew that Negroes 西都令我伤心。我有了一种新的渴望。 感觉很糟糕的事情为何如此之好 可能现在是采用一种新的策略去搞清楚为什were not allowed to patronize its shelves any more than they 么今天的生活会如此困难。 were the parks and playgrounds of the city. I had gone into the library several times to get books for the white men on the job. Which of them would now help me to get books? I weighed the personalities of the men on the job. There was Don, a Jew; but I distrusted him. His position was not 以及该怎样来应付这个问题的时候了。假定事物不仅是它们通常看上去的样子, 它们可能恰好相反。当涉及到人的问题的时候,一切事情都是自相矛盾的。 例如,人们现在感到不满意,不是因为事情比以往更糟,而是因为事情比以往任何时候都好。以婚姻为例,在加利福利亚,十对夫妇中有约六much better than mine and I knew that he was uneasy and 对离婚--在一些较富裕的地区这个比例还要高一insecure; he had always treated me in an offhand, bantering 些。人们必须承认,这些数字说明了许多不满。way that barely concealed his contempt. I was afraid to ask him to help me to get books; his frantic desire to demonstrate 但人们通常对此给予的解释--婚姻制度正处于崩溃的状态--根本站不住脚。人们从未象现在这样渴望和欢迎婚姻。的确,婚姻是如此地引人入胜,a racial solidarity with the whites against Negroes might make 连很多正在办离婚的人几乎等不及法律许可他们him betray me. Then how about the boss No, he was a Baptist and I had 重新结婚。 问题在于人们对婚姻报有的期望从未象现在这样高。有史以来,家底就一直是一个生存的重the suspicion that he would not be quite able to comprehend 要单元。从一个充当肉体生存的防御体系,渐渐why a black boy would want to read Mencken. There were other 地演变成为一个经济生存的单元。现在,毫无疑问,家庭变成了经济和肉体上的负担而不是财富。white men on the job whose attitudes showed clearly that they 作为一个社会,基本的生存和安全需要得到满足were Kluxers or sympathizers, and they were out of the 之后,人们不再相互需要去纺纱或是去和印第安question. There remained only one man whose attitude did not fit 人作战了--进而言之,人们也不相互需要去洗盘子或是去修电源插头。婚姻和家庭生活的纽带不再是功能性的,而是情感性的了。人们过去相爱into an anti-Negro category, for I had heard the white men 通常是因为他们彼此需要。而今却刚好相反,人refer to him as \们互相需要是因为他们彼此相爱。 was hated by the white Southerners. I knew that he read books, because I had got him volumes from the library several times. 听一听最近离婚的人的抱怨,人们很少能听到虐待和遗弃的事。常常听到的都是这样的话:我们就是无法好好地沟通。我们之间受教育的差Since he, too, was an object of hatred, I felt that he might 距太大,难以逾越。 refuse me but would hardly betray me. I hesitated, weighing and balancing the imponderable realities. 我感到被婚姻束缚住了。他不让我自主行事。我们之间不再有很多共同的东西了。 这些抱怨都很有意思。因为它们反映了由于One morning I paused before the Catholic fellow's desk. 婚姻未能达到原来人们对其所抱的高期望值而引\\发的高层次的不满。夫妻们现在期望--并要求--相互沟通和理解,共同的价值观和目标,精神伴侣,和美妙的亲密时刻。总体上看,婚姻的确带\来了这样的时刻,但正是这样,夫妻们进一步用wonder if you'd let me use your card\He looked at me suspiciously. \更高的要求来给婚姻关系增加负担。从某种程度上看,是婚姻的成功产生了这些不满。民权运动的情况也是一样。它所取得的就没有导致满足而是增加了紧张和不满意,特别是在那些从中获益\waited, posing my question silently. 的人中更是如此。 人们的不满情绪北方高于南方,城市高于乡\村。 he asked, staring at me. \\\\\\\\\社会变革产生了一种令人不安的矛盾现象。即进步带来了对更多的进步的要求,而且这种要求是以不断加速的形式出现的。所以,与过去相比,社会已经大有进步了;但与将来可能的情形相比,却又远远落后了。由此使人们感到情况很糟,而这正是由于实际情况很好所致。 另一个问题是一切都是短暂的,没有什么是一成不变的。人们从小就养成了一种观念:为了增进个人的安全,我们需要安定,有根基,始终如一,需要了解熟悉周围的一切。但我们生活在一个各个方面都在不停变化着的世界上。无论是说到摩天大楼,还是家庭生活,是科学事实还是宗教信仰,一切都是非常短暂的,并且会越来越\good of you to want to read,\he said. \you ought 短暂。如果要画一张曲线来反映人类历史上发明to read the right things.\I said nothing. Would he want to supervise my reading? 创造的发生率的话,就会发现变化不仅在增加,而且在加速进行。变化越来越快--从某种意义上看,变化已经成了一种生活方式。在将来的世界\上只有那些能够接受和喜欢暂时性制度的人才能I turned from him and he called me back. He stared at me 够成功地生活下去。 quizzically. \said. \A few days later he called me to him. 人们还因为现今存在的参与情绪而烦恼。这是一个自己动手干的社会。 每个人都想参与到活动中去。爱默生的自己动手自己干的中号已经成为时代的口头禅。人们不会再做被动的成员,他们如今想成为积极的变革者。 人们可以在现代生活中的各个方面看到这种\参与现象,--无论在校园,在教堂,在大众传播mine.\\媒体中,在艺术上,在商业和工业中,在贫民窟的街道上,还是在家里。 问题是现代人似乎不能重新设计其体制,来\\\不及迅速地容纳那些新的要求。 