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2016年12月人教版八年级英语上unit 4 复习课之形容词副词比较级和




2)学生能够了解并掌握这一语法的规则,并将这一技能运用到现实生活中. 教学重点及难点

形容词副词比较级最高级的变化规则以及用法。 教学过程

一. 形容词的比较级

(一) 用法: 用于两者(人或物) 之间, 表示“其中一个比另一个更……” 或“较……” , 后面通常用连词 than 连结另一个比较的对象, 其基本句型是: 主语+谓语(系动词) +形容词比较级+than+对比对象。 ex. Jim is taller than Mike. Mike is shorter than Jim. It’s hotter today than it was yesterday.

(二) 构成: 比较级的构成分为规则变化和不规则变化。 1. 规则变化:

A. 单音节词尾+er: cold —colder, tall—taller, short— shorter, small— smaller, long —longer, old— older(旧的)

B. 单音节词以 e 结尾的, 只加 r: large— larger, fine—finer, nice— nicer.

C. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词, 要双写词尾加 er: big—bigger, thin—thinner, hot—hotter, wet—wetter

D. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单音节词和部分双音节词变比较级时, 先变 y 为 i, 再加 er: early—earlier, busy—busier, easy—easier, heavy—heavier, dry —drier, sunny—sunnier, happy—happier.

E. 多音节词或部分双音节词变比较级时, 在前面加 more: friendly — more friendly, careful—more careful, outgoing— more outgoing interesting— more interesting, difficult—more difficult

F. 部分双音节词的比较级的不规则变化 good /well —better, bad/ill—worse, many/much—more, old—older/elder, far—farther/further, little—less

二. 形容词和副词的最高级

(一) 最高级表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时, 用最高级。形容词的最高级前面要加定冠词 the, 副词最高级前面的 the 可以省略。在含有最高级的句子中, 常有一个 in/of短语来表示比较范围。 如: in my class, in China, of the students, of all, of the three 等。

(二) 最高级的变化规则:

规则变化就是在词尾加 est。 1. clean, small, long, hard 2. heavy, dirty, healthy, happy 3. big, thin, fat, hot 4. late, nice, large

多音节或部分双音节单词构成最高级时, 在前面加 most: difficult, interesting, beautiful; slowly, quickly, friendly, easily; 特殊变化: good—

better—best; bad/badly/ill—worse—worst many/much—more—most; little—less—least; ;

三. 巩固训练 一)单项选择:

1. —Which country has the population, Japan, India or China? —Japan, of course.

A. smallest B. largest C. most D. least

2. Of all the sports shoes, John bought pair. Then he had some money for socks.

A. a cheaper B. the least expensive C. the most expensive D. the best 3. You are getting .

A. more and more careful B. more and more carefully C. the most careful D. the most carefully 4. I think I’m enough to go to school. A. good B. well C. better D. best 5. Better than never.

A. late B. the later C. later D. the late 6. What made you so .

A. more happily B. happier C. happy D. happiest 7. —I think English is French. —I don’t agree with you. A. less popular than B. the most popular

C. as popular as D. as more popular as





情境中深入形容词比较级的概念及学习比较级变化规则。 学情分析


2、知识分析:在以前的学习的时候已经对比较级和最高级有了初步的了解; 3、内容分析:45分钟课堂,重点在于熟练掌握形容词比较级举行的运用及对基本规则的理解。



2)学生能够了解并掌握这一语法的规则,并将这一技能运用到现实生活中. 教学重点及难点

形容词副词比较级最高级的变化规则以及用法。 教学过程

一. 形容词的比较级

(一) 用法: 用于两者(人或物) 之间, 表示“其中一个比另一个更……” 或“较……” , 后面通常用连词 than 连结另一个比较的对象, 其基本句型是: 主语+谓语(系动词) +形容词比较级+than+对比对象。 ex. Jim is taller than Mike. Mike is shorter than Jim. It’s hotter today than it was yesterday.

(二) 构成: 比较级的构成分为规则变化和不规则变化。 1. 规则变化:

A. 单音节词尾+er: cold —colder, tall—taller, short— shorter, small— smaller, long —longer, old— older(旧的)

B. 单音节词以 e 结尾的, 只加 r: large— larger, fine—finer, nice— nicer.

C. 以一个元音字母加一个辅音字母结尾的重读闭音节词, 要双写词尾加 er: big—bigger, thin—thinner, hot—hotter, wet—wetter

D. 以辅音字母加 y 结尾的单音节词和部分双音节词变比较级时, 先变 y 为 i, 再加 er: early—earlier, busy—busier, easy—easier, heavy—heavier, dry —drier, sunny—sunnier, happy—happier.

E. 多音节词或部分双音节词变比较级时, 在前面加 more: friendly — more friendly, careful—more careful, outgoing— more outgoing interesting— more interesting, difficult—more difficult


