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Unit 5 Rhythm Period Five Communication Workshop,


Corner & Bulletin Board


1.instrument n. 乐器 2.mood n. 情绪,心情 3.element n. 部分 4.composer n. 作曲家 5.recommend vt. 推荐;建议

6.reaction n. 反应→react vi. 反应,回应

7.responsible adj. 有责任的,应负责任的→responsibility n. 责任,责任心 8.permission n. 允许,许可;批准→permit v. 允许,容许

9.realistic adj. 现实主义的→unrealistic adj. 不切实际的,不实事求是的 Ⅱ.核心短语

1.leave_out 遗漏;省略;不考虑 2.refer_to 查阅;参考;谈到 3.be_related_to 与……有关 4.start off 动身,出发 5.grow out of 产生于,源于 6.for sure 确实;毫无疑问地 Ⅲ.经典句式

1.过去分词短语作后置定语,与被修饰词之间为逻辑上的动宾关系。 Blues started off as the music of African slaves brought_to_the _United_States.

布鲁斯音乐起源于被带到美国的非洲奴隶的音乐。 2.too...to...太……而不能……

Think about which ideas you can talk about easily and which are too_difficult_to talk about in English.

考虑一下哪些观点你们可以轻松地讨论,哪些观点太难以至于无法用英语讨论。 3.as with...作状语

As_with_blues,_one of the important elements of jazz is improvisation. 和布鲁斯音乐一样,即兴创作是爵士乐的重要特色之一。

1.以 mit 结尾的动词,去掉 t 加 ssion 构成名词。 ①permit→permission 允许 ②admit→admission 接纳

③commit→commission 承诺 ④transmit→transmission 转交 ⑤submit→submission 提交 2.后缀-ion 的名词 ①reaction 反应 ②education 教育 ③invention 发明 ④relation 关系,亲属

1 reaction n. 反应

(教材P30)the audience reaction 观众的反应

(1)reaction to... 对(情况、行动等做出的)反应/回应 in reaction to 以应对…… (2)react vi. 反应,回应

react against sb./sth. 反对/反抗某人/某物 react on/upon sth. 对某物有影响 react with 与……反应 react to 对……做出反应 [即学即用]

(1)We all have to accept that as we get older our reactions slow down. 我们不得不承认随着年龄的增长,我们的反应能力下降。

(2)I wonder how he would react if I were to read my newspaper out loud on the train.

我想知道如果我在火车上大声读报纸他会如何反应。 (3)单句语法填空

①A spokesman said the changes were not in reaction (react) to the company's recent losses.

②How did he react to your suggestion?

2 responsible adj. 有责任的,负责的,承担义务的;可信赖的,可依赖的 (教材P31)going to safe campsite with responsible friends 跟负责任的朋友去安全的营地

(1)be responsible to sb./sth. 向……负责 be responsible for sb./sth. 对某人/某事负责

be responsible for doing 承担做某事的义务;负责做某事 (2)responsibility n. 责任;职责;义务 It is one's responsibility to do sth.


take responsibility for 为……负责 (3)respond vi. 做出反应;回答 [即学即用]

(1)He's a very responsible young man. 他是个非常有责任心的年轻人。

(2)Police believe that the same man is responsible for three other murders in the area.


(3)Cabinet members are directly responsible to the President. 内阁成员直接向总统负责。

(4)Mike is responsible for designing the entire project. 迈克负责设计全部工程。 (5)单句语法填空

①The expert who was in charge of the project should be responsible for the failure of it.

②The government must be responsible to the people.

③It is the parents' responsibility to_put (put) them on the right track. ④The drunk driver took responsibility (responsible) for the accident. 3 permission n. [U]准许,许可,批准;[C]许可证,书面许可常用复数形式 (教材P31)permission given? 同意吗(批准吗)?

(1)ask for permission 请求许可 ask permission for sth. 申请批准做某事 ask permission from sb. 征求某人的允许 give sb. permission to do sth. 允许某人做某事 without permission 未经许可

with one's permission 在某人的许可下 obtain permission from sb. 得到某人的许可 (2)permit vt. & vi. 许可,允许

n. 通行证;许可证

permit sb. to do sth. 允许某人做某事 [即学即用]

(1)No official permission has been given for the event to take place. 这项活动未得到正式批准,不能进行。 (2)She took the car without permission. 她未经许可,擅自使用了汽车。

(3)You must ask permission before taking any photographs inside the church. 必须申请批准方可于教堂内拍照。



