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机 械 工 程 专 业 英 语

题目:Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing 学号:20110334304 班级:数控121 姓名:康振平

Computer-Aided Design and Manufacturing 计算机辅助设计与制造

Computer-aided design(CAD)involves the use of computers to create design drawings and product models. Computer-aided design is usually associated with interactive computer graphics(known as a CAD

system). Computer-aided design systems are powerful tools and are used in the mechanical design and geometric modeling of products and components.

计算机辅助设计(CAD)是指用计算机来创造设计图纸和产品模型。计算机 辅助设计通常是与交互式计算机图形学(称为CAD系统)有关系的。计算机辅


In CAD,the drawing board is replaced by electronic input and output devices. When using a CAD system,the designer can

conceptualize the object to be designed more easily on the Graphics screen and can consider alternative designs or modify a particular design quickly to meet the necessary design requirements or changes. The designer can then subject the design to a variety of engineering

analyses and can identify potential problems (such as an excessive load

or deflection).The speed and accuracy of such analyses far surpass what is available from traditional methods.

在CAD(计算机辅助设计)中,传统的画图板被电子输入和输出设备所替换。 当使用CAD系统时,设计者可以使对象概念化以便更容易在图形屏幕上设计, 并且可以考虑替代设计或快速地修改一个特定的设计来达到必要的设计要求或 变化。因而设计者可以提供多种工程分析并且可以识别潜在的问题(如过负荷或

变形)。这些分析的速度和准确性都远远超过了传统的方法。 Draft productivity rises dramatically. When something is drawn once,it never has to be drawn again. it can be retrieved from a library ,and can be duplicated, stretched, sized, and changed in many ways without having to be redrawn。Cut and paste techniques are used

as labor-saving aids.



改变而无需重新绘制。剪切和粘贴技巧作为节省劳力的助手被使用。 CAD makes possible multiview 2D drawings ,and the drawings can be reproduced in different levels of reduction and enlargement. It gives the mechanical engineer the ability to magnify even the smallest of components to ascertain if assembled components fit properly. Parts with different characteristics,such as movable or stationary ,can be

assigned different colors on the display.

CAD使二维图纸多重视图变为可能,并且图形可以在大小不同的图层里重 生。它使机械工程师有能力放大甚至最小的部件来确定构件是否装配合适。对于


Designers have even more freedom with the advent of 3-D parts and manipulate them in endless variations to achieve the desired results. Through finite element analysis ,stresses can be applied to be a

computer model and the results graphically displayed,giving the designer quick feedback on any inherent problems in a design before the creation of a physical prototype.

随着三维建模的出现设计师有了更多自由和无限制的修改它们以实现所期 望的结果。通过有限元分析,应力加到计算机模型上并且以图形化的方式显示其



In addition to the design’s geometric and dimensional features, other information (such as a list of materials,specification ,and manufacturing instructions)is stored in the CAD database. Using such information ,the designer can then analyze the economics of alternative designs.

除了设计的几何和尺寸特性之外,其他信息(比如材料清单、规格、和制造 说明)都存储在CAD数据库里。利用这些信息,设计师可以分析备选设计的经济


Computer-aided manufacturing(CAM) involves the uses of computers and computer technology to assist in all the phases of manufacturing a product,including process and production planning,

machining,scheduling,management ,and quality control. Computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing are often combined into CAD/CAM systems.

计算机辅助制造(CAM)包括使用计算机和计算机技术来协助制造产品的所有阶 段,包括工艺和生产计划,加工,调度,管理,和质量控制。计算机辅助设计和

计算机辅助制造常常是和CAD / CAM系统相结合的。

This combination allow the transfer of information from the design stage into the stage of planning for the manufacture of a product,

without the need to reenter the data on part geometry manually. The database developed during CAD is stored; then it is processed further,

by CAM,into the necessary data and instructions for operating and controlling production machinery,material-handling equipment,and

automated testing and inspection for product quality.

这种组合允许一个产品的信息从设计阶段传递到加工规划阶段,而不需要手 动重新输入几何部件的数据。计算机辅助设计研发期间存储在数据库,然后通过



In machining operations,an important feature of CAD/CAM is its capability to describe the tool path for various operations,such as NC

turning,milling,and drilling. The instructions (programs)are computer

generated,and they can be modified by the programmer to optimize the tool path .The engineer or technician can then display and visually check the tool path for possible tool collisions with fixtures or other interferences. The tool path can be modified at any time,to

accommodate other part shapes to be machined.

在机械加工中,CAD/CAM的一个重要特征是它有可以描述刀具运动轨迹的 能力,如数控车削,铣削,钻孔。指令(程序)是计算机生成的,它们可以由程