新的智慧,新的社会能力。至到如今,仍然没有认真对待。相应的结果是,人们被黑人革命吓怕了,被学生的激进活动惊呆了。现在他们又\面临着可能更具破坏性的事情--妇女的反叛。社you wrote when you sent me for books,\I told him. \sign 会只不过以往从未经历过这些问题罢了。要解决这些问题,需要采用与这些问题一样新、一样相your name.\异、一样矛盾的策略才行。不要试图去减少不满He laughed. \That afternoon I addressed myself to forging a note. Now, what were the name of books written by H. L. Mencken I did 的情绪,应该去提高不满的水平或质量。也许最有希望在今天的社会上做到的是产生高水平的不满,即对那些真正事关紧要的事情的不满。在估价方案的时候,不要以它们会使人们多么高兴,满意为标准,而要看它们会产生什么样的不满。not know any of them. I finally wrote what I thought would 例如,当一个顾问在评价一个机构是否健全时,be a foolproof note: Dear Madam: Will you please let this nigger boy -- I used the word \他不是去问是不是没有抱怨而是要问有些什么样的抱怨? 不要试图渐进地变革,要进行大的变革。毕feel that I could not possibly be the author of the note -- 竟大的变革相对而言比小的变革要容易一些。有have some books by . Mecken I forged the white man's name. 些人认为进行改进的方式是使变革小到让人难以察觉得到。这种方法从未成功过。人们不禁要问,I entered the library as I had always done when on errands 为什么这种思想还在继续人人都知道如何去抵抗for whites, but I felt that I would somehow slip up and betray 小的变革,他们时时都在这样做。然而,如果变myself. I doffed my hat, stood a respectful distance from the 革足够大的话,要想对它发起抵抗就不行了。管desk, looked as unbookish as possible, and waited for the 理部门可以进行大规模的机构改革,但如果让一个经理把某个人的办公桌从一个地方移到另一个white patrons to be taken care of. When the desk was clear 地方的话,你就会看到他将遇到的困难会有多大。of people, I still waited. The white librarian looked at me. \所有的变革都会有阻力,问题在于怎样使变革的步子大到使之有机会获得成功。 巴克明斯特富勒说过,社会需要的不是变革而是新的形式。比如,要减少交通事故,就该去As though I did not possess the power of speech, I stepped 改进汽车和公路而不是司机。这一概念也适用于forward and simply handed her the forged note, not parting 人际关系。有必要根据社会构成考虑问题,提供人员安排,从而引出人们真正想从自己身上看到my lips. 的东西。人们一直在苦心经营着有形的建筑,现\\\在开始关心人类自身作为其组成成份的系统设计了。但这些设计大多是为了安全、效率和生产力而进行的。系统设计没有影响人们最为关心的生活方面,比如家底生活,谈情说爱和美学欣赏等。\\\been in here for him before.\在进行超越迄今为止人类所有的一切经历和人际安排时,我们需要社会科学和自然科学的技术。不类不应该成为其环境的受害者,而应该通过自身的环境实现自身的价值。 当今重大的前沿课题是人类潜能的开发。人\的那种似乎无限的适应能力。生长,设计其自身命运的能力我们要学很多的东西,但有一点我们like this.\早已知晓:我们不必消极地坐等明天,我们可以Oh, God, she's suspicious. Perhaps she would not let me 创造未来。 have the books If she had turned her back at that moment, I would have ducked out the door and never gone back. Then I thought of a bold idea. \\not using these books, are you\she asked pointedly. \ 怪才 他身材矮小,同他的身体相比,头却很大——他是一个常生病的小个子。 他的神经有毛病,他的皮肤也有病。要是贴身穿的衣服比丝绸粗糙一点的话,他就会非常痛\苦。而且他还患有狂想症。 her breath. I knew now that I had non; she was thinking of other things and the race question had gone out of her mind. She went to 他是个自负的怪才。他是一刻都没有正眼看过世界和世人。除了和自己和关在他看来,他不仅是世界上最伟大的剧作家之一、最伟大的思想家之一、最伟大的作曲家之一。听他谈话,the shelves. Once or twice she looked over her shoulder at 他就是集莎士比亚、贝多芬、柏拉图于一身。你me, as though she was still doubtful. Finally she came forward 如果听他谈话并不会有什么困难。他是人世间最健谈的人之一。你如果听他谈话并不会有什么困with two books in her hand. 难。他是人世间最健谈的人之一。如果和他在一\sending him two books,\she said. \tell Mr. Falk 起呆上一个晚上,就等于花一个晚上听他一人独to come in next time, or send me the names of the books he 讲。他有时讲得很精彩,有时却让人讨厌。不过wants. I don't know what he wants to read.\I said nothing. She stamped the card and handed me the 无论是精彩还是让人讨厌,他的话题只有一个,那就是他自己,他和所想和他所为。 他有一种癖号,就是认为自己总是对的。books. Not daring to glance at them. I went out of the library, 对于来自任何人的一点点不同的意见,在这最不fearing that the woman would call me back for further questioning. A block away from the library I opened one of 起眼的观点上,很可能使他夸夸其谈几个钟头。用各种方法来证明自己是正确的。和尽力流利的证明最后他的听众目瞪口呆,为了息事宁人,只the books and read a title: A Book of Prefaces. I was nearing 好同意他的观点。



