Power generator
申请(专利)号: DE20241004092
专利号: DE102024004092B
3 主分类号: H02S10/30 申请权利人: RHP GMBH 公开国代码: DE 优先权国家: DE
申请日: 2024-06-11 公开公告日: 2024-09-24
分类号: H02S10/30;
H01L31/06 发明设计人: ANTRAG AUF
优先权: 20240611 DE
摘 要 附 图:
摘 要:
The invention relates to a power
generator for buildings, vehicles, aircraft and mobile purposes, which has a higher degree of efficiency than today's devices. The thermal radiation from a combustion chamber hits the thermophotovoltaic modules and these convert the radiation into electricity. The photovoltaic cells are cooled by means of a gas. This cooling process has been optimized. 主权项:
Ein Stromerzeuger bestehend aus mindestens einer Photovoltaikzelle (1) und mindestens einer Brennkam
权 利 要 求 说 明 书
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Power generator