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2021考研英语备考小作文结构性语句:人文类摘要 中文摘要

这些年来,“要敢讲真话”,叫得很响。从实际情况看,辨别真话还是有标准的。目前,我看至少有两个。一个是心里怎么想,口头怎么说,就叫真话。一个是,说的符合实际,不夸大,不缩小,没有片面性,就叫讲真话。两种标准,实际上是从两种不同的意义上,或者说两种不同层次上来谈论“真话”的。但由此也便产生了倡言“讲真话”时的歧义。看来,我们不能只停留在提倡“口心一致”的“真话”上,还要进一步提倡实事求是的“真话”。当然,提倡追求真理的“真话”,并不否认讲心里话。同志之间,朋友之间,包括对待上下级,都应该敞开思想,有话就说,不必顾忌。但是写文章,做演说,搞创作,情况有所不同,都是用自己的话,去宣传人,影响社会,这就要顾及讲话的效果。(309字) 参考范文

On Telling the Truth

In recent years, there is much talk about “telling the truth”, but criteria are quite different. There are at least two criteria to distinguish the truth. One is to speak out what one thinks arbitrarily, the other is to be realistic

without any exaggeration and one-sided view. Different criteria may bring about various meanings when “telling the truth”. Accordingly, we should not only advocate the practice of saying what one thinks, but more importantly, the spirit of seeking truth from facts. The pursuit of truth does not contradict speaking out one’s mind. We may talk freely with comrades and friends, while in writing or making speeches, we should be prudent, taking various realistic factors into consideration. (116 words)



北京xxx学校现招聘10名教师。应聘者需有较强的职业精神和良好的英语水平。 工作地点:北京 教育背景:大学毕业

招聘条件:应聘者需具有卓越的英文教学水平以及流利的中英文演讲能力。应聘者必须具有中国国籍,年龄在35岁以下。 优先考虑具有相关职业经验的人选。

联系方式:应聘者请将个人简历、附件、正规教育证明及其复印件,以及两张2寸照片寄至: 北京xxx学校


邮编:100080(请注明:应聘) 邮箱:bj-hr@staff.neworiental.org 【参考范文】 Teachers Wanted

Beijing xxx School is looking for 10 teachers. Applicants should have a strong professional spirit and a good command of English. Location: Beijing

Education: University graduate

Requirements: Candidate must have outstanding skills at English teaching and the ability to speak Chinese and English fluently. The candidates must have Chinese nationality and be aged under 35.

Those with relevant professional experience are preferred.

Contact: Candidates should send their resume, cover letter, record of formal schooling and a copy of their transripts, along with two 2-inch photo to: Beijing New Oriental School

B-5F Zhongguancun Finance Center, 6 Haidianzhong Street, Haidian District

Beijing 100080, China (Please mark: Application) Email: bj-hr@staff.neworiental.org



《xxx》杂志社总编室 Contributions Wanted January 8, 2011

To celebrate the 18th anniversary of the xxx and Technology Group, this journal has decided to publish a special issue on our great achievements in the teaching and research activities in the past 18 years. Articles, photos, memoirs and other writings related to this topic are invited. Faculty members and students are welcome to send in their contributions in whatever forms or styles to our office before the 30th instant. They may also send their writings and photos electronically to the following address: xdfyy@staff.neworiental.org The Editorial Office xxx





况。其次,我们调动了人力和物资,支持救援。第三,我们正采取措施,确保美国政府统一行动。最后,这次灾难提醒了我们共同拥有的人性。(144字) 参考范文

President Obama's Remarks on the Earthquake in Haiti.

I want to extend to the people of Haiti the deep condolences and unwavering support of the American people. I have directed my administration to respond with a swift, coordinated, and aggressive effort to save lives. Right now our efforts are focused on several urgent priorities. First, we’re working quickly to account for many American citizens who live and work in Haiti. Second, we’ve mobilized resources to help rescue efforts. Third, we are taking steps to ensure that our government acts in a unified way. Finally, this is a time when we are reminded of the common humanity that we all share. (102 words).



