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2018 年湖北省农村义务教育学校招聘考试


本试卷共 8 页,全卷共 100 分,考试用时 150 分钟

一、单项选择题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)在每小题给出的四个备选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将其选出,并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案代码涂黑,未涂,错涂,多涂或填涂不规范均不得分。

1. The underlined letters in the following words have the same sound EXCEPT


A. Original

B. entitle C. illegal D. misunderstand 2. He insisted that this matter A. Could

be discussed at the next meeting. C. should

D. might

B. would


good health, I hope to finish the word this year.

B. Given

C. To give

D. Having given

A. Giving


, the tallest boy is the youngest.

B. Though strange it may seem D. It may seem strange

on her study. D. concentrate

such a crime. D. performed

A. Strange though it may seem C. Strange it may seem

5. There were so many people talking that she just could not A. Absorb

B. detach C. attract

6. It is surprising that this innocent-looking person should have A. Made

B. acted C. committed

7. In the following four works, only A. Vanity Fair

was written by Charles Dickens. C. To Autumn

D. Oliver Twist

B. Jane Eyre

8. The rhetorical device is a way of speaking or writing that makes something

sound better, worse, more exciting, etc. than it really is.

A. Hyperbole

B. personification C. simile

D. metaphor

9.Which of the following pair of words are synonyms? A. junior; senior

B. grateful; thankful

C. plant; tree

D. apple; orange

10. Which of the following approaches is NOT appropriate for adult English teaching? A. Cognitive approach

B. Communicate approach D.PPP model


二、完形填空题(本大题共 10 小题,每小题 1 分,共 10 分)在每小题给出的四个备选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将其选出,并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案代码涂黑,未涂,错涂,多涂或填涂不规范均不得分。

Does the language we speak determine how healthy and rich we will be? New research by Keith Chen of Yale Business School 11 so. The structure of languages affects our judgement and decisions about the 12 and this might have dramatic long-term consequences. According to the research, some languages strongly distinguish the present and the future,

13 others weakly do. People who speak languages that weakly distinguish the present and the future are better prepared for the future. They accumulate 14 wealth and are better able to maintain their health. The way these people conceptualize the future is similar 15 the way they conceptualize the present. As a result , the future does not feel very

16 with their future interests.

distant and it is easier for them to act in

Different languages have different ways of talking about the future, some languages,

17 English, Korean, and Russian, require their speakers to 18 to the future explicitly. Every time English-speakers talk about the future, they have to use future “will or be going to. In other languages, future makers are not 19 . English constantly reminds her speakers that future events are distant. For speakers of Mandarin, however, future feels closer. AS a consequence, 20 immediate impulses and investing for the future is easier for Mandarin speakers.

11. A. Guesses

B. advises B. present B. while B. less

C. suggests C. past C. because C. many

D. imagines D. time D. therefore D. little

12. A. Future

13. A. When

14. A. More

15. A. At 16. A. Accord 17. A. for example 18. A. Refer 19. A. Dispensable 20. A. Reserving

B. with B. accordance B. for instance B. referring B. inevitable B. resigning

C.in C. according C. such as C. stick C. obligatory C. respecting


D. accordingly D. such like D. sticking D. optional D. resting

三、阅读理解题(一)(本大题共 8 小题,每小题 2 分,共 16 分)在每小题给出的四个备选项中只有一项是符合题目要求的,请将其选出,并用 2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答案代码涂黑,未涂,错涂,多涂或填涂不规范均不得分。


Amazon, by far the largest bookseller in the country, reported on May 19 that it is now selling more books in its electronic kindle format than in the old paper-and-ink format. That is remarkable, considering that kindle has only been around for four years. E-books now accounts for 14% of all books sales in this country and are increasing far faster than overall book sales. E-book sales were up 146% over last year, while hardback sales increased 6% and paperbacks decreased 8%.

Does this spell the doom of the physical book? Certainly not immediately, and perhaps not at all. What it does mean is that the book business will go through a transformation in the next decade or so more profound than any it has seen since Gutenberg introduced printing form moveable type in the 1450s.

Physical books will surely become much rarer in the marketplace. Mass market paperbacks, which have been declining for years anyway. Will probably disappear, as will hardbacks for mysteries, thrillers, etc. Such books, which only rarely end up in permanent collections, either private or public, will probably only be available as e-book within a few years.

Books have a powerful impact on many people nonetheless, an impact extending far beyond their literary content. At their best, they are works of art and there is tactile pleasure in books necessarily lost in e-book versions. Like swords, book have symbolic power. Like fireplaces, they induce a sense of comfort and warmth.

21. According to paragraph1, e-books

A. has taken the place of physical books

B. will take the place of physical books

C. are sold more than physical books in the united states

D. are sold more than physical books nowadays by amazon

22. The tone of this passage is

A. humorous

B. objective

C. mysterious

D. ironic

23. This passage is a piece of

A. narration

B. argumentation

C. description

D. exposition

24. Which of the following statement is not true according to the passage?

A. E-book sales are increasing faster than physical book sales.

B. Physical books will have a longer existence than some current predictions.

C. Hardbacks for mysteries and thrillers will probably disappear.

D. The decrease in physical book sales in due to its limited influence on people.


With the increasing influence of globalization, the world becomes really small nowadays. Then if we want to understand a foreign culture very well, what should we do? And what kinds of process will we experience before we achieve that goal? The answer is not very difficult to imagine just like learning a language, developing cultural understanding occurs step by step over time.

The first stage is no understanding. For a person who has few chances to get contact with other cultures, a new culture sometimes might as well be like something from an unknown planet in outer space. Second, superficial understanding. At this stage of cultural awareness, the person knows a few basic facts of the new culture. These facts stand out and often serve as the basis of

stereotypes. However, stereotypes, are offensive because they imply that all people from a certain culture have the same characteristics.

The third stage is characterized by growing understanding and possible conflict. At this stage the learner begins to be aware of more subtle, sometimes less visible, traits in the foreign culture. He or she is still home culture-oriented, and usually feels that his or her own cultures is much better. Fourth, greater intellectual understanding. At this stage, the learner begins to comprehend intellectually the people in the foreign culture, yet there is still little emotional empathy, that is, they just can not really feel the same way the members of other cultures feel.

At the fifth stage, true empathy and cultural respect, the learner actually feels part of the culture, respects the culture fully, and empathizes emotionally with those have lived all their lives in the that culture. By doing so, the person, in a real sense, achieves a true cultural understanding.

25. The first paragraph shows that

. A. globalization makes cultural understanding more difficult B. understanding a foreign culture seems to be quite easy nowadays

C. cultural understandings is exactly the same as language learning

D. cultural understanding is usually developed gradually

26. If you appreciate some of foreign friends’ cultures, but can’t accept them from the bottom of your heart ,you are at the stage of A. no understanding

B. superficial understanding

C. growing understanding and possible conflict

D. true empathy and cultural respect.

27. The underlined part in paragraph 3 means

A. the ability to notice other people’s feelings

B. the ability to describe other people’s feelings

C. the ability to understand other people’s feelings

D. the ability to comment on other people’s feelings

28. Which of the following statements about five states is not true?

A. The level of no understanding involves a little awareness of the new culture.



